
CHAPTER - 9 { Evolution }

[Author Talk---]

The size of the pokemon were actually not matching to how they looked in animation.

So I will be adjusting those, please keep this in mind.

Thank you for reading!!




Spearow flew high in the sky and attacked a butterfree with Quick Attack.

The butterfree, not being faster than Spearow and also unprepared, was knocked out.


Spearow cried out loudly, his body shining in white bright light.

'He is evolving!, ' Kota together with Scyther, stared at Spearow growing in size.

As the light disappeared, a very big bird looking furious and scary. It was completely brown in color.

On its head it has a bump like thing in red color. It was about 2 meters tall.

This was definitely the biggest Fearow that he had heard or seen on television.

The biggest he knew was of a famous trainer and it was about 1.9 meters in height.


Fearow used his big wings to created wind, slowly coming down.

"Good, but you need to learn more moves like wing Hyper Beam, " Said Kota, Fearow nodded his head and flew in the sky.

He searched for more opponents to fight against, while Kota was making Scyther challenge more pokemon.

* * *

Charmander stood on the water looking towards Gyarados who continued to swim in the river.

"Charrr!, " Charmander clenched his fist and controlled the fire on his tail to grow big.

But now, it's been three hours since he started his training and the fire was already becoming smaller.


Gyarados looked at Charmander, he was a little worried about him.

Being a fire type pokemon, Charmander would obviously suffer if he stays in water for too long.


Showing a thumbs up to Gyarados, Charmander closed his eyes and concentrated.

He won't lose, not to a lifeless water that didn't even fight back with him.

Five hours later, Kota returned back with many berries and fruits.

Scyther was already inside the pokeball completely exhausted. Fearow was not much better in shape, he landed next to the river to drink water.

The first thing Kota saw was the fire on Charmander's tail. It was not much bigger than a matchstick flame.

"Oi, don't give up!, " Coming near Charmander, Kota put a fruit on his mouth.


Charmander ate the fruit and replied weakly, the water had affected his body now.


Gyarados stared at Kota wanting him to let Charmander rest but instead got a glare.

"If you can't do this, you can never become stronger than who you are!, " Said Kota, he faced Charmander while saying so.


Charmander nodded his head and grind his teeth.

* * *


Kota was inside the tent sleeping, the forest was not very quiet.

Outside, Gyarados and Charmander were talking to each other. Mainly Gyarados encouraging Charmander to stay focused.


The will of Charmander was working, the fire on his tail has returned back to the original size.

Looking up in the sky, the moonlight touched Charmander.

It was truly beautiful, and Charmander captured this moment in his heart.

Today he will break a wall that will make him become even stronger than before.

And with him was his friend, Gyarados still staying next to him.

"Charramnderrrr!, " The fire on his tail, had increased to such size that was almost half of his own body.

Charmander's eyes burned a fire in it, his body glowing with the moonlight.


Hearing Gyarados' roar, Kota woke up and went outside to see Charmander evolving.

Today, two of his pokemon evolved. And those two were the ones he needed the most.


A deep red pokemon stood on the other place of Charmander, there was a horn-like thing on the back of its head.

"Done, that's what I wanted, " Muttered Kota, he called Charmeleon out of the water.

It stood at a height of 1.3 meters, Kota being 1.64 meters. Kota was definitely small compared to his age but what could he do?

And it looked like his body stopped growing, so he just didn't care anymore.


Charmelean looked at its own body with curiosity and also released some flames through the mouth.

"Why don't you take some rest?, " Said Kota, as he got Charmelean's pokeball from the tent.

Nodding his head, Charmelean got in. Kota returned back to sleep in the tent.


Gyarados left alone, sat on the side of the river and looked at the pretty moon.

* * *

For the next three days, Kota made Gyarados do Hyper Beam continuously until he got tired.

After each rest, the next interval between the rest also increases, meaning Gyarados was doing more Hyper Beams.

His energy increased, his strength increased, his accuracy increased with long attack moves.

And most importantly, the power of his moves also increased.

Charmelean after evolving had also increased in power and strength.

Fearow could lift a big boulder and fly for over three hours straight.

The boulder was bigger than Charmelean in size, the weight in hundreds of kilograms.

Scyther learned many new moves including Sword Dance which was very difficult to do.

Overall, Kota was sure to destroy half of the whole Indigo League with this line up.

But he didn't want to just go in the top 10, he wanted to win it and get that trophy.

"I need a ghost pokemon like a Gengar and a psychic pokemon like Alakazam, " Kota muttered while climbing a high ground.

Few more kilometres, Kota saw the site of a big city which the exact one he looked for.

Vermilion City

The modern buildings were very tall and strong, many trees were also planted on the roads.

There was the seaport, where many ships were docked and many sailing.

'I hope Ash didn't come here already, ' Said Kota, he jumped from a big rock and landed on the green grass.

There was still distance between him and the city, he could also use Fearow go fly directly but.

Kota didn't want to, he wanted to feel alive in this world. Flying on Fearow was only for important matters.

Many small caterpies and weedles crawled on the ground and tree branches.

It was fun to see them, Kota smiled at these pokemon and also grateful for this life.

Now, it can be said that his dream has started to become reality.

Pokemon World… Is wonderful!

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