
MYS 32 Ante Meridiem 

MYS 32 Ante Meridiem


And, unexpectedly Andi came back with a small bottle of vitamin C to give to me as a form of first aid for my fake canker sore. Act as a good scout, help others.

"What name are you called by a teammate?" asked Andi politely at that time.

"Anggi," I answered quietly.

"If I...Andi." I know Andi, he doesn't forget to give a bright smile on his face. I know, it's clear from his name tag.

In the end, I just listened to her story from home to the criteria for a dream girl who was none other than referring to me. Damn that kid.

Another story about how I got close to Annalia.

At that time, because I was tired of having to listen to Andi's story, I ran away during the afternoon break. I climbed a guava tree which is not too high but has many branches on the edge of the volleyball court. I'm so sorry that my ears had to overheat because of my lies.

Not long after, a group of Ana and the kibul trio arrived. They sat and had fun chatting under the tree. I heard their pointless chatter and more jokes coming out of their mouths.

I didn't mind at all that I suddenly felt the urge to pee. For a long time, I held my stomach which was getting worse and worse but they had no intention of leaving. Until finally I ventured to excuse myself to go down to expel my bowels.

Suddenly they were shocked, knowing that I was above them. I weakly apologized and walked slowly holding my stomach towards the toilet, more like someone who was breaking dance because he couldn't stand it.

Then, run Ana to help me. Lead me to the toilet. I also didn't hear the laughter whispering from the trio of kibul behind, something that is normal for children to do when they see the suffering of other children. But only silence.

"What did you eat earlier?" Ana insisted on who was waiting for me not far from the toilet.

"It seems that you have swallowed a lot of vitamin C from Andi." I'm embarrassed myself. Because usually, my stomach is not this weak.

"So you don't have to lie. You'll have karma," said Ana but still stood beside me. The worried look on his face was clear even though he just said spicy words to me like that.

"Yeah. Not next time."

Then the five of us continued to have lunch at the Nasi Padang stall in front of the school. I don't know why I feel comfortable around the four of them.

I usually keep my distance from the children because of the trauma of being close friends with a girl whose name if I mention it will only cause chest pain. Little things have ruined our friendship.

Money, in which part of the world humans does not need money. Except for crazy people who they might tear if they were given paper money. Meanwhile, I am not a child who has excess money to just attract other people to want to be friends with the poor me.

But Annalia was different, she was a rich person's child, it was clear from the branded clothes she was wearing. Ana does not even look at me like a cockroach that must be exterminated from the face of the earth because I am not from any group. I mean, the country is not a city, isn't it? I am a street child who sometimes gets lost, then looks for train tracks in hopes of finding a way home.

Ana is a tomboy because her child is like that, so she never has a problem with me. And I also feel comfortable with all of Ana's words which can be said to be more sarcastic, sadistic, indifferent, curt than what usually comes out of my mouth.

"Anggi... have you found which one to take?" asked Ana suddenly appearing from the left side of the comic shelf.

"Already." then I took the origin of one of the Detective Conan comic series in front of me.

"Let's find something to eat. I'm hungry," said Ana after finishing paying at the cashier.

"You wake up late. You don't want breakfast either." I said, annoyed remembering how hard it was trying to wake Ana, and asked to take a shower. His spoiled behavior exceeds Anggoro, my younger brother.

"I want to go to Ichiban. You like sushi, right?" asked Ana without waiting for my answer which is not needed.

"Where's Jon?" I asked after I managed to get a seat in the corner.

"He is...?" Ana seemed to be deep in thought until her brow furrowed. "...as far as I know, taking care of an online business is like that." he continued at last.

"Oh.. you don't know either, do you?" I guess which Ana answered with a shrug.

"I don't like to find out," said Ana casually. Then take the menu book and order various menus just like that.

"Thank you, Ann. It's a treat." I said before eating the newly arrived sushi.

Ana took a bowl of ramen which she devoured in less than five minutes. The child looks so hungry that my untouched bowl of ramen is taken and eaten at the same time.

"Anggi...you eat like a snail. It's been too long." Ana commented after burping her mouth.

"I'm surprised at you, were you hooked or hungry?"

"Both. This is the sushi I eat, you know." Ana said without ignoring me who protested my ration she ate too. You cannibal with angelic hair. Earlier he said it was all for me, but it turns out that what I meant was he.

We met Jono in front of the Pizza Hut outlet with his two cousins. They were having a serious conversation until Ana patted the back of Ebi, who turned her head reflexively.

"Looks like we have to go home today. Sorry, Anggi...you must not be satisfied with the trip. Next time we will come here again." said Jono then asked us to go down to the parking lot. He had also booked a ticket to go home later at six in the afternoon. There are still at least three hours for the return trip from the mall to the hotel and then clean up.

Even if I have to go to the mall, I need money while I don't have enough time to bring a lot of money because yesterday he left suddenly. Like a dream. Also, like a dream when we have to return to Prembun immediately.

It's the first time I've set foot in Surabaya, where the streets are complicated. The time to go to the roundabout must go around first, even though it's just across from the hotel. It's still better in Prembun everywhere. I'm a follower of the easy flow. Life is already difficult, no need to complicate it with city streets that make you constipated.

What will happen to school vigils if the semester break is not in the education calendar of Petaka Jaya Vocational School?

After traveling one day and one night back and forth from Prembun - Surabaya, there is no such thing as a vacation. At least for me.

Receipt of report cards is only a symbol of the end of the student's journey after studying one semester. Not for me, Budi, Firman, Wawan, and Purnomo, who happened to be our house closest to the school, were mandated to oversee the harvest. It was more appropriate because only the five of us did not have any agenda during the two-week holiday.


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