
CHAPTER - 43 { Indigo League Part-2 }

After registering for the Indigo Plateau Conference, Kota took the random selection.

Kota is assigned to battle on the Rock field against a trainer named John.

And this match will also be the first starting match of the tournament.

"That's me!, " From the side, John came walking while three ladies followed him.

"Who's that guy? Does he think he can win against our baby?, " The ladies gave multiple comments on Kota saying he would definitely lose.

"I will make sure to create a wonderful opening match, " Muttered Kota, he then left the registry and headed towards the stadium.

Two hours later, the stadium was packed with hundreds of thousand people.

"Welcome everyone! I am Desi. And I will be the ones talking directly to the audience!, " On the side of the commentary, a man with glasses sat.

"On my left is a trainer from Cinnabar Island! Trainer John!, " Everyone turned to look at the side where Desi introduced the trainer.

"Hi, " John waved his hands at the audience and showed his biggest smile.

There was lots of cheering and clapping, which made John raise his chest even higher.

"And on my right! He is very famous. He is what you call a monster! The rookie trainer Kota from Pallet Town!, " Increasing his voice, Desi spoke as if he was shouting.

The moment Kota' name was said, the stadium exploded with cheers.

"Kota! Kota! Kota!, " Everyone in the audience seemed to go wild as they shouted Kota' name.

Slowly walking towards the side of the battleground, Kota looked at the audience.

His face didn't show much expression but his eyes were sure scary to many.

"H-He is K-Kota! That Kota!, " John stared at Kota and felt like his legs were about to go jelly.

'Did you learn that now?, ' Thought Kota, he looked at John and saw his shaking legs.

"I will finish it fast, " Kota' lips moved as John tried to read what he said.

"Shit!, " Cursed John, he grabbed his pokeball and pulled it from his waist belt.

"I-I am not s-scared!, " John encouraged himself, raising his head to look towards Kota.

But then John saw Kota glare at him with his eyes showing nothing.

As if facing a very small stepping stone that wasn't even worth going through.

"Trainers! Let your pokemons out!, " The referee's voice rang in the stadium.

"I will use my strongest pokemon! Go, Onix!, " John threw a pokeball on the battleground.


"Isn't it a comparison match?, " Kota smiled and pulled a pokemon from his waist belt.

"Show him, what real strength is!, " Said Kota while he threw the pokeball before the Onix.


In front of John' Onix, another Onix stood with a different color in yellowish green.

"A Shiny Onix! Wooh! That's my first time see it in real!, " Desi pulled his glasses and stared at the Shiny Onix with sparkles.

(Kota' Onix will be written as S.Onix from now)

"Iron Tail!, " Ordered Kota, S.Onix nodded his head as he swung his tail that glowed in silver.

"Dig!, " Shouted John while looking a little more calm than before.

"Good! Earthquake!, " Kota smiled, seeing that smile, John almost bursted in cry.


With the high energy concentration released in the ground, a small scale Earthquake came.

"Wooo! Hold on tight!, " Desi held the table with one hand and the mic with the other.

"Onix!, " John looked at his injured Onix, who came up from the hole.


S.Onix roared at the opponent Onix while making the audience scared.

"Body Slam!, " Said Kota, this match was very easy for a tournament.

"Dodge it!, " John shouted with a high voice but unfortunately, his Onix was unable to dodge.


S.Onix slammed on top of Onix, the latter let out a loud cry.

"John' Onix is unable to fight!, " The referee voiced, making John clench his fists.

"Damn it! I won't forgive you for hurting Onix!, " John glared at Kota with his red eyes as a teardrop formed.

"Come back, " Kota called S.Onix back into his pokeball while holding another.

* * *


"The first battle is already over, " Said Brock, he looked at Kota seriously.

"Ash, you have to do something about his monstrous pokemons!, " Misty held Togepi and looked at the battleground with fear.

Almost all of Kota's pokemons are scary and super strong. Many even bigger than average of their own kind.

"I won't lose! Not until I give my best!, " Ash lowered his head and vowed to himself.

'Not until he sees me as a equal power!, ' Thought Ash, Pikachu came on his lap and smiled.

"Pika Pikachu!"

Ash looked at Pikachu and showed a smile. Yes! As long as he is together with Pikachu, he can face any opponent!

"Look, John is calling his next pokemon!, " Misty woke Ash from his thoughts as she pointed at the battleground.

"Rhyhorn!, " Brock identified the pokemon immediately with the appearance.

"What will Kota choose?, " Misty looked at Kota and said. Ash and Brock were also eager to know.

* * *


"A slow pokemon, " Muttered Kota, this time, he was sure to win it with speed.

"As fast as you can, buddy, " Said Kota, he called with his second pokemon.


Standing in front of Rhyhorn, Scizor bent his back forward and got ready to move.

"Rhyhorn, Tackle!, " Ordered John, Rhyhorn nodded as he charged at Scizor.

"Agility, " Said Kota, Scizor as if vanished, couldn't be seen by the people.

"What! Where has Scizor gone? I can't see it anywhere?, " Exclaimed Desi, he looked around but still no sign of Scizor.

"Rock Smash!, " Kota showed his emotionless face to John as he ordered.


Directly coming above Rhyhorn, Scizor brought down his shining claw.


Dust and rocks flew, no one could see what happened to Rhyhorn or Scizor.

"Rhyhorn! Can you hear me!, " Shouted John, but Rhyhorn didn't respond to his shout.

"Rhyhorn is unable to fight!, " The first person to see the result was the referee.

"How's it? Fast right, " Asked Kota, his pupils expanding at the figure of John.

Two battles were over within minutes, one taking only seconds.

John was on his knees, he stared at the fallen Rhyhorn and at Scizor, who stepped on it.

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