
Chapter 16

A few weeks have passed and I and Jason had started to fully cooperate with each other's presence in the apartment. It's like Jason was the only thing missing from my apartment that could actually be called a home.

Each conversation we shared takes us one step closer to each other's memories, life, and secrets.

I told him a few days ago about the fact of how my mother died and how my life was like before and after she died. He looked at me with a pitiful look then the next day after that he told me about his relationship with Michael.

I was completely surprised about him being Michael's adopted son. I never knew that the two of them were even that close until he described to me all his moments with Michael when he was young. Well, that explains the photo he had with him.

Once I've asked him about his real parents he just stayed quiet and only told me that they were still alive. I quickly regret even asking him that and I never pried him too much to answer my question.

But I shouldn't delve further into someone's private life, it's wrong to do that.

Besides my slight suspicion of what Jason's real parents are like I still had to deal with my friend's suspicions until now. I tried making every possible excuse I can give them when they ask if they can come over to my house.

It was a relief that they bought my sad excuse of a lie but I just couldn't show them that the guy they hated was now living under the same roof as their close friend.

Well, except for constantly worrying if I might get caught or figured out by anyone, I'm still living my life as it is.

I go to school, study, hang out with friends, and get chased around by Jack and his jocks.

I join with my friends, practice at the abandoned warehouse, do every concert available to us and enjoy ourselves to the fullest.

Spending some of my free time at the White Dragons Headquarters, getting along with everyone, practicing my shooting, and talking away with Gabriel.

And the thing I always do now, spending my time with Jason since I usually see him sitting on the couch when I come home.

I would always look forward to seeing him when I come home, I don't know, but seeing him makes me relieved for some reason.

Even though I'm still worried that he might figure out who I really am, I don't seem to mind it a bit somehow. But I still try to hide my secret even though he doesn't even look a bit curious about my room.

And now here I am now in my room, lying quietly by myself, and too busy thinking of things to even get up and change out of my oversized t-shirt and boxer shorts.

It was peaceful with just me in my room, my long brown hair tangled as I looked up at the ceiling on my bed, until I smelled something delicious.

I could feel myself drooling at what the delicious smell was. I got up, used a bandage roll I kept hidden behind the cupboards, and start to wrap my breast fast and carefully.

When I was done wrapping I changed my sleepwear into some loose jeans, a plain black shirt, and my old red sneakers.

I put on my wig and checked myself in the mirror. After I was sure that I was good to go as Richard Knight I reached out to my mother's ring hanging around my neck then I left my room.

After stepping out of my room I caught a whiff of pancakes. I went to the kitchen and saw Jason there, shirtless and only wearing some green cargo pants, as he drank his coffee on the table.

I looked at the table and saw a plate of pancakes there. I could feel myself drool when I heard soft laughter. I looked and saw Jason looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Did you forget to remember that it was my turn to cook?" I asked him as I walked into the kitchen and took a seat across from him. "You could've waited for me to get up and make breakfast."

He just looked me in the eye as he sipped on his coffee. "I was waiting for you to get up but I'll die of hunger before you can even get up off your bed." He said.

If this was like any other time before I would have been angry with him but we just shared a small smile to one another before I started eating the pancakes he made for me.

As I ate I went through my mind of what I'm going to do today. Since there isn't any school today I plan on spending my day at the White Dragon Headquarters and meet up with Gabriel there. And after that, I had a concert scheduled later tonight reserved by none other than Steven.

After I finished eating my breakfast I went and washed it in the sink. I went back into my room grabbed my guitar, and stepped out of my room to see Jason feeding Hunter.

He was kneeling right next to Hunter, patting his head as he ate his breakfast. In the position he was in, his muscles were flexing as he stretched out his hand. I looked away from Jason before I start to swoon over him in the kitchen and made my way to the apartment's front door.

I grabbed the hoodie and backpack I left yesterday on the couch and made my way to the entrance.

"Where are you going this time?" I stopped in my tracks and looked behind me to see Jason there leaning on the doorway of the kitchen.

I didn't hesitate to answer him. "I'm just going to go hang out with Gabriel at HQ and make my way to a concert later tonight."

This too also became a normal routine for the two of us. Whenever one of us was about to step outside one would ask where the other was going.

"I can take you there with my motorcycle. Just wait a minute for me to put on a shirt and grab my keys-"

"No, it's alright." I interrupted him. "I need to stretch my legs and I can't just ride your motorcycle anytime I go to HQ. Just stay here and continue on whatever you were doing."

I hoped he would listen to me. After he moved in he would sometimes listen to me but not all the time and he would sometimes want things done his way. It was impossible to persuade him to do something others want.

