
"Small-scale Beast & Monster Tide" 

Ainsley looked around and nodded before asking the commander in a soft voice once more. 

"I wonder if other teams have finished their formation yet? Is there a way to communicate directly with all members to make communication smoother during the battle?" 

Ainsley felt that if they just relied on each team's leader and vice leader's decision making, when there were situations that those groups didn't know but they knew because of the height advantage...

It would be troublesome. 

The old general also thought about this, so he went to find someone who could use communication-type ability in case their current communication device could not be used during the battle. 

Thankfully, among 1000 people, they got one student with this large-scale communication ability like telepathy that worked both ways with her as the meeting point. 

With the girl here, the whole group finally didn't have to worry about losing contact and such. 

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