
Chapter 2

After school, the 5 of us went to our hangout, an abandoned warehouse, to practice for our upcoming performance. It's been a year since we've found the warehouse, and since no one bothers to check it, we've all made it our little hangout. Not long, we've made it a home for us with some of our equipment left behind and some books and comic books Daniel reads. Russell and Steven pushed the metal doors open, creaking as they did so, and we all stepped inside. The warehouse wasn't much to look at but it was still our favorite place.

Setting all our instruments and the speakers we left in our hangout, we're ready to start practicing. We all went to our designated spots. Russell, the drummer, was holding his drumsticks and starting a beat. Steven, the keyboardist, was stretching his fingers to warm up. Lin, the bassist, strumming her bass and making the speakers emanate low sounds. Me, the lead guitarist, was tuning my guitar. And finally, Steven, the guitarist, and leader of the band shouts with all his might...

"All right guys, our gig will be in a nightclub called "Devour"!" Steven yelled on a piece of wood for a makeshift microphone to capture all our attention. "Let's practice till we drop!"

First, it starts off with Russell's drums then was later on followed by all of us playing music together. After practicing various songs and spending our time in the hangout, we've finally finished our practice and were ready to rock.

As Lin always is, she's happy that we've all successfully played together even though it wasn't that hard because it was a habit for all of us to play together successfully. "Another successful song played by the one and only Night Raid!" Lin cheered holding onto her black and red splattered bass.

"But we better hurry and start packing up," Daniel said checking his wristwatch.

"Why?" Steven asked while checking on his thunder designed electric guitar.

"Because we're late for the performance," Daniel said while packing up his keyboard and looking at all 4 of us dumbfounded. "Didn't you say it starts at 9, well it's already a quarter to 9."

All of us paused and stared at Daniel for a while. We were all silent until we started to panic and started to move rapidly fast. We started gathering all our bags and packing up our instruments, then left the warehouse.

We were all running out of the warehouse and chasing the bus we were supposed to take to get to the club. Everyone wasn't too happy about that, especially Lin "You should have told us that earlier!" Lin yelled while squirming in the strap of the case of her bass.

"Yeah! Because of you, I have less time to score some girls." Russell yelled carrying mine and Daniel's backpack. Russell didn't need to take his instrument since a drum set is already at the club. The only thing we need to bring for the drum set is the drummer which might be hard seeing that we were all rushing there.

"Don't blame me! Blame Steven!" Daniel said while carrying his long keyboard in his hands.

"Hey! Don't blame the leader, blame Richard!" Steven yelled while struggling to carry his bag and guitar.

"Why am I blamed for something I didn't do?" I said, trying to cover up my voice while carrying my guitar and careful not to break it.

"Because you're the one who remembers everything in this band!" Steven yelled trying to carry both his and Lin's bags in addition to his own guitar.

"Will you guys just shut up and run before we miss the bus!" Lin yelled at the same time she was running faster and faster, leaving all of us behind her tracks.

We all started to run faster than we've ever done before with only one thought on our minds. 'WE HAVE TO MAKE IT IN TIME!'

"We made it!" Steven yelled, sweating, and doing a victory pose, while all of us were panting due to exhaustion. We ran from the warehouse to the club where we would perform. It was a miracle that we made it in time. We were all rapidly out of breath standing backstage behind the stage.

"Hey," I said panting. "If you have that much energy then start arranging our instruments."

Steven did what I said and started arranging our instruments without any complaints. He must have been happy that we made it on time. One by one, everyone who has already recovered started joining and fixing up the instruments. After we were all done we went backstage to wait for the audience to pile up. We were all minding our own business when suddenly Daniel talked.

"You know guys," Daniel said once again checking his wristwatch. "In 2 and a half hours, it'll be a new day."

"So what?" Steven asked eating a bagel the staff brought in.

"Didn't you know?" Russell asked when he entered the room, probably finished flirting with a girl, and sat next to me. "It's Richard's 16th birthday tomorrow."

"What! Why didn't you remind me?" Steven yelled desperately. "I would have bought him a gift if you did!"

"We did," Lin said drinking a glass of water. "You were just too deaf to hear us."

"It's all right," I said holding onto my plain black electric guitar, there are still more to come. "It's just a birthday."

Everyone stared at them in disbelief in their eyes. Steven settled his guitar on the sofa he was sitting on and stands up. He walked across the room till he reached me on the other side of the room sitting on a chair.

"It's not just a birthday, it's the birthday you turn 16, damn it!" Steven yelled while the others were agreeing behind him. "How about when we get the money, we'll go dining at the new Italian restaurant. Since it just opened, there'll probably free food there."

I was about to protest when suddenly a knock came from the door. "2 minutes people, 2 minutes." a staff came in, disturbing our conversation, and then closed the door.

"That can wait," Daniel said standing up then followed by Russell, Lin, and Steven. "We'll have to finish this first before we start partying."

"*sigh*Oh well," I said. It was hopeless arguing. Whenever they have something in mind, they would do so even without me agreeing to anything. "Even if I said no, you wouldn't even listen to me."

