
20. His Smile

Throwing on the first pair of clothes I could find, I grab my bag and run downstairs, it being a teacher work day AND A Friday everyone decided to head to the studio to practice for the finals.

When Jake texted me this morning to be ready I didn't expect him to be at my front door within five minutes of his text, but as I swing the door open his hand drops.

Assuming he was going to press it again he scratches the back of his neck, letting out a cute 'sorryyyy' in his little Australian accent.

I smile at him, throwing him and apple as we both make our way down to the side walk, munching on our snack as we walk side by side.

"So what's the plan again?"

Caught off guard his head whips towards me, apple juice flying in my direction, the reason for it being his half opened mouth.

With the juice on my face he goes to say something, cutting him off with my hand we both start to laugh.

I can never seem to be mad at him when he gives me that cute puppy smile of his, I think he's starting to realize that it's my weakness.

Walking side by side under the bright green trees he looks up, sighing softly before turning towards me.

"So when it comes to boys the best way to make them realize their mistake it to make them jealous.. you with me so far?"

Shooting him a look I laugh, his face is serious and that's when I realize that he's not joking.

"I'm being serious here! So I already told Mr. Gee that today you're going to work with me on the dance... but Nick doesn't need to know that"

"Ohhhh.... Jake are you sure about this? I mean it seems a bit..."

His smile lightens the mood, nudging my shoulder with his he laughs, making my nervousness disappear.

"You'll be my partner for today, and when he sees this hopefully he will realize that it's not okay to blow someone off, ESPECIALLY if you're partners."

As we reach the studio I turn to Jake, pulling him into a hug I feel happy, I feel like I just made a really good friend.

Jake is a good person.

I never thought he would be my first friend here.

I never thought I would make a friend when I moved, I'm just glad that it's him.


"Alright Jake... are you and you're new partner ready?"

The loud voice of Mr. Gee echos throughout the studio, Jake gets up as the rest of us are sitting down, Jake stretches out his hand towards me.

Looking directly at Nick he says confidently

"Let's go.. partner"

Grabbing my hand he pulls me up and walks us to the center of the room, all of the eyes being on us make Jake laugh.

"Don't be nervous, let's... just have fun okay?"

My smile makes him smile back, turning me around, I face the mirror and his back presses to mine.

The music starts, and as the song that Jake picked out plays I get lost in the sound of the piano.

Jakes smile floats through my memory, and as he starts to move I do the same, the routine just vivid in my mind as I try to follow his lead.

The fight with Nick makes my pulse instantly race, as me and Jake just came up with the choreography, we're doing our best to work with each other.

But dancing with Jake is different...

I'm having fun..

I like it...

My heart feels light and free.

I guess that's just Jake though.

It's just how amazing he is.

As we dance I feel happy, not stressed like with Nick, I guess everyone can tell, because as we trip over each others feet we still wear the same bright smile on our faces.

Laughing throughout the routine we make many mistakes, yet I still feels so carefree, so happy...

Pulling my arm Im suddenly spun into Jake, stumbling over together he lets out the cutest giggle, making me laugh as well.

Pushing on his chest I spin out from him, now we dance more playful as he goes to grab at me.

Instead of grabbing me he gets close to my face bringing up his hands.

After he waves his hands in my face he turns around, tripping over his foot he stumbles to the side, making me laugh loudly.

Turning his head towards me he sticks out his tongue, I follow his lead and make a silly face, pulling me by my hands towards him I fall into his embrace.

Hugging me he sways our bodies side to side and ending our routine, everyone starts to clap for us, making Jake hug me tighter.

With our both smiling faces, he lest me go only to hold my hand right after, both of us end in a dramatic bow, causing everyone in the room to laugh.

Everyone with the exception of 2 people.

Lima beam and...


Rolling his eyes he tilts his head to look at the ground.

"Well wasn't that just a fun performance, you too seem to connect really well, I can tell by how much you both laughed even though you kept falling over each other-..."

His hand squeezes mine tighter, looking at me with a smile as Mr. Gee continues

"The chemistry there was just something else, now I see why you asked for her to be your permanent partner"


All of our heads whip in the direction of Nicks voice,

"Uhh sorry.. just-.. I-.. never mind"

Clearing his throat he looks away, his face turning a very bright red.

Mr. Gee claps his hands and dismisses us to go home or do whatever we like.

Everyone stands up and rushes over to me and Jake, shouting out about how we look good together as partners.

Jakes face seems happy as he looks at everyone around us, I should be happy too, but for some reasons my heart feels heavy.

Turning my head to look around the room I spot Nick, just looking at everyone, not smiling, not laughing... just looking.

Before he can catch me looking I drift my eyes away, telling Jake that I'm going to grab my stuff so that we can head out.

Jake told me earlier that he wanted to walk me back home after, to which I replied that I would love that.

Walking around everyone I make my way over to our bags, picking up mine and Jakes I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder.

Turning around with the bags in my hands I see Nick, right infront of me.

"Hey.... I'm I was wondering if we can talk for a second?"

His voice comes out soft and delicate as he scratches the back of his neck, looking down at his shoes then at me again.

For some reason I want to feel bad about this whole plan, I want to be the same with Nick as I was before

But I don't want to get pushed to the side anymore, no matter how sad he looks, no matter how soft his voice comes out.

He ditched me, over and over again, and when I left that's the only time he actually realized what he did.

Not again.

I won't let that happen again.

Tightening my grip on the bag I look past Nick, and see Jake standing at the front doors waiting for me.

As I look at Jakes soft face I feel more confident in what I'm about to say

Sighing out loud I look back into Nicks eyes

"Sorry Nick, but my Partners waiting for me...

And trust me-..

I know what it feels like to wait on someone."

But as I push past him, and our shoulders brush, I can't help but feel sad

Why did that hurt so much to say that to him?

Why do I regret telling him that?

I don't know why, and I might never know but seeing Nicks face fall as those words pass my lips...

It made me feel like shit.

It also made me glad.

As I take a step, and another, and another, further away from Nick and closer to Jake, I feel regret.

Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind I stop infront of Jake, holding the door for me as I slip past him.

Coming out after me he slips his hand in mine, giving me another one of his soft smiles.

"Let's get you home... partner"

Laughing at our little inside joke we begin to skip down the side walk, and once again Nick slips to the back of my mind, and my heart feels...

Light once again.

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