She was starting to panic because Brad was just not any man. He was the mayor of this city. If someone noticed him outside her door, she would become another talk of the town.
She suddenly regretted canceling the dinner with Raf. If she was out with Raf at this time, then she would not be in this situation now. But she felt so tired after lunch with her family. She just wanted the quiet night to rest and recover.
Then, she was not sure if she was ready to face Raf in a one-on-one setting. She was still unsure if it was the right time to tell him about the babies. She was still conflicted with her emotions.
"Please, Brad, I need you to leave." She stood her ground and did not allow him to enter her home.
She was not about to make the same mistake of letting another man enter her home, especially if it was Brad. She just had to find a way to get rid of him before people noticed his presence.