"You bet, even if we have to drag you, you still have no choice but to come with us," Russell said opening the door for me to walk out. "Birthday boy's first."

"That went better than I expected," Daniel said while walking on the sidewalk leading to my apartment with me and the others also walking.

"Better than you expected?" Steven exclaimed. "Did you hear those cheers? It went absolutely perfect!"

"You know, you guys don't have to do this much," I said tiredly while holding on to my electric guitar in its case and my bag. "I mean, aren't you guys tired? We finished the gig late and we even spent half of the money for a restaurant."

"Come on, it's your birthday of being a full-fledged teen," Daniel said with a monotone voice. "Surely, we must celebrate it."

"Besides, it was fun, and don't think we won't celebrate it again," Lin said with full energy. "Even if we have to kidnap you, you're still coming with us!"

"Thanks for the short speech," I said with a small smile on my male face. "But I am surprised that you don't have a girl for the evening, Russell. I thought that you would indulge yourself with a girl right away after the restaurant."

"Richard's right." Steven joined in. "Did you see the looks that the waitress gave to you at the restaurant? She'd been looking at you nonstop with a grin on her face. Her uniform was something you'd go for, short pencil skirt, white blouse, red vest, and red high heels. Especially her make-up., her make-up was the makeup of a woman seducing someone."

Everyone looked to Russell, I, too, was also one of them. I was too curious, that I didn't even see Russell was being out in an uncomfortable situation. But still, he managed to remain cool and composed then replied coolly.

"...Well, since Richard hates me playing with girls, and since I don't have a present, I thought having a girl less night will make you happy," Russell said yawning afterward. "Even though I don't like the idea, I'm doing it for you."

"Well," I said, unsure of what to reply to my best friend. Steven, Lin, and Daniel looked at me to see what I was about to say next. Sure, I like it that he wasn't playing with another girl's heart but I never thought there would actually be a day that he won't even hook up with someone. The only thoughtful reply I can come up with is... "Thanks?"

"...wow, I sacrifice a hot girl for my plain guy friend and this is all I get, a simple 'Thanks'?" Russell said in disbelief. "Damn it, I should never have done that. I lost a once in a lifetime hot chick. You better pay for that, Richard."

We all laughed. This is one of the things I enjoy the most. We successfully capture the hearts of our fans, getting paid a hefty sum, walking with my friends, and feeling the cool night air on my face. I'd like to always remember this day as long as I live.

I spotted my apartment building in the short distance then turned to look at my friends. "Well, this is my place," I said stopping in front of my apartment building. "See you tomorrow."

"You better stick to your word," Russell said. "I don't care if you have a hangover or something, just come to school tomorrow."

After we said our goodbyes and saying an advanced "Happy Birthday" to me, we separated our ways. I waved goodbye to them and proceeded on going up the steps to my apartment. Walking through the door of the building and standing in the middle of the lounge, I went to the elevator to bring me up to my apartment floor. Waiting patiently for the elevator to arrive, I dozed off for a moment while standing then the elevator arrived. I went in, pushing the button of the 4th floor, and stood there, listening to the boring music of the elevator while going up to the 4th floor.

Arriving at the floor, I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the decaying hallway till I arrived at my door. After unlocking the door to my apartment and entering, I close the door shut and removed my hoodie jacket and wig then settled it on a table. I threw my bag on an armchair and walked into my bedroom with Hunter following me.

I carefully settled down my guitar right next to the bed and lay myself down on the bed, landing softly on the pillows and soft sheets which also had a funny smell to them. "I'm so tired," I said with a tired voice while Hunter jumped on the bed and begged me for food.

I lazily stood up from the bed and went to the kitchen to feed Hunter. While Hunter was eating, I took a long warm bath, drying my hair with a towel thoroughly, then came out of the bathroom wearing green jogging pants and a white shirt with a Pacman print on it. I went to my room with Hunter following me, getting ready to get in bed to sleep. I noticed that the clock was exactly 12'o'clock, midnight, the day of my 16th birthday.

I quietly told myself "...Happy birthday, Christine Knight." with a smile on my face. I'd remember the days where I would spend my birthdays with my mother but now I can make new memories with my friends by my side. I looked at the picture frame standing on my nightstand where my mother hugged me when I was 12 years old. It was probably the only picture I had which I can see myself as a girl. My hair wasn't that long back then and my appearance doesn't really reveal my true gender here, if someone were to look at it, they would only come to a conclusion that I had long hair before as a boy.

I was about to pick up the picture frame when suddenly a knock came on my door. Curious, about who it was, I stood up from my bed, put on my wig and a loose grey jacket, then answered the door with Hunter growling beside me. When I opened the door there was a man wearing a black suit and shades, even though it was midnight, standing in the doorway of my apartment.

"May I help you?" I asked with Hunter barking mildly at the stranger.

"Are you Richard Knight?" said the mysterious stranger with a low voice.

"Yes, that's me." Before I knew it, the man took a piece of cloth from his pocket and covered it with my mouth. I panicked but a strong urge to sleep was forcing me to close my eyes. The last thing I saw was Hunter furiously attacking the man. Then from there on, I blacked out.

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