


I sighed in exhaustion as I entered my car, wet from the water Hanabi dumped on me but my mind wondered off to what Tomoki had told me.

Takato Tomoki was actually Akio's son. Akio's illegitimate child.

I don't know why but the thought of Yuki carrying another alpha's child made me jealous, possessive and angry but I had no right.

I was married even though I never wore a ring to prove it and Yuki could never be mine even if I was unmarried.

It was like this world had decided he could never be mine but everything he told me didn't add up.

I felt there was more truth to what he was telling me because he never told me why he didn't want Akio to know.

I took a copy of a picture of Yuki and his son that the detective had gotten for me.

Yuki was probably eighteen years old in this picture with his hair shorter than now and his son, two years old then on his thigh as they sat on the swing.

Yuki looked tired but he was smiling and had the most sincere look on his face when holding his son who looked a lot like him.

I don't why but I felt this urge to protect them, to claim both of them as mine and to love them.

The fact that little Tomoki's eyes looked very familiar and similar to mine made me feel happy even if I was not his father, I could still be an important figure in his life because Akio is my brother.

I knocked on the door of a very fancy and expensive apartment before the door opened and Akio pulled me inside the house.

Akio looked like he just woke up from a long nap as he scratched his stomach and messed more with his shaggy hair.

He had grown wild over the years with his parents disowning him because he used to date a male alpha who worked in a brothel.

He was intelligent, hardworking and responsible but then his way of living made it hard for people to believe he was actually a multi-billionaire like myself who owns about seven catering organizations and three cooking high schools all over the world.

"Are you just waking up?" I asked before he yawned and then nodded before walking into the kitchen to make dinner.

"Usually you chase me anywhere but home so what did I do this time? Get an omega pregnant?" He joked before laughing but I remained silent before his laughter slowly died down.

"Wait, did I really do that? I knew I should have given that omega pills last week." He joked again before saw I had a serious expression and paused in the meal he was making.

"When was the last time you saw Yuki Tomoki?" I asked before he kept silent and then started to calculate.

"You might not like the answer." He responded before sighing. "Saw him a few months after he left school for good. He seemed tired and sick but he was okay, then also during his parents funeral and last year Christmas."

"Why didn't you tell me anything after knowing I was searching for him?"

"He said he didn't want anyone to know where he was. Plus he was having a hard time along with his family and knowing you who had a crush on him like the size of the universe, you would chase him tail to tail." He explained before I looked at him in confusion.

"Did you and Tomoki ever go out?" I asked before he placed some dishes on the table then he looked at me wearily.

"Why do you ask Haru? There's something not adding up." He said before I sighed and then looked at him.

"Just answer the question."

"No. We never dated."

"Did you ever have sex?" Akio paused before he seemed like he was remembering something and then he walked away from me.

"I'm not answering that." Akio responded before I stood up and followed him to the kitchen.

"Just answer the damn question!"

"I won't! You're really starting to butt into my personal life! Stay in your lane and I stay in mine. I don't ask if you have sex with Asami." He tightened his voice before taking the last dish and placing on the table.

"I know Yuki has a son." He said with his eyes looking at the dish and clenching tightly.

"Then take responsibility." I said before he sighed and then smiled.

"It's not that simple. You can't just waltz into the life of someone who clearly doesn't need you. The only support I gave was helping him build that café and helping him get an education. I don't feel like I deserve to be in Takato's life, I have no right." He said sadly before sat down and I sat opposite him.

"You have every right to. You're his son's father."

"Not really, it's complicated. You wouldn't understand."

"Then explain it to me so I can." I pleaded before he sighed and then he gave that annoying grin that he used to avoid questions.

"A man can't talk on an empty stomach." Akio said before he started eating his rice and picking other dishes into his bowl.

I sighed knowing that I wouldn't be able to get him to talk when he was like this.

Akio was very nice but he could be secretive and annoying.

"I'm thinking of adopting a cat." Akio said as he laid on his couch and clicked the TV remote, changing to different channels.

"Don't bother. You'd forget to feed it."

"Now that hurt my feelings."

"But it's fact."

"True." He said before he ruffled his hair. I stood up after checking the time, knowing I had to go home.

"Have to get home before Asami starts to call."

"Wow what a caring wife. Greet the bitch for me." He said sarcastically as he batted his lashes like me making me to laugh.

"I don't get why you don't like her?"

"Don't know. Glad it's mutual because I can't pretend." He said before I exhaled and then walked to the door.

"Aren't you seeing me off?"

"No. You know your home, I'm not your lover." He said before I chuckled and closed the door behind me.

Walking down the street was something I wanted to do before going home.

I couldn't go home with the stress of knowing Akio had been keeping very important information from me.

I was still lost in my mind as I was heading to the convenience store when I bumped into someone making whatever he was holding to fall down.

I watched as he quickly picked it up before I looked at the one close to my leg and picked it up. It was supplement drugs for babies.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized before he stretched his hand towards me and I handed it to him.

I looked at his left hand to see a ring on it before I looked at him and then I recognized that blood beta anywhere.

"Kiba Hyouda." I said before he adjusted his glasses and looked at me very well.

