
Chapter 1: What the fu-

Night cascaded down upon half the world, but even with this it was unusually loud in one small neighbourhood. Cars, helicopters, shouting and gunshots rang throughout causing all the residents to stay inside trying to ignore the sounds while clutching onto their loved ones and safety measures.

This swarm of vehicle's and people appeared to all have immensely different backgrounds police, army, mafia, Yakuza and even the Vatican. But even with these wildly differing backgrounds they all seemed to share the same one common goal 'TO CATCH A SINGLE MAN'.

The man they were all chasing from rooftop to rooftop was thought to be an absolute devil to half the world and a angel to the other half gaining him the nickname of 'Nephilim'. He gained the title from the people as he worked as an assassin/mercenary taking most jobs he deemed to be fair. He was classified as the number 1 in his field even with only having 20% success rate, which he gained by altering many of his offers himself by taking more compensation than he was offered by the client or even just changing the Target himself as he doesn't believe the punishment suits the crime or that the client themselves was not worth working for.

"Stop running Heathen and just give up!" one of the Vatican representative's shouted at the the man running away "I'll stop when you all go to hell!" replied the man pulling out a grenade from his belt and throwing it behind at one of the helicopters. The helicopter blew up and the debris stated falling taking out another two helicopters and three armoured cars killing tens of people but still not putting a dent into the number of followers.

While jumping from roof to roof the man came to the edge of a three story building knowing if he jumped he had to make it otherwise his life was forfeited to the pursuers. As he went to jump he heard a voice behind him "ZARR! stop it's me, just stop running" it was the voice of his mentor/teacher, the man who took him in and taught him all the skills he knew. "I can't believe that they even got you to join them" Zarr had a look of disgust in his eyes when glancing at his old 'Family' but no fear was visible.

"Yes Zarr the lord has plans for everyone and his plan for you was to give up, and me to get paid" the mentor said with a look of greed and mockery held in his eyes when looking at Zarr. "I see, and was that why your brother died a dogs death in the street, or why your wife was raped in the streets by the followers of the fat fuck over there. Was it all the lords plan!?" he replied with a smirk of his face while motioning toward the mentor and mafia boss catching up from behind.

The mentors face contorted with rage at the mention of them "Don't you dare mention them Zarr! And don't you worry they will get what's coming to them" as he said this he slowly pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed at Zarr. "Now what do you say one last round with ya old man, my gun vs your blade? One final battle to decide the true number 1" motioning towards the Katana on Zarr's waist.

"One last time to cut you would be my pleasure!" he replied while grabbing the handle of his partner and best friend, "what do ya say buddy? one last kill before we go on our way" Zarr spoke while slowly drawing the blade from the sheath with a smirk, resulting in the surrounding temperature to feel as though it had dropped a couple of degrees.

As the blade was drawn and the sheath hit the ground from being thrown, he shot forward like a arrow from a bow straight at his mentor cutting and dodging the bullets fired from the handgun. As he got within a metre of the mentor he began to swing his blade towards the dominant hand with the gun. But as if predicted the mentor began to twist his body and dodge the slash while beginning to swing his elbow down towards the head of Zarr.

Just as the elbow was about to connect with his temple Zarr bent forward and slashed at the thigh cutting a deep gash into the leg just above the knee of his mentor. They continued to fight for what felt like hours to them crossing blow after blow, slash after slash and shot after shot. Having exchanged close to a thousand blows between the two Zarr was able to get one lucky slash in taking the eyesight of his mentor away.

"Arghhh!" he bellowed loudly after losing his sight and winced up massively resulting in a weak spot opening up which was all Zarr needed and took advantage of by slicing his head off the body finally killing the man he used to see as a father figure only to turn into the worst type of monster alive.

After the fight Zarr collapsed onto his back with the blade still held loosely in his had but with the widest grin imaginable on his face 'I've done it! I finally did it! HIs dead!' he thought repeatedly in his mind while awaiting the outcome of what is to come upon him.

*Clap Clap Clap*

The loud ringing of a small group of applause rung out causing Zarr to look up and see who it was while reaching across his body to hold a wound on his side hidden by his torn jacket. It was the army general, police captain, yakuza and mafia boss and the pope's assistant as he was to old to come himself. " Well done and a mighty congratulations to you for finally killing your biggest demon" a fat man also known as the mafia's leader voiced out for him to hear.

"But its a bit of a shame that you just couldn't keep your hands to where they should have stayed and followed orders and none of this would have had to happen" The yakuza boss voiced out with a bit of regret before hiding all signs of it with a look of mockery "and now we get to torture out all the information before slowly killing you" he continued on gaining a cheer and grin from the other lackeys and bosses.

"HAHAHAHA" Zarr burst into laughter at the moment that this was said gaining a look of contempt from the bosses, "look the heretic has gone crazy in fear from death" the Vatican assistant announced to the others.

"I'm not laughing because of fear, I'm laughing at the thought of you guys thinking your safe and will be able to get out of here" Zarr loudly announced resulting in a look of mockery, "You really think you could beat all of us?" asked the general with an eyebrowed raised.

"Me vs you all with just a sword, no I don't. But did none of you really question why I bought you to my old neighbourhood?" Zarr said with a smirk and a look of contempt as he pulled out and flicked a switch from the inside of his jacket near his wounded waist.

"Goodbye and have a nice tri-" Zarr announced being cut off by a huge explosion wiping out the entire neighbourhood kill everyone including the innocents in the homes. As his body was about to be ripped apart from the explosion his felt a warm sensation spread around his body and drag it through a tear in time and space while falling into unconsciousness.

As Zarr began to come to he couldn't see, taste or smell anything and only heard some mumbling and grumbling until he heard in his mind a female voice saying {Hello host and welcome to the world of pirates} 'What the fuc' was all he could think before passing out again.

Hey guys just wanted to say a huge thanks for reading my first chapter and to remind you all to leave a comment of what you think and where i could improve,

Also if you enjoyed don't forget to like vote or gift.

Until next chapter Seeya later!

DiabloBearcreators' thoughts
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