

Quiet, that's all we hear as we stand there, panting as we take deep breaths, I turn to him as the clapping begins.

He pulls me to him into a hug, our laughs bounce off the walls and fill the room, turning away from him we watch the teacher, her face is filled with tears.

She walks towards us opening her arms, 'oh hell no! I am NOT giving her a hug', I quickly sidestep and push Jay forward, her arms instantly wrap around him.

I laugh as he shoots me a glare from over her shoulder, sticking out my tongue I make a silly face at him.

I can hear her sobs when she pulls away from him, turning around she pulls Jay and me closer to her at the front of the room.

"Uhh why are you crying?" My question comes off a little harsh, I mentally scold myself for sounding so mean, "that was- that was just-..".

She bursts into tears again, not being able to finish her sentence, slowly I push her arm from off of me.

"Well if our performance was more than enough then I'm gonna-..." pointing behind me I walk backwards, 'this is so fucking awkward...'

coming infront of the boys I take a seat, Jay trailing behind me, the teacher pulls herself together, clasping her hands together she begins to talk.

"That was... well students I hope you learned something from these two, that was one of the best dances I have ever seen", I roll my eyes, 'wasn't she just yelling at us not even 30 minutes ago?'.

Jay looks at me as she finishes talking, a big smile is plastered onto his face, "they LOVEEEE us" dragging out the love he starts to give me kissy faces.

Leaning over I give him a shove, "shut up dork!"  Chuckling at me as I start to blush, the bell rings signaling that 1st period is over.

Me and the boys sit there as everyone else gets up, pulling out my schedule I read the second period, 'free dance' so smile to myself knowing that I don't have to listen to a teacher for this one.



I slump over in my chair as I lean all the way back, popping my bones I let out a loud sigh, "alright everyone head to lunch, I'll see you all again for the next period".

Listening to the teacher I push my chair back, looking next to me I watch HeeHee, my face scrunches up in disgust.

I lean over right in his face, his face rests on his arms, a heavy string of drool trailing out of his mouth and onto the table.

"Eww what the fuck... this nasty turd!" Laughing I can feel the boys come up from behind me, I feel a heavy weight on my shoulder.

Turning my head my lips almost come in contact with Junies cheek, I can see him looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

I bring my hand up and shove his head off my shoulder, he brings his hand up and ruffles his hair as he laughs at me, big smile on his face.

Stepping forward I lift my hand, gently running it through HeeHee's hair, "your majesty.. please wake up" the boys laugh behind me at my choice of words.

He stirs on the desk, lifting his head up he opens his eyes, giving him a soft smile I grab his bag, "come on, it's time for lunch".

He jolts up from his seat, pushing me to the side I fall over onto the desk next to me, running to the door he swings it open, "watch it LARD ASS!" The boys laugh and run after him.

Standing up quickly I grab his and my own bag and run for it as well, 'no way in HELL are they gonna beat me to the lunchroom! Not on my fucking GUCCI WATCH".



Standing up with the boys in tow we run for the door, swing it open we don't wait for the teacher to release us.

The last bell of the day rings as we head to our lockers, our lockers are right next to each others as we simultaneously throw them open.

Turning my head I hear some girls whispering behind us, the two girls stare over at me, the shortest one brings their hands up to their mouth as the other whispers something to her.

Giggling when the taller girl moves away from her, both looking at me now while pointing, 'the fuck do they want?', turning around to face them I close my locker.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help but notice you both staring at me... I mean if you like me you can just tell me... I don't bite..-" walking towards them I stand right infront of them.

Grabbing a strand of the shorter ones hair

I wrap it around my finger, I bring my face closer as my lips hover over her ear, "-.. Much".

Stepping back I laugh as she pulls on her friends arm, both of them running away, turning around I see the boys watching me, mouths open.

Walking over to them I swing my arms around HeeHee and Junie, dragging them with me as me and Jay walk to the schools entrance, "oh what are y'all gawking at!".


Unlocking the door me and my twin Kris walk inside, "MOMMMM WERE HOME!", walking inside I shut the door behind us.

Making my way into the kitchen I see mom sitting at the island, suitcases at her feet, "uh hey, why do you have your suitcases out?".

Me and Kris walk over to her, pulling out a chair I sit down, I can see the nervousness on my moms face, 'what the hell is going on?'.

Mom motions for Kris to sit, I bring my hand up and begin to play with my chain, taking my moms coffee cup I bring it to my lips.

Taking a sip of the drink the warm liquid rests in my mouth, "girls were moving..-" I freez, my mouth opens as I spit the drink out, her words registering in my head.... and the coffee...-

-..currently on my sisters face.

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