"Aizawa-senpai! I-it's been years." Kiba said as he put the last drug into the drug and then I nodded.

"You are married?" I asked before he looked at his ring and smiled at it beautifully.

"Yeah for three years. We just adopted a baby recently, she's sick so I came to pick up drugs." He said before I gave him a confused expression.


"Yeah my wife, Sharon, her body is too weak to carry a baby so we adopted a baby. Yuma." He explained before I shook him.

"Congratulations." I said before he shook back and then he looked around as if expecting someone to pop out and attack him.

"Aizawa-senpai can we talk?" He asked nervously as he adjusted his glasses before I nodded.

We walked up to a bench close to convenient store before we sat and Hyouda placed his stuff on his legs then he exhaled.

"I have been feeling guilty about this all my life because it was my fault. I talked to my wife and psychologist who told me I should ask for forgiveness from Yuki Tomoki but I have been afraid to face him ever since I knew he moved back to town." He said feeling uneasy as he inhaled and exhaled making me feel slightly nervous.

"What is it about Tomoki?" I asked feeling nervous myself before Hyouda brought out a disk and placed it in my hand.

"A few of my classmates were bullied a lot by alphas who directed their hatred towards the weak ones and only few could stand their ground especially Tomoki. He was strong and bold, willing to challenge any alpha even though he wasn't strong. It was funny how he beat Eiji Sakamoto unarmed. So as revenge, they made a classmate of mine steal Rin Hanabi's phone because she was close to him." He narrated.

"They made a deal that if I hacked the phone, they would never bother our section again. They kept their word but I didn't think that it was Rin's phone and by then the damage had already be done. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw Tomoki walking weakly out of the boy's hostel, he was crying a lot and his clothes were torn and he was shivering. I tried to help him but I was so guilty, I ran away."

"Tomoki never came back to school, the president of the press club got that CD and watched it. Luckily she was my sister and gave it to me without explaining what was in the CD and telling me to get rid of it because it could cost us our future but I couldn't. I knew what it was and I kept it all these years waiting for the right time. I felt miserable when Yuki pulled out of school." He confessed as he tried to keep his breath under control before putting his hands into his jacket's pocket because of the cold.

"You've never seen the video?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Who else knows about it?" I asked before he fiddled with his hands.

"My sister told only Rin as far as I'm aware." He responded before I nodded and stood up.

"Thank you so much. I know it was hard on you but I'm not the one you should be asking for forgiveness from. I'm sure that Yuki will forgive you if your honest enough." I advised before he nodded and took his stuff and stood up.

"Thank you for listening. Goodnight." He said before he bowed and went his own direction.

I drove home silently as my hands clenched the steering wheel in anger.

I wasn't relaxed, all my mind wanted was to know what was in that video that made Hyouda look miserable.

He was victim too because he felt responsible for his class as an authority figure.

I entered my room knowing Asami wasn't home after receiving her text she took an quick impromptu trip out of Japan to God knows where.

I showered and changed before going to my study with the CD.

I sat down bracing my mind for the worst before I inserted it into my laptop and then put it on play.

The visual was dark but I could clearly hear the voice of three people and one person struggling then the struggling stopped and then the next thing I heard is laughter.

I recognized the three voices there but not the person struggling.

The video was clearly edited because a lot had been cut and then the next I saw Tomoki panting hard.

I could guess he was in heat and then the next thing, the door opens making my eyes to widen.

It was me. I was clearly staggering and my vision was coordinated, I was drunk and then Tomoki's heat had started at that moment.

I watched as I violently subdued Tomoki was who crying and begging me, protecting the back of his neck so that I don't mark him.

"P-please stop! It... hurts! It hurts, mercy!" He cried as I spread his legs wider, dislocating his hips making him scream as I took advantage of him.

I closed my eyes and stopped the video because I couldn't watch it anymore.

I couldn't continue watching the video so I took the CD, deleted the memory and broke it into a million pieces before putting it in a bag and dumping into the trashcan.

I sat on my bed as I cleaned the dried tears on my face from watching that.

I was a terrible person, I was the lowest of the lowest.

I remember when I was younger, I promised I would treat all omegas with respect because most alphas wouldn't exist without them.

They deserved love and respect as much as alphas and betas became they were no greater or higher gender just humans with different responsibilities.

I had no excuse for doing that even if I was drunk.

I remember spending the night with someone seven years ago but I never knew that it was the same person who I was in love with.

I ruined him and his future, I was the reason he never went back to school.

I felt even more horrible remembering how he trembled and avoided me the first time I spoke to him in the café.

How nervous he was when I asked if we could talk and about his son.

"It's not that simple. You can't just waltz into the life of someone who clearly doesn't need you. The only support I gave was helping him build that café and helping him get an education. I don't feel like I deserve to be in Takato's life, I have no right."

"You have every right to. You're his father."

"Not really, it's complicated. You wouldn't understand."

"Oh God." I whispered as I remembered my conversation earlier with Akio.

Was it possible that... Takato was my son?

Did Yuki lie because he was scared I would harm him?

I had to find out I had to know the truth because I wouldn't forgive myself if I did nothing.

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