

Alana entered her broken down car she had saved for since she began college .

She looked at the inside of her car and was proud that instead of wasting her money on buying a new dress for every party, new shoes for every occasion and things that weren't exactly necessary , the college her had saved up and bought this baby.

Her car wasn't totally broken down broken down , like it didn't have broken headlights, a bashed in bonnet and broken windows and all but compared to the cars that were plying the streets and those of some people she knew, her car was seriously underdeveloped or lemme say it needed a serious facelift or makeover from those reality shows .

She started her car and after a few tries it started and off she went yeahinto the day to kill the interview that's if she was even allowed into the building because she had spent a lot of time being a "star" in the bathroom, damn The Voice for making her late .

After fifteen minutes she arrived at the office . She stared at the building for a few seconds before realizing that her purpose was to pass the interview and get the job as the company's lead interior designer and not to just stare at the wonderful building .

So she gathered her stuff, breathed in and out , gave herself a pat on the back and walked boldly into the office with her head held high because she heard at such interviews confidence was also a key factor they looked for to select their workers , I mean who would choose a scaredy cat to work for The Black Heart .

If life were a rom-com, this would have been that one scene that began with some cherry self uplifting music and a slow-mo at the beginning where she will slowly lift up her head with a bright smile , totally radiating confidence and then the slow-mo ends and she walks quickly into the office and then the scene ends abruptly thenThey'dasks for an office from the reception or something yeah that kinda thing, until people she smiled too hard at started giving her weird looks and she remembered this was life , such things didn't happen .

She then walked directly to the receptionist that looked like a sweet lady . " Hello I'm Alana....Alana Walker " She said smiling at the receptionist that looked like she was in her early twenties . " And I'm Candy , Alana..Alana Walker"

Candy said with a laugh. " What can I do for you Alana"

Candy said still wearing her beautiful smile waiting for her to state her mission. "

Ow sorry I'm here for the interview please " Alana said with a shy blush .

"Right , 30th floor please" Candy said while pointing towards the elevators .

" Thank you very much and nice name you've got there " Alana said

" Thanks " Candy responded with a shy smile . "See you after then?" Alana said and disappeared towards the elevators.

When she arrived on the 30th floor, she saw a group of professionally and so not professionally dressed men and women seated and waiting for their various interviews, since it was a new company ,positions were available for almost everything . They were now recruiting people. She also saw some women who were wearing high riding skirts and push up bras with their faces full of make up and she was perfectly sure it could break of their face.

Their clothes left nothing to the imagination and it looked as if they wanted jobs as hookers .

Alana took her seat just where the line ended next to her a handsome young man was seated . 'Hi ' . Mr Blue shirt said to her . "Hello" Alana replied with a smile . "I'm Jaden and you are?" "I'm Alana" She replied with a shy smile .

"Ooh so the pretty lady is also shy huh, shy Ladies are my type". Mr Blue shirt who she now found out was called Jaden said with a smirk. She just let her hair down to cover her blush and kept on smiling ." Still won't speak I see " He said moving closer to get a reaction from her . She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes and was wowed , he had the most beautiful pair of green eyes she had ever seen and she was a sucker for green eyes .

"Damn " she said under her breath . "What was that" Jaden asked trying to get what she said again. "Oh..erh nuh" She said stuttering . " Well enough of the 'damns' and 'ohs' I'm here for the main financial accountant position you? " Jaden said with a smirk that said he heard when she said damn .

"I'm here for the lead interior designer position" She said while blushing extremely . "Whew that was a relief " Jaden said while wiping imaginary sweat off his brow . "What?" She asked him really confused.

"Well I saw that first class certificate popping out of that binder and it's a relieve we're not competing for the same position " He said with a playful smile .

She just rolled her eyes and shook her head causing both of them to burst out laughing and earning them disgusted looks from the others. After their laughing fit , they were both lost in their own minds prepping themselves for the interview and how it will go and other thoughts .

After countless people going in and coming out, some coming out with smiling faces and others coming out almost in tears it was Alana's turn to go in . She was visibly shaking and was stuck in her seat until Jaden tapped her , she woke up from her 'trance' and started walking towards the door unaware of whatever was going to happen in that interview completely unaware of her fate.....

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