
Gone (1)

Evanna forced herself up, scrambling across the ice that started to sink underwater. Waves of the water rushed towards them, breaking the ice further from where the dragon and Ger sank. The noise rumbled across the mountains like that of a mighty roar. The once quiet lake was alive and angry, trying to sink those left into the bottom of its depths. 

Arawn raced towards them, running across blasts of ice he kept creating from his hands. 

"The ice is collapsing!" Arawn shouted. "Get her out of here!"

"No!" Evanna screamed, tears spilling down her cheeks even in her frail state, her legs buckled beneath her again. Hopelessness swallowed her whole as Axel and Ronan caught her sobbing form, pulling her back by the top of her arms. 

"He's gone, lass. He's gone! His sacrifice will be nowt if you fall into this lake with him!" Axel snapped harshly into her ear, tugging her backwards before throwing her over his shoulder. 

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