

Turns out the Shifters moved faster than I thought it has been a week and they are starting to move in on the Cullens. Turns out that Edward lied to his family about what happened to say whatever they wanted to hear to Esme and Carlisle. The others knew better than to trust the word Edward they decided to leave and head to Alaska.

I knew the route that they were taking so I released 2 or 3 of the children of the moon (I'm going to call the werewolves from now on) on their trail I only really want to see what happens when I have a squad 'save' them and bring them to my house and invite them to join me after I show them what Edward did if they join me greatly if not ill wipe their memories and send Emmet and Jasper on their marry way and keep Rosaline and Alice. I feel like I am playing Pokémon gotta catch them all 'feed the harem' as a wise man once said.

While all this I going down all of Mongolia is gone and 3/4 of china is under the pandemic. While all of this is going down I Release all of the information on all corruption around the world everything from the smallest bribe to the US government inventing HIV and releasing it to kill most of the ethnic population. Pretty fucked up stuff all for the world to see. As the riots start, I release the aerosol version of the rage virus and watch the wheels of fate turn.

I predict in less than 3 months most of the Civilian population will be dead gone and most of the others will be infected. New York is fucked with too many people, and not enough escape routes hell I could kill off New York by just getting rid of all the train tracks heading there they get 70% of their food from trains. Give it a little bit.

But that's neither here nor there I am also working on weaponizing the werewolves I have found ways to make them stay in their werewolves form a healthy dose of Legitims and compulsions to turn the into effective attack dogs, Now all I need is to turn them into walking tanks with armor I have had them bite and convert around 260 random pedos, rapists, and murders. getting them fit for saddles is pretty easy and boom I have 260 warwolves of death seriously they move as fast as a vampire and they keep their aggressiveness on anyone besides me and my coven.

Now shifters are another story I cannot find any way for them to stay in their wolf form and their gift is given via parent and child so they reproduce at a slow rate so they are out I just decide to kill them and cut my losses, at least I got a fur coat out of it.

I guess it's time to start robbing the world blind. First to be taken are the smartest minds in the world scientists military strategists, programmers, hell anyone even remotely useful. I take them turn them into vampires then twist their minds to be loyal to me. After that is the gold silver, iron, tools, machines, and pretty much anything that may or may not be useful.

As I go over our loot my phone starts going off "Hello". "Hello, sir it seems we were a little late only the girls are alive, it seems Alice saw the attack coming and they decided to try to hide out in a nearby cave to hope they ran past but were cornered. Both the guys are dead by the time we arrived. Both the girls are pretty torn up but still alive."

"Oh well bring the back to base and set the up with a guard on them no contact with anyone besides me." "Yes, sir". I could only sigh, and remember an old saying 'not all plans survive first contact.

I'll let them mourn over their loss. I think the ill set up some more wards around the house don't want any infected getting near the house. time to check in on squads 1-3. *ring**ring* "Hello, squad one how is the current mission."

"Everything is going smoothly no losses on our side we are heading to the Irish coven now we haven't found anyone worth taking besides the pain girl she put up a minimal fight." "That's good to hear Clean up and head back ASAP. We are almost ready to head out of this world." "Rodger". He hangs up I can only smile it seems there was no one worth taking besides my troops ill probably leave with a few Nukes. We shall see I may as well take them. Imp taking a lot of the Tanks, Drones, helicopters, and any other militaries tech that catches my eye.

Thinking on this I head into my dimension onto my balcony looking at my first city. It looks like ancient Rome with electricity and suburbs. Plenty of warehouses with expansion charms I finally figured out expansion charms and runes. Now I have foot ball sized warehouses on the outside but inside they are 40x the size so no space issues and the only people who live here are the Kidn*couch* saved Scientists and academic types with a library with every book on the planet, a college with all of the bells and whistles they could ask for and the means to build more working on anything they feel like letting their creative juices flow. Now all I need is whore houses for them and they will be in heaven.

A/N: Updated 02/04 Thank you for reading.

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