
The Teacher: Part One

Evanna took a deep breath, bracing herself as she stepped forwards into the space the prince just stood. A gentle breeze blew strands of her hair across her face as she gazed upon the gardens waiting for her lesson to begin. Even though the prince was no longer on the spot she now stood, she could still feel an energy swirling around in a circle along the ground. But there was no black mist, nor did she feel any pain, so she presumed it was safe.


Arawn walked to stand in front of her and began instructing her on the first few steps. Which seemed to be simple: Focus on the energy you feel inside of yourself. Evanna knew without further explanation what he meant. She already felt the rush of life flow through her when she tried to heal the plants earlier. Although it seemed even when she focused, with a scowl on her features, it did not do anything. 


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