
184. Bind of The Past

Jon is laying unconscious after Kaido attack him with tail attack. The attack is covered by conqueror haki, and damage Jon from inside out. Even without conqueror coat, that tail attack is strong enough to knock out the old Jon 2 years ago.

Kaido is approaching Jon, and Kurama try to wake Jon up but to no avail. Kaido arrive in front of Jon and raise his kanabo up. He coat it with armament & conqueror haki. Then without hesitation, he swing it down and strike Jon.


Dust spread everywhere because of the impact. Without waiting for the dust to disperse and checking on Jon, Kaido leave. He's sure that he has kill Jon with that conqueror covered attack, as he didn't feel Jon's presence anymore.

However, that's Kaido's biggest mistake, as a head come out from the ground after he leave. It's Zetsu's head, and he is checking the situation. He look around and look at Kaido's leaving direction.

After confirming that Kaido has leave, Zetsu come out from the ground. This Zetsu looks strange because he is very fat. His body bloated up like a ball, and then he open his body like a flytrap's mouth.

Surprisingly, Jon fall from there, and still unconscious. Zetsu has pulled Jon to the ground before Kaido arrive and switch him with a Beast Pirate that they've dressed like Jon. Then he hide Jon inside his body to conceal Jon's presence so Kaido won't find him.

If you think that Zetsus have become smart, then you're wrong. Of course this is Jon's back up plan if something goes wrong, well it's Robin's idea actually, as she's very worried because Jon want to fight Kaido one on one. Jon just keep a zetsu here, while the other Zetsus are working on Onigashima.

Jon then open his eyes, but it's not Jon, it's Kurama. Kurama flow his chakra on Jon's body and it start to heal Jon. It didn't go as fast as when Jon use medical jutsu, but it still work. Jon's body has strong healing power, and chakra make it heal faster.

It take sometime for Kurama to heal Jon's external wounds. The internal ones are hard, as it need medical jutsu. Kurama try to wake Jon up, but it still not working.


Meanwhile, Jon find himself laying in a dark room. He stand up and look around to find a way out. He didn't know where he is, but he need to come back & fight Kaido.

Suddenly a Jon see something on the side, and he's surprised by it. He see his family is waving at him, so he walk there unconsciously. Tears flowing from his eyes, and he try to reach them with his hand, but he can't touch them.

But suddenly, another person run past him while running. Jon look at the person and that is his old self. Jon widen his eyes in shock & confusion, and then his family & his old self shattered into many glass shards.

Some voice come from behind, and Jon turn around. He see his old self is taking care of his younger siblings when they're still babies. It shattered again and now he see his old self is disobeying his mom, make his dad furious & discipline him.

Jon realize this is his past, his memories, and it's rewinding in his mind. He keep looking at it with heart broken feeling. He always regret the fact that he can't stay with his family anymore.

Jon start to realize that he is still tied to his past. He thought he has letting it go, but he didn't. When he saw Tama's suffering, he was reminded of his siblings. When he saw some full family, he was jealous of them. He know that he is the one who die, but it didn't change the fact that he can't meet his family again.

"Did you want to forget your past?"-Jon's old self

"No, i don't want to forget about them."-Jon

"But that make you tied to the past and can't live your life. Get ahold of yourself! This is your life, not ours."-Jon's dad

"Son, you know that i want nothing more from you than having a happy life. Even if i can't see you anymore, but i still want it to happen."-Jon's mom

"I know, you always told me that since i was a kid."-Jon smile

"Then live your life for your own and chase that happiness! You don't need to forget about the past, but don't be tied with it. We will always be with you, no matter what."-Jon's mom

"You're a man aren't you? Then be a strong man, and chase your future!"-Jon's dad


"Big bro, don't worry, i will protect our family."-Jon's brother

"Yeah, i leave it to you, Prince!"-Jon rub his brother's hair

"Big bro, me too, me too."-Jon's sister

"Hahaha, you want to be a strong Princess? That's good, i don't like weak Princess after all."-Jon rub his sister's hair too

"Yeah, we can see that."-Jon's dad smirk

"Will our grandkids have blue hair too like her?"-Jon's mom

Jon get embarassed and throw his red face away. He know they're not real, and only the fragments of his memory about them, but it's still real for him. Jon talk a bit with them and start to feel his heart being freed from any weights. Jon then embrace his family for the last time, and finally say something that he always want to say to them.

"Good bye mom, good bye dad, thanks for what you've done and gave to me for my whole life, i love you the most in all my life. Good bye my beloved little brother & sister, your big brother will always love you, and hope for the best to you."-Jon

""Good bye Jon/big brother, we love you too.""-Jon's family

Now Jon's family didn't shattered, but they turn into bright light & disperse. A pendant appear on Jon's hand, it has his family photo inside.

[Ding! Host has accept and remove the bind of his past.

Last recquirement has been met. Starting final procedure.]

