

*⚠️TW: smut, r*pe⚠️*

Harry looked over at Louis. Louis looked zoned out in thought.

Sometimes, when Louis wasn't engaging throughout the conversations with the rest of the boys, he was zoned out in thought. And Harry thought he looked cute while doing so.

Harry knew he wasn't supposed to think stuff like this about his ex-boyfriend who broke up with him before he could even explain. But he just couldn't help it.

Harry was not over Louis.

A little while ago, Harry came to terms that he would never get over him. Simply because of the abrupt way he ended things.

Louis just believed the rumors and didn't let Harry explain anything.

And that hurt Harry.

Now he really wanted Louis to know the full story and that he was sorry.

However, he didn't think that the memory of that night was worth remembering so he could tell Louis.


That night was the one night that Harry would dread for the rest of his life.

That night, Harry threw a party. Louis was invited as well as some of Nick's friends and others from school.

Thankfully, Gemma was there to babysit in case someone got too drunk they blacked out or threw up on someone.

The party itself was fun. Everybody was getting wasted and some were even fucking with strangers.

However, it all turned downhill when Louis got so wasted he ended up vomiting all over Harry.

Harry wasn't mad though. He fell so hard for the boy that he found anything Louis did cute, such as the crinkles by his eyes whenever he smiled or the way that whenever he wore oversized sweaters he would end up with "sweater paws."

So all he did was guide him to the bathroom and rub his back while Louis retched his guts (which may or may not have included some cookies that Anne made for him) out into the toilet.

After that, he himself escorted Louis home and put him to bed. He kissed him on the forehead and whispered a soft "I love you" in his ear before heading back to the party.

When he came back, the party was still alive. Everyone was still wasted as fuck, including Nick.

"Hey," Nick slurred as he made his way to where Harry was standing.

"Hey," Harry looked at Nick's drunken state. His eyes were all red and puffy and his hair was disheveled all over the place.

"Wanna fuck?"

"No... you know I have a boyfriend."

"Forget about him. He already went home."

Harry looked at Nick like he was crazy. He'd never cheat on Louis. Never. And Nick knew that.

"So..." Nick eyed Harry with a smirk. "What do you say?"

"No," Harry stated firmly. He hoped that Nick could just leave him alone and understand that no means no.

"Okay," Nick then proceeded to drag Harry all the way to his room. He closed the door and ordered Harry to strip down.

"No," Harry said once again. He was not having sex with Nick, especially in this drunken state and with a boyfriend sleeping cozy in his bed halfway across town.

Apparently, it seemed to be Opposite Day and Harry must have forgotten, because the next thing he knew Nick had stripped naked himself and was attempting to take Harry's clothes off. Without consent.

"Stop!" Harry tried to yell, but it was too late. Harry was already naked and so was Nick.

"Damn," Nick licked his lips. "You have a nice body. No wonder Louis is into you."

Harry knew this wasn't true. Louis was into Harry because of his personality. Louis said so himself. Besides, they didn't see each other's bodies naked until two months into their relationship.

Apparently, Harry had zoned out in thought because then Nick threw Harry onto the bed and started kissing his body.

Harry squirmed under Nick's grip. He didn't like the feeling of Nick's lips peppering down his body. He preferred it when Louis did it.

"Hold still," Nick said. "I'm trying to make love to you."

Harry cringed at the sentence. He certainly did not love Nick. Platonically, yes. Intimately, no.

"Oh Harry," Nick moaned, sounding like a dying cat and not like music to Harry's ears. "I've been wanting to do this to you for years."

"Years?" Harry looked at Nick in surprise.

"Yeah. I've always had wet dreams about you. That's actually how I found out I was gay."


"Now finally, after all these years, I have you in my arms. And nobody, not even that Lewis kid, can stop me now."

Harry was scared for his life now. Not only did Nick mispronounce Louis's name, but he also said that he had wet dreams about Harry and wanted Harry in his arms.

But Harry couldn't accept. He loved Louis. Louis was a lot better than Nick.

"So what do you say, Harry?" Nick was talking again. "I know I can treat you better, better than Lewis can."

"First of all," Harry said. "His name is Louis. Second of all, no you can't. Third of all, no. Just no."

Nick then forced his dick into Harry's hole. No lube, no condom, no prep. Just Nick shoving his dick up Harry's ass. Not to mention without consent.

Harry screamed for help. He wanted to cry out for someone to come get him, maybe Louis. But it was like no one could hear him. It was like his screams were muffled because there was something covering his mouth.

Pretty soon, Nick forced Harry to give him a blowjob. Harry kept choking because he didn't want Nick's cock in his mouth. However, there was nothing he could do about it.

Thankfully, someone barged in to Harry's aid.

"Harry!" Gemma screamed as she looked over the setting. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing," Nick smirked evilly. "Just me giving Harry a good fuck."

Harry looked over at Gemma with tears in his eyes and a look of horror on his face.

"Get off him!" Gemma chased Nick out of the room. She then came back to check in on Harry, who was still scarred from the events but told the whole story.

"I'm sorry," Gemma kept hugging Harry tightly. "I'll make sure that mum kicks out Nick by tomorrow."

Apparently, Nick has already told a few of Harry's friends of their "good fuck" together. Gemma didn't bother to correct them because Harry told her not to tell anyone, and Gemma respected her brother's wishes.

The next day, snickers were heard from every angle in the hallway. Harry mentally face-palmed himself for letting Nick go and tell the school.

Later in the day, Louis came up to Harry and broke up with him out of thin air.

The convo went exactly like this:



"Is it true? Did you cheat on me?"


"I'm breaking up with you."

And as simple as that, Louis ended things without letting Harry explain.

Zayn looked on with a sympathetic smile. Harry knew really well that Zayn never believed the school rumors.

The next day, Zayn talked to him about the breakup. Harry admitted everything to him and how that was mentally scarring for him. Zayn just stood silent and let him rant.

Nick was kicked out. Turns out, he has had enough money for a while, but he stayed to try to win Harry's heart. Unfortunately for him, that didn't work out.

Louis never got to hear about Harry's rape situation because Zayn promised Harry not to tell anyone, not even Louis.

However, Harry kept blaming himself over it. He kept blaming himself for not explaining anything to Louis.

But maybe, just maybe, he might be able to tonight.

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