
All 8 High-level Monsters Are Defeated!

Mathew's PoV:

I checked to see the current situation of the others excluding Alex who was currently lying on the ground.

I might be able to alleviate Alex's paralysis status using a potion that I had stolen weeks ago but I decided not to. I'll just let him suffer for the consequences of using a skill that temporarily boost stats.

Even if I wasted one of my potions to cure Alex's paralysis, Alex still couldn't help me and the other heroes in defeating the remaining high-level monster since Alex had not yet recovered most of his mana.

With that in mind, I might as well use a defense-type artifact to protect Alex from the possible attacks of a high-level monster.

I took out a small silver shield with a star symbol decorated on it. I then poured my mana into the small silver star shield and placed the small silver star shield on top of Alex's stomach.

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