
Chapter 4

Immediately they got in he locked the door and cornered her looking at her intensely making her body heat up and her throat run dry.

"What are you........mmmm" as if her questioning him was the boost he needed, he sealed her lips with his forcefully passing his tongue into her mouth tasting every nook and cranny of her mouth.

The strawberry mint taste of her lips drove him crazy and he pressed his body on hers , instead of fighting him off on how forceful and dominant he was Mei Ling found herself enjoying every bit of the kiss.

She suddenly remembered that they were in the office so she desperately tried to push him off this prompted him to wrap his hands at the back of her thigh and lift her up, wrapping her legs round his waist while her hands were pinned with one of his hands and the other was holding her waist tightly.

The way she tried to hold back her moans and the way they came out was doing things to every part of his body a d he felt like consuming her whole.

Then the kiss slowed down and he let go of her lips resting his forehead against hers , his eyes moving back andforth between her eyes that were tightly shut in embarrassment and her lips that were swollen and red from his kisses.

He chuckled watching her expression "how cute!" Her temperature went higher and the heart she successfully managed to calm minutes ago, quickened it's beat again.

He let go of her and helped her stand properly before holding her hand and pulling her towards the sofa and sitting across her to memorize her features and expression's.

"Why do I feel like you scheduled this meeting for another purpose?" She muttered not being able to keep eye contact because of the look in his eyes and the smirk on his face.

"Smart, your hunch is right! There's something else behind this meeting, I had to schedule it since you didn't want to meet me"

"I was only holding my end of the agreement!" She stated with a wronged expression.

"Ah, so you did want to see me again?" She glared at him because he was right in fact she had been having mixed emotions after they met.

"Of course not!..... state your business as you can see I'm a busy woman" he chuckled feeling happy staring at the woman that was messing with his emotions.

"Fine then I'll be straightforward, marry me!"her eyes widened.

"What?...what did you just say?"

"You heard me quite well Mei Ling, I want us to get married" she laughed loud thinking he was joking but when she saw his serious Expression she stopped.

"You're not joking!...Mr Lee you may not know this but marriage is not a joking matter at least in my family marriage is till death do us part besides why would I marry you?... we don't even have feelings for each other"

"I do" he stated with a serious expression and she blinked repeatedly trying to understand his expression but their was sincerity.

"Well I don't Mr Lee,besides this is not the proper way to court a lady"

"Then who would you like to marry? That friend of yours Lu Yang??" He questioned and for the first time in his life he had a flustered expression on his face at her determined rejection, women begged to warm his bed and yet here she was rejecting his offer of marriage... was he ugly? ,he questioned his looks.

"Of course not, he's my bestfriend why would I do that??......no way, did you dig up my information?"

"Yes, what kind of man does not know anything about his woman?" She glared at him .

"I...Am not your woman" she replied through gritted teeth.

"You can't deny that Mei Ling, I want you and you're going to have to want me too" he didn't want to come off as forceful but all his life he got every single thing he wanted even the life of people that crossed him and for the first time he was not getting his way this pissed him off , so he could only approach other ways to get this woman.

His statement only infuriated her the more as she did not like men who were possessive especially one that was too possessive.

"I am not an object that you own Mr Lee, truth be told you think I'm the one because I'm different but I'll tell you I'm not the one so stop this marriage talk "

"I know what I want and I'm not going to stop till I get it Miss Mei" she picked up her bag.

"It seems Mr Lee is not feeling well, send the contract I'll review it and send it back... Good day!"

She stood up and angrily stormed out leaving Lee Ai Bao with a darkened expression and the urge to conquer.

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