
19.39 Second Red Star - Xia

The World Eater Fragment in its current form piqued Queen Titania's curiosity. Clearly, he thought he was the same guy from his memories. After all, the newborn universe creator was the same shape. Titania, his memories warping reality, believed the spherical creature before him to be the same as the one he had dreamed about. He could never deny the emotions those memories evoked, even if he did not understand the true significance of them or think they came from previous lifetimes.

These two have a soul connection that dates back to the beginning of time. He is a portion of the God of Destruction, even if he is only a sliver of his soul. Because of the agony he is going through in this incarnation, his karma with those beings from his previous lifetimes cannot be easily severed. He is drawn to the spherical creature and wants to touch him because of this. Hunluan, the God of Chaos, is the sole family of World Eaters, after all.

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