
'Evil' elves

Evanna turned her head toward Arawn and Garrett, casually wiping goblin's blood from their swords and sauntering towards them. Ger instantly pulled Evanna back, shielding her from them, and Axel stood in front of them while Ronan stood beside the night fae, keys in hand, glancing between the other men.

"*Such simpletons,*" Garrett commented as he sheathed his seraph blade. 

Arawn's eyes flashed in mirth as he stopped before Axel's tense body, sizing him up but then in approval. "And how would you protect Evanna without any weapons? I commend you for your courage and loyalty to your princess, but it was we who helped you, humans." He began to step around Axel, but the giant placed his hand on Arawn's shoulder, halting him midstride. The Prince's cold gaze flicked up to his full height, challenging him to do more. 

"Stop!" Evanna blurted as Garrett's hand moved to the hilt of his sword. 

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