
GALACTIC Companion Book: Abilities, Earth's Society, and The Celestial Objects

Everything you would like to know about the background of the strange and weird future Earth!

Magic and the Supernatural

Rules for everything not explained by science.

Celestial Objects

The objects in which the First Witch Isolda put the gods and goddesses of Ionadis inside to protect her people and avenge the death of her daughter.

Only those who are astrals, descendants of the gods can use them. Those who are not must be of pure soul( a virgin).

The longer someone owns or uses the object, the more they will slowly change to look like the god that inhabits it.

Constant use of the objects shortens one's lifespan, because the power of the gods is hard for a mortal body to handle.

Breaking the objects never results in their destruction, or release of the soul from the object. Instead it creates a different object, with similar abilities.

These are the ones that appear in Volume 1

Sword of Vengeance: Sword possessing the soul of Unas, and gives the user domain over fire. Can only be used to exact revenge, or else the user will burst into flames. Appears rusty and old, but when blood is on it becomes new and vibrant. Hot to the touch for those who are not strong enough to hold it. Owned by Tyreceus.

Cape of the Sun: Cape possessing the soul of Solara, the goddess of the Sun and Motherhood. The cape is worn and owned by all Empresses of the Empire. It shines brightly of various colors and is iridescent. It protects those who wear it once fully draped over the body. Owned by Aeris Aeronwyn des Regalis.

Blanket of Protection: A new object inadvertently created by the last Empress, Aeris. She tore off a long piece of the cape and wrapped it around her child for protection. The soul of Invictus, God of Protection and Defender of the Weak inhabits it. It is later turned into a bracelet to be worn for Ace as he gets older. It gives him the power of an almost impenetrable suit of armor and a shield.

Immortal Watch: A simple watch that holds the amalgamation of Chro, Nos, and Eon, the god Infiniti. It controls time and gives its user the ability to travel through it. Owned by Tyreceus and later Ace, who both fear it and wish to hide it from the world.

Slater Family Heirloom: The Slaters discovered how to transfer souls to objects just as the First Witch Isolda did. They put the deceased head of their family, Michael Slater, inside a simple rosary. It gives one the power of Michael, the ability to speak and turn their words into reality. It is owned by Rikka White.

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall: The god Lush, god of beauty and choice. Has taken people to various alternate dimensions and realities, usually without their permission. The Slater family begrudgingly keeps him. He was kept in a warehouse for years, and now lives with Levi, who everyday understands why his father left it inside the warehouse.

Abilities of the Astrals

Hierarchy of abilities of the astrals and how they function.

Hierarchy of Abilities

★ Most common of abilities, generally harmless and mostly useful.

★★ Less common abilities, some are harmful. Regulation begins at this point, and those with this level of abilities are required to register with their local government.

★★★ Least common of abilities, very few useful, most are dangerous.

★★★★ Rarest of abilities, most regulated. Government keeps a specialized list of people who have these abilities, and those who have it are usually recruited for government work or are under surveillance.

Main Categories

Static: The ability is largely unchanged throughout the users life, and has little room to expand upon. Easiest to master and understand.

Transitive: Changes slightly throughout the user's life, however is still the same ability. Easier to master and understand.

Evolutionary: Hardest abilities to master. They can change slowly over time, turning into a new ability entirely.

Most abilities are static or transitive, very few are evolutionary. The rarest of abilities are ★★★★ evolutionary.

1 out 10,000,000 have a secondary ability.

Those with abilities have an 8th gland in their bodies, while everyone else has 7. It's found near the pituitary gland, and is called the Numen gland. Since it is a gland and with its proximity to the pineal gland, most people's abilities come during the onset of puberty.

Ways the Numen gland affects abilities and the body

Those with strange abilities may have their looks drastically change over time.

Increased stress makes the ability stronger in a flight or fight situation, but puts the body under more stress and can cause internal damage to the nervous system and endocrine system.

Astrals can heal faster than the average person, but that doesn't make them immortal, it doesn't mean that they can use their abilities without stress on the body or without consequences. Those who don't use their abilities often simply live slightly longer than usual.

Over use or expansion of abilities can make someone grow a lot bigger, or increase secondary sex characteristics. Ex: larger breasts in women, hairier men.

Astrals really like meat. A lot of it. Over use of abilities under stress makes one hungry. Meat also gives plenty of iron, and lots of healthy blood is required to transmit the receptors from the numen gland into the bloodstream, and therefore use abilities.

Higher percentage of gender non conforming or sexual orientation variation in those with abilities versus those who don't since the Neuman gland pushes up against the pituitary gland.

Effects of a diseased Numen gland

Inability to properly control ability, or ability is extremely weaker/stronger compared to those with the same ability.

Some lack receptors. Someone may have a numen gland but not be able to use their ability because receptors don't work. This is usually discovered much later in life.

Limits of Abilities

Since abilities come from the endocrine system's numen gland, if loss of too much blood occurs, an astral is unable to use their ability. Also its a sign you might be dying so…. yeah….

Abilities can fade over time and become weaker or just fade entirely. Gives a lot of people identity crises.

Overuse of abilities can give migraines, headaches, nosebleeds, and even visual/auditory hallucinations when under extreme stress. Called "Starry Eyes" syndrome.

Astrals and Society on Earth

Having an ability obviously gives someone an upper edge in life. People with abilities are in higher positions throughout all fields. People with certain abilities go into certain jobs.

For instance, someone who controls water becomes a lifeguard, or works at a water processing plant. Someone who is psychic works as a detective, or works with children.

People with abilities that are hard to control go to schools tailored to them. Slater Academy is one of those places. Most of the kids who attend these academies come from wealthy families as well, since most astrals are part of the higher classes of society or at least make more than average.

People without abilities are given affirmative action in certain fields, because of the upper edge throughout society astrals are given. The appearance of astrals on Earth helped eliminate many forms of hatred and prejudice among racial lines but simply redirected it towards those who have abilities.

After the invasion of the Regal Empire belief in major religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. plummeted among citizens of Earth. Hinduism however increased because of the many gods of Nova being real, influenced and bolstered conversion to Hinduism. Some Earthians are Novites, but many refuse to practice it because they see it as the religion of their oppressors (they're not wrong). Most of Earth is still non-practicing.

Many who have abilities make up the highest forms of government, politics, and the military. Most of them are descendants of the viceroyalty from the Regal Empire that lived on Earth after its colonization. This adds to the hatred some feel towards astrals. They feel that nothing had really changed after the Empire left Earth, except that they simply have new faces continuing the same old rules. Most of the changes in law and equality come from the rules the Galactic Union imposes on Earth for it to be a part of it.

Because most in government are descendants of Regalian viceroyalty or have abilities, they look down on those without abilities. They think that they simply need to work harder. Others think that they are lesser beings than them, and there is extreme classism added to the mix of society since the colonization of Earth. Many of those in government see those without abilities as "welfare queens and grifters". History doesn't repeat, but it simply rhymes.

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