
"Devourer From Abyss" 

Ainsley's charm was silent but deadly, and because people didn't know they were being controlled, they were naturally not immune towards the charm ability and they didn't even think of getting rid of it. 

Of course, once this ability was noticed, the charm effect would be greatly weakened. Still, the same person could be charmed countless times, which means that even if the person neutralized the charm effect for a while because of being sober, sooner or later, they would fall into this trick. 

Ainsley's charm ability looked omnipotent relying on this fact, and after several evolutions, even the anti-charm potion could not stop the charm ability anymore. 

Ainsley quickly took over the two people in charge of controlling her and quickly made these people stop for a while with a 'reasonable thinking' of wanting to check what was happening with the riot next door and the weakening of the domain. 

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