
Nothing More Than A Thief!

Evanna started cutting through Ronan's bounded hands, frowning when she saw Killian was not helping Cilv. Ronan continued to try and speak,

"On't ugh er!"

"Killian, what are you doing? You are wasting time. Help Cilv so we can head out," Evanna ordered, but when he didn't move, she paused and looked at him. He was glaring at Cilv, his face full of fury, his ruby eyes narrowing. 

"I think.. you should see what your friend has to say first," He said darkly, clenching his fists. Evanna glanced between Ronan and Cilv, but the sound of another faceless creature screeching reminded her of their urgency to escape. She cut through Ronan's ropes, and they fell away from his hands; he instantly pulled his gag down and wetted his lips.

"Don't trust her, Raven. She's nothing more than a thief!" 

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