
Week 32

9th April

Connor had met up with Autumn by the bridge. She wasn't looking forward to today at all, but she knew that she had to show her face and face her fears.

If she chose not to show up they would all think that she and Connor had fallen out, again.

He took her hand in his. "You okay babe?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She lied.

"You don't look fine. Has it got something to do with today?"

"A little."

"We can pass."

"No. I'll be fine. "

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Besides we've already made plans to meet up with them. They won't be happy if we bail."

"I guess not. Just hope it short and sweet."

She slightly smiled.

Connor dropped his arm over her shoulders, kissing her brow. "It'll be cool okay. We'll eat and go to mine after. Okay?"


She looked at him, he could tell today wasn't going to be a good day. But, was reassuring her really helping her?

He smiled. "Come on let's go and meet up with the guys. They'll be waiting."


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