
ch 6. the monster of jealousy


i was happy with kook. we had fun. we had sex. we had everything. in my mind it was all perfect.

we layed in bed, it was saturday afternoon, the sun came into my room, the wind blew the cutains, the birds were tuning, we layed lazy on my bed. i played with his shirt, he with my hair. flitters of dust danced around us in the air. it was peaceful, wonderful. i wanted to stay like this forever. "whats on your mind?" i looked up at him. "what u mean?" "u are brooding" "i am not" "come on chim, your thoughts are practicly screaming" he huffed and sat up, pulled me with him. "so?" i sighed. "its joon.... we really dont talk anymore, we dont hang around anymore.... its lame, i know, but he is my best friend." kook caressed my face. "babe, he has a boyfriend now, so do u, its only normal that u stop hanging around" i shook my head. "nope, we promised each other, not to lose our friendship over a relationship.... u are not the obsessed type of boyfriend who forbids me to hang with my friends anymore and neither is hobi, i think... so why? is joon avoiding me? or am i just paranoid?" i was really concerned, joon and i didnt talked since... weeks... it looks like he always avoided me in school....

kook sighed too, somehow he didnt want me or us to talk about joon. whatever.... "look, i think he is just busy with hope. as u told me, hobi is his first real boyfriend. of course they will spent time as much as possible. like us! he will come around soon enough again, u ll see!" "hm... thank u. u always comfort me" "hey, u are my boyfriend!" i giggled and hit him, what gave him the oppurtunity to threw me on my back and kissed the life out of me. oh i love him.



joon, joon, always fucking joon! i have enough of it! he was my boyfriend. and yes! i am obsessed with jimin. i really hate it, when he shows affection to anybody or anything else than me. i hate it when he was talking to somebody else, when he has fun with anybody than me. he was mine! and now he was whining after joon... yeah they are best friends, but he was with me now! i should be more important, than joon.....

the good thing is, that joon avoided jimin. i noticed it. and i was happy about it.

anyway, to my horror, a few months later joon invited jimin for a vacation week, without me or hobi. invited... more so that their parents decided to have the vacation together like always. i wasnt happy with that. i was livid.

"stay here. u can come with me and my family" i begged him. "sorry, but i dont have a word in the decision." he smiled at me and gave me a fucking peck. i jerked away at him. "if u love me, u would come with me" he tilted his head, stood up and backed away. "what are u saying?!" he whispered. i saw shimmer in his eyes. "dont give me teary eyes! looks like u dont love me at all!" "kook?!..... stop that!" "stop what?!" i got pissed up from the bed and balled my hands. jimin looked like a deer in headlights. huge eyes. "i ... i am going home now. i need to pack. see u in a week." "so u are going?!" i yelled at him. tears came into his eyes again, but he had a very pissed expression. "listen here: u are my boyfriend, no doubt there, but right now i dont like u at all! u are an asshole for no reason! u have a week to calm down and think of an apology to me. we will talk then. bye"

i said some ....idiotic things to him again and he stormed out. FUCK!!!!



i didnt know what happened, but jimin looked tired and sad, when he sat next to me in the car. he drove with my parents and me. he was silent the whole drive, only some short words in the beginning. he looked out the window the most time. i held his hand, what made him look at me, gave me a small smile, than he snuggled into my side, put his head onto my shoulder, held his arms around me and fell asleep. what the fuck happened?! i told him, that this fucker kook was a no-go! i sighed. i had time to get it out of jimin.

jimin and i had a room together, even a bed. we didnt had a problem with it. i talked with hobi on the phone, unpacked my stuff and looked at jimin, who stood on the balcony. "yeah, i ll tell him! see u in a week! will miss u! bye" i smiled and stretched my body next to jimin.

"so hobi has no problem?" "with what?" "u and me a week together?" ah! now i understand.

