
Anya's Journey

I began my adventure a day ago. As of now, I'm just walking as having a horse with me is just a burden. Furthermore, running is an additional exercise even if it's small.

I can't even that I'm saying this but running no longer tires me. Before, I always thought that I would die after an hour of running. Training back in the days clearly needs effort. I'm not saying that my goal from now on does not need any effort.

Truthfully, this is the most ridiculous goal I have ever had in my mind. I still remember back then when I was a child.

"I don't want to marry, I want to become a knight!"

Were the words I would always shout. Although that always gets me scolded, I still stayed firm to that desire.

The other kids would mock me and call me stupid for thinking that I can become a knight but I didn't give up. How can I give up? Challenging myself is just so much fun!

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