
Their favorite person

Upstairs, PetaI laid down on the bed with her arm over her eyes. She felt exhausted though she didn't do anything. She was mentally exhausted from everything that was happening. But she found herself forced to do anything just so she won't lose the ones she cares about.

It was strange how life seemed to always twist her fate to do things against her will. Never once did she wish for anything and it did happen. Petal starts to think that she's a misfortune, jinx. Just like her father said. 

She tried not to cry, she held herself back with everything she had but the tears still slid down from the corner of her eyes falling on the pillow under her head. She didn't know for how long she's going to suffer because of her father's dirty deeds but that she knows that she had enough.


Downstairs, in the dining room. Everyone was gathered around the table eating breakfast along with Jacob. 

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