

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were all sitting around the training ground. Naruto was sitting on a log throwing and catching his chakra blades. Suddenly Kakashi appeared in front of them, "The exams will start soon you should head over quickly." Kakashi then disappeared and team 7 went to the building.

It didn't take them long for them to reach the building where the exams were held. As soon as he walked in Naruto noticed the genjutsu but the others haven't yet, 'must be decently high ranking for Sakura not to notice yet. I know exactly what's going on but I'll act like I don't.'

We soon came across the room where all the genin were trying to get in. "if you can't get in here you don't deserve to take the exams!" said one of them, "Yeah!" said the other. Sakura soon noticed this and responded, "Take the genjutsu off now!"

Both of them looked confused but noticing she didn't back down they released it. "Pretty good kid!" said the two letting people pass. Over behind them a certain beast had just fallen in love! "Oh who are you!" said the man in the green jump-suit.

Sakura was confused, "Sakura Haruno, why?" the beast's eyes glew, "My name is Rock Lee. Sakura will you marry me!" Sakura was shocked, "No way!" Lee almost cried until he saw a man in the corner, it was Sasuke Uchiha!

"I see! Sasuke Uchiha I challenge you to a battle of LOVE!" Before Sasuke could even respond Lee threw a kick at him which he barely dodged. Sasuke activates his Sharingan thinking he could now clearly see Lee's movements but he was wrong.

Lee then charged in for an attack which Sasuke could only block, from this collision he felt his arms would break! Lee then threw a fake punch and made Sasuke react. Lee, seeing Sasuke unguarded, threw a sweep but before it could connect his leg was grabbed.

He then saw a blond-haired kid standing in front of him holding his leg in one hand. Lee was amazed, "What youthful strength!" Lee then twisted his body and threw another kick which was dodged. Lee almost undid his bandages until a booming voice came.

"Lee that's a forbidden move and you know it!" Lee stopped and looked over, "Yes Guy sensei I am sorry I will be better!" he shouted. "It's ok Lee, it just shows your youthfulness!" said the other green man who is known as Might Guy.

Both Lee and Guy started crying for no apparent reason. The rest of them shrugged and walked to the first exam site. Neji only stared at Naruto curiously. It didn't take long until they were in the waiting room, there were murmurs but most were just dumb conversations.

Naruto wished the Hokage came but they said they didn't want to sit through the boring parts and would just watch the finals. It was not long until the first exam started. The room was filled quickly and papers were passed to everyone explaining the rules.

Looking at the questions he knew there was a trick, all of the questions were opinionated. An example would be, how would you handle an S-rank mission if two of your four partners died? This question is impossible to answer correctly. There are multiple ways you could do this and all of them could be considered correct.

He assumed at the end there would be a question that intimidated you but if you had the guts you would pass. Naruto still answered the best he could just in case but he doubted this would count.

After answering them all relatively quickly he started to relax, he wasn't worried about anybody else on his team. Hours passed by and he had nothing to do, he would occasionally erase the person next to him's paper. Nobody saw him do it.

"Pencils down and look up now!" all of the kids looked at the man at the front. "The next question is the one that counts. If you get this wrong you can never take the exams again!" there was shocked silence across the room.

Naruto smirked as he knew he was right now! But just in case he wasn't he was not too scared for two reasons. One he answered the questions very well, and two there were other ways to become chunin than the exams.

"If you want to walk away you can and it will be an automatic fail but you can try again next year but also if one walks out then the whole team fails, what do you say?" it didn't take long for most people to walk out, Naruto felt bad for idiots.

After everybody who was going to walk out walked out Ibiki spoke again, "All of you who stayed congratulations you pass!" Everyone was surprised but happy that was until she came in. "So many are left? Are you getting soft!" Ibiki nodded his head, "No, they were just a good batch."

The girl grunted, "Whatever, more than half of them will be done after my test." Everyone knew she wasn't bluffing. "Come to the forest of death tomorrow, don't be late like the goggles kid!" Nobody knew what she meant about goggles kid but ignored it.

The next day soon came and it was time for the second phase, everyone was on time. Anko then explained something, "In this phase, we will put you in this forest known as the forest of death. You will fight monsters and collect two scrolls the Heaven and Earth scroll. You will own one and find the other. This will be extremely difficult!"

Naruto let out a small laugh he tried to hold back. Anko heard this and threw a kunai at him, Naruto caught it then saw a knee coming at his face. He quickly ducked only to be kneed in the stomach, he coughed out some blood.

"What so funny genin?" Naruto put on a serious face, "Nothing, I just felt something tickle me." Anko looked angry, "Now you lie!" "I'm not lying I swear!" Naruto put on a fake scared face and Anko knew she couldn't do anything.

A tongue gave her the kunai back, she was too mad to notice who it was. "Whatever, just sign the waivers so we can start." She then gave another explanation and gave everybody a waiver to sign.

-Chapter Done-

I don't remember everything about the exams so I will miss some stuff. Tell me what you thought about the chapter. I think it was kinda boring but IDK.

Who would win No Weights Lee vs Neji? why?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KakuzuCantolopescreators' thoughts
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