
View from the Balcony

Evanna inhaled sharply at the sound of Arawn's voice. Her attention moved passed Conrad to the elven prince who'd entered the balcony. He strode forwards confidently, glaring at the Demon Prince. Conrad smirked, turning around to face Arawn until ice flourished across the floor, making him slip on the spot. 

Evanna's breath hitched, her heart sounding loud in her ears as she watched in horror as Conrad fell backwards off the balcony. However, her shock turned to astonishment when she saw his body suspended horizontally in mid-air. A quick glance at Arawn revealed that he was utilising his other ability to prevent the prince from completely falling.

"Not so mighty now, Conrad," Arawn smirked, a dangerous glint in his eye. "I left you with a warning and a small punishment. I shan't do that this time."

"Arawn…" Evanna warned, slowly stepping towards her prince without slipping on the lethal icy surface. "Don't."

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