
The resurrection pt.2

“I must Alexander.” I let out a deep sigh, “Fine.” Leaving him where he’s standing, I walk, reluctantly, to the podium. I breath quietly and start recite the spell.

I look up at the waxing cresent moon, it shines bright on me, I began, “Pepeo u pepeo prah u prah uskrsni moje sestre ovim žrtvama koje moraš. pepeo u pepeo prah u prah uskrsni moje sestre ovim žrtvama koje moraš.” In front of me some candles light up on their own, and thunder claps under us. The fighting still rages outside as I try to focus, for now the spell is actually working. I can feel the magic mixing through my body. The necklace around my neck starts to glow on my chest, the color is golden and black as it pours around me. It’s like a smoke, a beautiful magical smoke.

“Is that it?” I ask.

“Not exactly.” Coming from the door on the left of me are four girls. They look to be around my age, some looking a little older. They stand in front of me, I look towards Piper. She shrugs her shoulders, not understanding what is going on.

“Your majesty, who are these girls?” asked Piper.

The words that leave his lips scare me to my core, “The sacrifices.” He said it like he taking an order or something.

“The sacrifices? No one told me that people were going to die.” I say.

He walks up to me; I cower under his power.

“Quinneth you're not dumb, but you act like it sometimes.”

“DON’T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!” Screams Alexander, he uses all the energy he has to say that.

“Hit him.” A guard punches Alexander in the face, some blood flies from his mouth.

“Leave him alone, please.”

“I don’t want to hurt him, it’s you. You're pushing me to be evil.”

“No one told me I had to kill people.” I say outraged. I look behind me at the so called “sacrifices”, they don’t even look scared. They look determine and content for sacrificing their life to their king.

“What did you think the spell meant?” I shake my head, obviously confused, he then recites the spell to me in English, “ashes to ashes, dust to dust, resurrect my sisters with these sacrifices you must. It's the balance of life, you bring a person back from the dead someone must take their place." I let out a gasp and look towards Piper. From the look on her face, I can tell she didn’t know what it meant. I do remember her trying to translate it for me, sacrifice? She was right.

Before saying the spell, and killing the sacrifices, I look to Alexander. He’s so beautiful, even if he is all messed up. But I must do this to protect him.

I don’t say anything but just turn around, facing the woman that I must kill. Yount slips something cold in my hands, looking down I see that it’s a knife. The blade is skinny, but sharp.

“I can do this.” I whisper to myself.

“Say the spell, but in the place of sister say The First power names.” I put everything behind me, and I tune out the screams and kills that are going outside.

“Pepeo u pepeo prah u prah uskrsni, Fridda, ovim žrtvama koje moraš.” The knife in my hand starts to shake. Can I do this? I have to do this. The knife comes to the base of their neck and starts to slice them. Blood spews out into me, I try to cover my mouth but its gets inside of it. The girl drops to the ground, a few tears leave my eyes, but I keep myself together.

“QUINNETH STOP!” says Alexander.

“Be quiet!” If he keeps talking, I’ll stop, and he’ll be dead.

My body moves to the next person, they don’t even have fear in their eyes of me killing them. It’s. . .content in their eyes. “Pepeo u pepeo prah u prah uskrsni, Farrah, ovim žrtvama koje moraš.” Yet again, I cut another throat, the body does the same as the other and drops to the ground. Lying next to the first one.

“Pepeo u pepeo prah u prah uskrsni, Tallulah, ovim žrtvama koje moraš.” Drop. Blood. Lay.

I move to the last girl, now this girl was different than the others. I can see fear in her eyes, she didn’t want to die. She wanted to live, find a love and have kids. My hand starts to stall, but my brain tells me to keep going.

“What are you waiting for, DO IT!”

I start to shake my head, “I don’t think I can.”

“Fine. Stab him.” Before I could object, he stabs Alexander straight in his stomach. I feel like a part of me is dying, a part of me which belongs to Alexander. He drops to the ground clutching his stomach. Trying to push the blood back into him.


“I’m tired of you holding back and wasting my time. If you don’t kill that girl right now, I’ll cut his throat.” The knife is now at the base of it, he tries to move around but they hold him close.

"Let me die Quinn." says Alexander.

"I can't, I won't."

Turning back around, I hold the sharp blade to her neck. She shakes under it.

“I’m sorry. “Pepeo u pepeo prah u prah uskrsni, Osseriya, ovim žrtvama koje moraš.” Then the blade slices across her neck, she starts to choke but just drops and dies. I see the life leave her eyes. Four dead, by the hands of me.

The castle starts to shake, I hold onto the podium so I don’t fall. The fire in the candles burst up and the necklace around my neck glows brightly. Then. . .everything stops. A vision flashes over my eyes, The First power laying in the tomb, only this is different it shows them waking up. Surrounding them are a bunch of hieroglyphics and mummies. Then. . .nothing.

“Is- is it over.” I ask Yount.

“It is, now where are they?”

“Ummm I couldn’t see clearly. But around them were these hieroglyphics.”

“Egypt, they're in Egypt.”

Leaving him in this excitement I run over to Alexander. The guards drop him to the ground, obviously done with him. My hands press against his stomach, trying to hold in the blood. His eye flutter in and out of consciousness.

“Quinneth.” He gasps.

“Don’t try to talk.” I tell him, but he ignores that.

“What did you do?”

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