
"It's Cheating"

The assassin guy would have succeeded because the white smoke from the exploding BB bullet obstructed Ainsley for a few seconds. 

For an assassin like the man, a few seconds were enough to steal the injured prey and the leftover fruit on the ground. 

A pity. Ainsley indeed could not leave the misty area so fast because she didn't have her 3D map with her and could only grope around slowly, but the Godfather was different. 

The Godfather rushed out of the white smoke and immediately saw the assassin guy. 

Although the Godfather was just a spirit, he could still materialize, and this would not break the rules of the assessment at all. 

The Godfather reacted fast and when he saw the 'thief' wanting to kill the Sun Eater and stole Ainsley's prey, the Godfather immediately materialized. 

Then, the former legendary mafia didn't even use his awakened abilities and just attacked the assassin with his melee combat skill! 

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