
White Sabres

Evanna jumped back, facing this four-legged beast properly. Garrett spun around, keeping his back aligned with Evanna's, facing another of this creature's kind. Arawn and Fiza were already fighting ahead, and it was the same for Axel and Ger. Bright blue, animalist eyes shone back at them, scattered around in the darkness revealing just how surrounded the group was.

Weapons were drawn and swiping out, and the sounds of growling, hissing and roaring echoed through the cave. Evanna watched, weapons raised, ready as she stared back at the beast standing proudly on a rock above her, its claws causing stones to drop over the edge and land by her feet. The blue lighting of Fiza's magic hovered, slowly glowing bright and growing big, providing better sight for the elves and humans unable to see in the dark. Fiza, though remained in the dark.

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