We looked at each other for a while before Jason went back inside the kitchen and I took it as a sign of him nodding. I slipped through the door and made my way down using the stairs with my electric guitar and backpack hanging on both sides of my shoulders.

Jason P.O.V

I stepped back inside the kitchen and heard the door close shut, a sign that Richard already left the apartment. I sighed to myself, grabbed my coffee, and sat down on the couch.

I placed the coffee on a nearby table and switched on the overrated television in front of me. I was about to grab for the remote control when I finally noticed my hands shaking a bit with some sweat here and there even though the temperature was just right.

It's always been like this ever since I moved in here, ever since that night. I could remember back to the first time I met the little runt in headquarters. He was shaking with fear back then and I found not one ounce or speck of interest ever since then.

But now, I don't know what to think of now. Ever since that night, I would always think of what I did to him. I never wanted to do that to him but I don't regret touching him like that.

Whenever I wear my motorcycle helmet I could just remember the smell of my helmet that day even though the smell of Richard was long gone from it.

Each time I remember simple details of him such as his constant smiles as we spend our time together in his apartment. I was frustrated but not the kind of frustration that you just wanted to stop.

I was frustrated with what I was feeling towards Richard even though I only see him as a scrawny kid before, but now, I don't know what to think of him now.

In days like these, days where Richard would leave the apartment, I would try to battle my raging memories and emotions within me. It's like war occurring over and over again in my mind.

I got up from the couch and paced back and forth in the apartment. I should have just followed him out of the apartment but then again he is going to the hideout to meet up with Gabriel and after that, he'll meet up with his band and spend his time with that blond best friend of his.

I somehow felt bothered that Richard was spending his time with Gabriel in headquarters now instead of me. I should be relieved that he isn't going to bother me anymore not like before but I found myself missing those annoying times.

But these unknown feelings aren't enough to express how I unknowingly started to hate his blond best friend. It's not normal for me to immediately start to hate someone after meeting with them a couple of times.

I didn't hate him the time I first met him; in fact, I don't even hold any sort of grudge against him. I wouldn't react that much when I first saw how they interacted but at the time at the club. Each time Richard would hold onto his shoulder I would feel a small tinge of hatred for him.

From then on I felt anger every time I think of his best friend which isn't very often but you wouldn't want to be near me when I'm in a bad mood.

One time I was thinking of that blond guy at the same time Richard was asking me a question. I was surprised that my mood immediately calmed down when he confronted me because whenever I'm in a bad mood it was hard to calm me down.

I stopped pacing to see that Hunter's dog dish in the kitchen was empty so I brought it to the sink and washed it. When I came back to the living room I saw him taking all of the space on the couch.

I pushed him aside, not too much for him to jump down the couch, and sat next to him. I was patting his head as I went through every channel the television has to offer.

I look at the dog to find that he was staring right back at me with his big brown eyes. I sigh to myself and look at the dog with a small smile on my face.

"Could living with Richard until now change me this much?" I look straight into Hunter's eyes as if I was expecting him to answer my question. I mentally laughed to myself. "I must have really changed to the point that I'm talking to a dog."

Christine P.O.V.

I took the bus heading to the White Dragons headquarters and continued the remaining journey by foot with my electric guitar and backpack slung on both of my shoulders. I continued walking until I stopped in front of the familiar building.

I walked up the steps and opened the door. I look inside and nothing has changed every time I go through the door.

I see some of the members smoking, drinking, betting, and other things they normally do every day. I walked through the entrance and made my way to where Gabriel is. Some greeted me and some just ignored my presence.

I made my way to the door leading to the spiral cases. I kept on walking until I reached the 3rd floor, the floor where most of the members stay when they don't have a home or apartment in the city, and entered through the door.

After walking a bit in the hallway I come upon a room at the very end of the hallway. I brought my hand up and knocked on the door. It hasn't been 5 seconds when I see Gabriel there opening the door with a smile on his face.

"Richard! I thought you'd never come." He beamed at me with one of his famous smiles.

I gave him a small smile in return before he quickly ushered me inside his room. He took the things I carried on both of my shoulders and gently placed them on his bed.

"Please, make yourself at home," Gabriel said in hurry but his smile still evident on his face. "You should have given me a head's up when you were coming. Wait just a minute for me to clear out my room."

"You know you don't need to waste too much energy in cleaning your room." I said, "It actually feels homey even with all the trash."

"Oh no, I'm not accepting that. I can't let my guitarist idol stay in a room like this."