"What?"-Jon get confused

[Ding! Recquirement:

1. Awaken Mangekyou Sharingan without system's help: Complete.

2. Finish Main Mission to get Nine Tailed Fox devil fruit: Complete.

3. Getting Kurama's friendship & trust: Complete.

4. Mastering chakra and haki to a high degree: Complete.

5. Removing the bind of past life: Complete.]

"Oi, system, what is this?"-Jon

[System final procedure commencing. Removing Host' limit potential.]

Jon suddenly feel his body heat up, and something come out from his skin. Black words like seal appear all over his body. Jon's hair also grow until it reach his hips and become even darker than it already is.

The seal on his body start to disappear slowly and Jon's dizziness start to disappear. His surrounding also change from dark empty room, to his mindscape that full of nature. Jon look at Kurama that looking back at him with wide eyes.

"Kid, you seem different. You don't become stronger, but there's something that make you look a lot stronger."-Kurama

"Yeah, i also feel that way, but i don't know what happen. System, what happen?"-Jon

[Host have complete the recquirements to remove your limit. GOD have put a limit on you and gave recquirement to remove the limit. System is prohibited to tell Host about this and only tell you when you've fulfilled it.]

"Limit? But i don't feel that i've been limited in any way."-Jon

[The one being limited is your potential, not your power. Limitting potential will make you grow slower than what it should be. The biggest limit is about your eyes and your usage of Kurama's chakra.]

Jon is surprised, but he hold it and ask System to continue. The system explain that Jon can never upgrade his eyes before removing this limit. His adaptation to Kurama's chakra also get a lot slower due to this limit.

[Your potential is actually not very high like you thought it is. However, you surpass it through your hardwork and clever tricks like using Shadow Clones for training. You've never skipped daily training even once except when you're in a situation, and that's why you can grow past your limit.]

"I- Uh, this is-"-Jon is at a loss of word

Jon know system say the truth, and he can only accept it like that. It's also a fact that he never skip his training even once.

"Wait, compared to my friends, how is my potential?"-Jon is curious

[In the aspect to grow stronger in power, you have lower potential than Luffy, Zoro, & Sanji. But still higher than the other.]

"Oh. Wait, but Zoro also trained every day like me. Shouldn't he be stronger now? And Jinbe should have high potential too isn't he?"-Jon

[Yes, Zoro also never skip training, but you are more clever at training, make it more effective than Zoro. The deciding factor is your shadow clone usage, and your more effective training menu. As for Jinbe, he reach his current power in his current age, his potential is lower than Luffy & co.]

"Hmm, that makes sense. So now, what did i get?"-Jon

[You get:

1. Limit Remove

2. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan

3. Adaptability with Kurama's chakra

4. One wish to GOD]

Jon is surprised, but also extremely happy & excited. He immediately feel the change, especially his bond with Kurama. Previously, he feel something block his connection with Kurama, and now he feel that it has gone.

"Kid, i think now you can use what you call as Kyuubi mode. The link between my chakra & yours has been connected fully, that mean your body has adapted to it."-Kurama

"Great, now i can kick that dragon's ass."-Jon bump his fist

Then Jon check his EMS, and got dumbfounded by it. His biohazard like Mangekyo didn't change a lot. It just lost the inner circle shape, and get tomoe in each of the 3 circle. This GOD must've been lazy at designing the Mangekyo.

However, Jon is still happy by it, as the strain in his eyes must've gone by now. With EMS and Hashirama's gene, he is unstoppable, maybe. But now he don't need to worry of losing sight temporarily after using his eyes ability.

The greatest thing now is he can use Kyuubi mode. It didn't make him stronger than Kaido instantly, as that guy is truly a monster. But now he can match Kaido's power like Kurama, and he still can teleport freely. The best thing is, his chakra reserve will be very high.

[Please state your one wish.]

"I will save it for the future, because i don't have any need for it now."-Jon

[Request denied, need to state it now before System gone.]

"Huh?! What do you mean by gone?"-Jon is surprised

[As system mention earlier, this is the final procedure. System's assistance won't be needed anymore, because host can grow on your own.]

"...That's right, but what will happen to you?"-Jon

[System will disappear into nothingness.]

"!?.....Then, i will wish for you to get a life with me in this world."-Jon


"He can do it right? He is a GOD after all, and he could recreate me in this world, so it won't be a problem."-Jon

[But system is not a lifeform.]

"But you will be one, i know that you have emotion, even with your robot like accent. You often tease me in the past, and just now, you hesitate a little. You are made from my soul right? So that's why you can have emotion. You are my first friend in this foreign world, and as i always said, i won't let my friend die while i'm there."-Jon

[..... Thank you, system will send your wish to GOD.]

"Alright. Oh, and tell him to make you my twin sister, you're made from my soul after all. The backstory is, you're alive, but i don't know it. You've just found me and chase me to Wano. Yeah, that sounds good."-Jon

[Understood, sending the wish to GOD. Feedback estimation time: 12 hours.]

"Good, now let's kick a dragon's ass."-Jon grin excitedly.

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