"kook has?!" jimin nodded. this fucker! idiot! i sighed and ruffled jimins hair. "sorry.... he is an asshole.... did he gave u a hard time?!" jimin nodded again. i sighed and hugged him. "come here, its gonna be okay. okay? or else he will have a problem with me" he gave me a smile. "see, better" i boobed his nose. "thank u, joon. u always take care of me" "of course" i pulled him insight. "lets test the pools, okay?!" jimin laught and we searched for our swimwear.

we had so much fun the first day. we enjoyed our vacation together. we talked so much. i apologised that i avoided him for the last weeks and we swore that we would get together more often.

before we walked to the dinner, jimins phone went off. he stood outside on the balcony again, first i didnt heard a thing, but then his voice became irrate and louder. i came outside. "fine, than this is it..... i dont care.... no, NO! he is my best friend, our parents are friends. what u think will happened?! ARE U SERIOUS???!!! .... thank u, kook. now i know how much u think of me.... i am no slut!....." i saw his tears. pissed i snatched his phone and heard kooks tirade, acusations about jimin fucking around. unbeliveble!

"listen, asshole! NEVER TALK WITH JIMIN THAT WAY AGAIN; OR I WILL RIP U A NEW ASSHOLE! DO U UNDERSTAND?! FUCKING MORON!" i disconnected the call and threw jimins phone on the bed, pulled him harshly into a tight hug. jimin started to cry desperatley into my chest. i moved forward and back, rubbed his back and his head, placed kisses onto his face and neck. poor baby. my baby. my poor baby.



i cried hard. joon washed my face with cold water and we walked down for dinner. i wasnt really hungry, so joon fed me. our parents looked at each other and giggled. "okay, we will pay half for the wedding. i want the say for the flowers!" my mom said. dad nodded. "we know a perfect location too" "okay, we have the music and the catering than. i have already some ideas" joons dad tuned in, his mom clapped her hands. joon and i looked dumbfounded at each other and at them. "what u talking?" joon asked with furrowed brows. "your wedding. u two are to cute! i am so happy to be related with u" my mom shook hands with joons mom. joon started to laugh.... wait what? i nudged him with my foot. "joon!" "oh, dont be embarrassed, baby! was time that they found out" congratulations and clinging of glasses between our parents. i just sat there like an idiot. what the hell was going on?!

joon fed me some more, he forced more and after some drinks, we walked back to our room. inside the room, i punshed his arm. "are u fucking crazy?! we arent together! u have hobi and i have....oh... nobody..." tears came into my eyes again. joon got me into a hug again. "i am sooo sorry, babe. but i got into it, when i saw our parents were so happy about the possibility of us together. i didnt want to offend u" i sniffed and look up to his face. "i am not offended..... i.... they think we are together now..... but..." i couldnt say a think. joon pressed his lips onto mine. after a long time.... i had his lips on me again. this familiar feeling calmed me fully down. made me feel safe again. comforted me. joon.

he layed me on our bed, layed on me. feeling his body on me again, his weight, feeling his breaths, his hands on my body. i surrender myself.



somehow i hoped for this. i hoped at least for some kisses, but.... looked like i got so much more. my sweet sweet jimin.

he clamed down immidiatly, he welcomed me and i was determind to gave him all. maybe now he will see, that it was always me for him. nobody else!

i peeled slowly and carefully all clothes off him, took my time caressing him, kissing his whole body, sucking his skin softly, made him aroused for me.

hearing his soft moans again, made it really hard for me not to fuck him into space. inside i was highwired, but i didnt want to hurt him. not after all what kook said to him. not after he was hurt by kook. i wasnt an asshole!

i sucked him and fingered him gently. until i felt his hands in my hair, pull them hard and he hissed "jooooonnn.... come on!" i snickered with his dick in my mouth and came up to his face. "oh so eager!" his face was red and sweaty. oh how much i love this face....

i pressed my lips onto his, while i fucked him slowly. i didnt wanted to leave them ever, but we needed to breath too, so sometimes i leaned my forhead on his, stared into his eyes, watched him closing his eyes, when i hit him good. watched him comming undone under me with a whimper and his oh so erotic face. it wasnt important for me to get my high, but jimin insisted. so i thrusted harder and came too.

tired, sweaty, but with a smile we layed next to each other and caught our breaths. we turned to each other, i carressed his face. "are u okay, babe?" he gave me his best smile and nodded. "thank u..... thank u joon" i kissed him again. i could eat him.

"love u" he mumbled and fell asleep. i layed there and let these 2 words ran through my brain over and over again. he said...he loved me...

was i now there were i wanted to be with him? did i made him see, that we belonged together?! i had to talk with him tomorrow!

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