I did as he said and took a sit on his bed and looked around his room. It was a little shabby with wallpaper peeling on each side of the wall but it was kept hidden behind posters of guitars, bands, and pin-up girls.

The furniture in the room only consisted of a bed, a small stove, disc players, and at the very corner of the room where it's clean and in perfect mint condition is his wooden guitar.

After a while, he came back and grabbed his guitar carefully from the corner of the room. "Are you ready because I know I am?" He smiled at me.

I let out a small laugh. "Just make sure you can keep up with me, unlike last time."

I took out my electric guitar from its case and started playing with Gabriel. We played our own guitar both skillfully and in tune.

I've got to admit, Gabriel is good at playing the guitar. From the first time I heard him play his guitar I knew that he needed some help so I volunteered to help him. This is actually my 4th visit to his room but he made a lot of progress since then.

After a few visits, I figured out that he's an orphan and only a year younger than me. He must have trusted me to the point of telling such private things to me.

At times like this, I sometimes wonder if this is what it feels like to have a younger brother. We played like that until I heard my phone ring in my bag.

I grab my phone and saw a message from Russell. In the message, he was threatening me that he'd barged into my apartment if I didn't arrive on time for the concert. I let out a small laugh which earned a curious look from Gabriel. I also look at the time and it's already 6'o'clock.

I look over to Gabriel and gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that but it looks like I have other things to do."

He just gave me an apologetic smile in return. "No, it's my fault for taking up your time. I saw a flyer outside about your band performing tonight." I was about to reach for my backpack which was lying on his bed until he beat me to it. "And for taking up your time I'm going to help you until you arrive safely at the club you're playing at."

"No, it's alright Gabriel. I'm sure you have other things to do-"

"It's the least I could do for you Richard, besides," He had an excited smile on his face. "I wanted to catch a quick glimpse at the remaining members of Night Raid."

He looked at me with a pleading face and puppy dog eyes. I couldn't refuse when he looks at me like that. I figured that out when he pleaded to me one time on my visits to stay longer.

"Well, if you put it that way," I started as he looks at me expectantly. "Sure, but you'll have to carry my bags until we arrive."

"No problem, anything for my favorite guitarist and the boss's son."

I laughed a bit before he slung my backpack on his shoulder and carefully handle my guitar with both of his hands, afraid that it'll break at any time.

We went out through the entrance and walked to the club on foot. It's a good thing that the club where I'll be is just a walking distance. We arrived in front of the club with people waiting in line.

We were about to go through the backdoor when Gabriel's phone rang in his pocket. He grabbed his phone then his face immediately lost the excitement they had just a few seconds ago.

He sighed then looks at me. "I'm sorry to break this to you but I just got an errand to run and it has to be done right now."

I could tell that he was disappointed but I just gave him a smile. "It's alright, maybe next time, when you're not busy; I can introduce you to them."

A smile immediately rose to his face. "That sounds great!" We both smiled and he was about to leave me when he stopped. "I know this isn't my place to ask but where's Jason? Shouldn't he be with you since he's been assigned to protect you?"

Suddenly my heart skipped a beat just by the mere mention of Jason's name but I didn't let my slight shock show. "Jason?" I said trying to hide my shock. "To tell you the truth, he doesn't really come to my concerts. He would only come when I ask him to or when the concert is done. I tried convincing him that it'll be fine if he comes but he just refuses."

"WHAT!" Gabriel sounded surprised. I jumped at his sudden reaction. "Damn it, if only the boss would have made me your bodyguard, I could have been protecting you all the time while I attend all your concerts. It's like killing two birds with one stone. I don't have a cool motorcycle or a killer reputation but I'd snatch that job right away if it was presented to me."

I know it wasn't the right time to laugh but I can't help it. A small snort escaped from my lips because of Gabriel's reaction.

"Hey, why are you laughing?" Gabriel said. "I'm serious here."

I continued laughing and by then he suddenly went along as well. It was a good moment but deep down I secretly wanted Jason to come to my concert.

I'm not complaining about his attitude or punctuality but I just want him there so I could see him as I face the crowd of people.

I quickly caught on about what I was thinking and immediately shake my thoughts away. It isn't the right time to be thinking about Jason that way.

We stopped laughing and Gabriel gave me a small wave goodbye. "Alright, I'll see you next time." And with that, he left me and vanished into the crowd of people.

I hugged my guitar and backpack close and made my way backstage. I walked through the halls of the backstage hallway, trying to find the room where everyone was in, but with every step I took I felt an unsettling feeling stirring within me. I pushed it away, thinking that I was just nervous, but boy was I wrong.

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