

Winter clearly took what Ace said as a threat and lunged right at his face first. Wow it's been a while since I saw her up close. She really is a strong person. I stayed back and watched Winter dodge and attack Ace with her sword and him only moving and dodging.

He hasn't thrown a single attack. Why isn't he taking Winter seriously, if he is her instructor, he should know not to hold back from the start, especially with Winter? This guy gives me a weird a vibe, but nonetheless, I gave it my all.

I made sure to not disturb Winter's side of the fight and just synced all my moves to hers. I tried making Ace lose his balance by kicking at his feet, but he obviously saw me coming because now I'm losing balance and he's flipping me on my back.

I got back up and took several punches to his head so Winter could attack him from the ground. Winter has a quick reaction time from what I remember so I built up my speed since she can be careful not to hit me herself.

I grabbed onto Ace's hand to puncture some of his veins so it hurts whenever he tries to clench his hands into a fist or if we ever touch his hands.

Being a healing prodigy I understand the human body pretty well so I'm able to disable some parts of the body if need be. "That was a smart move, Princess." Ace complimented. I just smiled at him in return.

I can see Winter at the corner of my eye about to come in swing at him. There have been many dodges and blocks coming from Aces towards Winter's sword. Winter has been swinging down to his arm, the one I disabled earlier, but Ace knows about Winter's sword. Her sword has been coated in a thick hard layer of ice, so it could cut through a lot of things, even skin.

So if she was able to get him in a vulnerable position where he would die, we would win. I got the hint to clear a path for her, so I raised my leg up to try and kick his head, so he would duck down but instead, he just turned back behind it.

I dropped my leg and started punching at his head as well as his stomach but he kept pushing and dodging me away. I moved my leg above and punched his stomach at a quick speed. As he kneeled over, Winter rested her sword on his neck. "Got you," I said.

Finally, I didn't think it was going to take this long. Ace stood up after Winter moved her sword and patted our heads. "Good job girls. You did good on rushing your opponent but sometimes you can slow down and do it quicker with a little brainpower." Ace lectured. "We did just that, but you were holding back on us, so I got pissed off." Winter accused.

I had a feeling that he was going easy on us, Which makes me upset, if he was holding back just because we are girls or because we're young. I'm really insulted, that he thinks we can't hold our own. "Well, I didn't want you guys to be going to the party all bruised up. That wouldn't be very polite of me." Ace smiled.

I guess that's a good enough reason. He is Winter's trainer, he'd know not to hold back against her, and since I'm also a Princess he'd know I have a high power meter. I walked into the infirmary and grabbed some cold wet towels for the both of them since they are from Winter and need the cold.

"Here, use these to cool down," I suggested. "I have to get some more work done before the party so how about I walk you to the door?" "Alright, thanks April," Winter said.

I gestured to them to follow me and made my way to the door. "It was nice seeing you Ace, see you later Winter, I and the others will be on the left side of the room so come find us later.." I exclaimed.

Winter nodded but before she could go Clarity comes and waves Winter goodbye. "Goodbye to you too Clarity," Winter said. Winter walks out and Ace bows down to me. I close the door behind them and go to put the list of attendants from Winter on Mom's desk.

Right now it's about 2 hours before I can start changing for the party so I decided to go to the back garden and grow some flowers. It was a good way to practice growth spells and healing magic on wilting flowers, but as I'm doing that I see someone on the side of the castle meddling with our light generator.

It's what keeps all the ceiling lights on. I stopped what I'm doing and went over to the guy. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Oh hello Princess, I was just fixing this thing." He answered. "Really? It was fine a minute ago."

"Well, I'm making sure nothing goes wrong tonight at the party." I looked at him with a questionable look. Nothing ever went wrong with the lights before, so I didn't think there was a need.

"Ok, if you say so." I decided to just walk away, but I'll be sure to report this to my parents later. I went back inside and went into my room. I'm feeling pretty tired after my healing exam but I can't fall asleep now I've got things to do.

I went over to my desk and got my pen and grabbed some papers that I had to sign for future buildings in Spring. I never was bothered by this kind of work, to be honest, I think it is kinda fun.

As I was working I heard familiar footsteps walking up to my door. "Hello princess." Mom said. I turned around to face my mom who was walking to sit on my bed. "Hey mom."

"Are you ready for the party tonight?" Mom asked. "Mhm, I guess so, Spring finally told me what it's about just yesterday."

"Ya, I'm pretty excited to retire and have fun with life again." Mom laughed. Ya, she's been Queen for at least 20 years by now. I can imagine how tired she'd be after all that.

"Do you need something?" I questioned. "No, I just wanted to come to say hi. I heard Winter and her trainer came here and you guys fought. Did you girls win?"

"Yes, of course, it was a 2 on 1," I replied.

Mom stood up and patted my head. "You are so strong April. Maybe even stronger than Spring." "Will people stop saying that? Spring is too strong, I could never." She looked down and smiled. "Of course, but hopefully that wasn't bringing you doubt on your abilities."

"Of course not, I'm just saying she's too powerful for me to go up against her," I exclaimed. Mom walked out of the room with a nod and left. Why are all of a sudden we are talking about Springs power level again?

We knew for a long time she's way stronger than me. I laid my head on my desk with that thought in my head and slowly drifted to sleep.

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