
MYS 209 I'm also human

MYS 209


  The news that I have diarrhea has spread outside the class group. Many comments make your stomach twist when you read them. Even Jono offered to be absent from school which I refused. 


  I'm afraid that instead of getting better, my pain will only get worse if Jono is around me. With just a glance at Jono's eyes, my heart raced in a discordant melody that shook my body and soul. Moreover, until he was treated intensively by Jono personally. 


  "Jon, don't make me more annoyed okay. Anggi will not get rid of her diarrhea even if you wait all day. He'll pass out because you're paying too much attention." Anna delicts to Jono when arguing in front of my room when saying goodbye to school or skipping school. 


  "Anggi?" whispered Jono who was trying to find my defense. 


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