
Fu Qingli felt he could do better. 

He still could not locate his sister after such a long time, neither was he able to find a single clue about his father's whereabouts. 

A mental breakdown? 

Shen Xi's words kept ringing in his ears. With downcast eyes, Fu Qingli plunged into self-blame and remorse. The frustration was eating him up inside. 

Mom would never end up like this if Shen Xi had not been there for Mom to bump into the other day.

He should not have been so careless and let Mom see Shen Xi. 

Fu Qingli knew it. Since Qingye and Qingxuan made contact with her and since he met her, Fu Qingli had known that her presence would turn this home upside down. 

However, it never crossed his mind that Mom would be the first to be hurt. Fu Qingli had been so careful to prevent an encounter between them. 

Alas, even the best-laid plans would go astray. Tried as he may, they still ran into each other. 

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