

Ugh.... my eyes started to slowly open, my hands and feet were tied up tightly, and I guess tape covering my mouth, clearly. It was dark, noisy and stuffy, somewhat like..

In a car boot!?

Suddenly I recalled about the mysterious grabber, the person said something just as I was about to pass out.

" Nighty night~ ".

That voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't tell exactly who. Whoever it was, it was obvious that this person didn't like me very much until it came to the point of kidnapping me.

Eh, my phone!

I tried to reach into my back pocket for my phone but just then, the vehicle seemed as if it came to a halt.

" Shoot! ".

I immediately pretended to be unconscious, I closed my eyes firmly and tried to keep myself calm.

The person opened the boot up, carried me somewhere and tied me to what I'm assuming was a pole.

Oh gawd, was this person gonna force me to strip or something?! Crap!

Suddenly, I heard a loud bang, I fizzled up by a bit. Well not entirely due to that loud bang, but who knows how much time I had left before I changed back to my male form.

Then, I heard a voice. The person said quietly, " I know you're awake. Think I couldn't tell Selena? ".

I slowly opened my eyes and found the eyes of a lunatic staring at me.

" Ashton. Of course. Tsk- ", I said in disbelief.

Not gonna lie, on the inside, I was in complete wreckage. Seeing my ex for the first time after so many years, I was about to tear up. All the horrible things he had done to me, he left me for someone else. Bastard!

But I had to keep myself strong, I couldn't show him my weak side anymore. I didn't want him nor anyone else to ever treat me the same again.

" Wow. You're not shocked to see me? Bummer.. ", Ashton asked.

" Shut it. What's the deal of you kidnapping me anyways? Did your so call hooker left you cause you got broke? ".

He looked surprised. Probably thought I changed by a bunch. I mean, compare my old me to current me, the difference was quite big.

" Chill babe! I'm just here to talk with ya! Don't need to act so harsh and cold to me. ".

Babe? I was his babe like three years ago, hearing that word once more made me want to puke.

" Don't call me babe. Why didn't you just come and see me at my workplace? Instead of making me unconscious, bringing me to this scrap place and tying me up to a pole? ".

" I figured you wouldn't even give me a chance to speak. After all, you were the one who left me in the first place. And about that, I came here to apologize. ".

" I left you cause you hooked up with another women. Oh yeah, like hell I would ever listen to someone who cheated on me. Screw your apology. ".

He grabbed a chair nearby and sat in front of me whereas I was trying my absolute best to not puke.

My God, I wish he could just walk away from my life. Why bother coming back? Just move on. That meant moving on completely, forget about the past, just walk away and start a new path to something new. Don't bring the pain from the past to the present.

He suddenly held onto my chin gently.

" Hey! What are you- ".

He drew his face closer to mine and said in a comforting tone,

" I've missed you Selena. That girl I hooked up with was just a nobody. You didn't give me a chance to explain everything that night. Instead you just packed up your things and left. You can't be that stupid right?

I've been searching for you since that night. You cut all connections with me, I was worried sick. Now we're finally reunited. Can't you just smile again? Like the good old days? ".

" Bullshit. I saw what I saw with my own eyes at the bar. If that girl was really a nobody, why did you let her into our place when I wasn't around? Don't treat me like a dumb princess, I found a bra and underwear that didn't belong to me on our bed.

Don't even dare mention about the things you both did. I don't wanna ruin my mood any further. ".

" Babe, remember we had a party before that incident? All of our old school mates came! They probably had their own business in one of our rooms. We gave them our permission to have fun in our place. Besides, you can't tell which bra or underwear belongs to which girl. ".

" THEN WHY DID YOU KISS HER THAT NIGHT? ", I said with a ferocious tone.

" I was drunk... my mind wasn't in the right place. I had a rough day at work. I totally understand that you would get upset. But I hope you can understand me too, I only love you. I spent these last few years searching for you. After I saw you leave, I didn't care about anyone else but you. The least you could do is just forgive me and let's go back to the way we were. ".

I sighed heavily. My heart, the only organ inside me in which I blocked it from having anymore feelings for anyone, it was about to come loose from its chains.

" Ashton. Let me tell you this. If I were in your shoes at that time, I too would get drunk, be frustrated, do weird and crazy stuff! But when it comes to having feelings and kissing someone, I would never ever in my God damn life, would kiss someone else besides the person whom I love.

I'll always remind myself that I'm already in love with someone even if I was drunk as hell.

Trust is the main role when being in a relationship. And you failed it. And that is something I can never forgive.

But, if you want to still be friends, I don't mind. However, I've moved on. I no longer have feelings for you. We can't go back. I'm sorry. ".

He stayed silent for a moment. He then grabbed me by my shoulders aggressively.

" No! You can't do this to me Selena! We- ".

I took the opportunity and head slammed him down. It did hurt a bit for me but it was totally worth it.

" ' We ' does no longer exist. There's now only just me and you. Haish, farewell Ashton. ".

I was able to get loose from the ropes that I was tied to and set myself free.

I got up and searched for my phone. Luckily it still had some juice left.

I took a quick glance to check the time, it stroke at exactly 6 a.m and I saw my man figure again.

Thankfully, I made a move fast. Otherwise the outcome could have been devastating. Then again, although I finally understood what truly happened and somewhat had mere feelings for him, I still stood with my decision to move on.

I've already got a lot on my plate, I didn't want an ex to come into contact with me and my chaotic schedule.

Speaking of schedule, I had to get back to the office for Williams schedule! Arghhh! Dang it!

Well, I initially wanted to just walk out the door, but it seemed I had one more matter to settle there.

I grabbed the ropes from before, tied Ashton to a pole and left a small note for him to read.

" You should have just talked to me face to face. Good luck on getting yourself freed. ".

I snuck out quietly and called a cab to send me home.

Once I arrived back at my apartment, I changed into my clean working clothes that Emily had recently ordered online for me.

At first it looked great on me but later on, I realized Emily spent almost half of my income from last month.

" That idiot! Ugh... I told her to spend my money wisely and efficiently. ", I said while face palming myself.

I grabbed my coat and was about to leave for work when I felt sudden pain around my abdomen.

I screamed in agonizing pain, " Arghh, it hurts! What the hell? ".

I lifted up my shirt and saw a bruise.

" Freakin Ashton did this?! What an asshole! Ugh... to hell la I can go to work in this condition. Ha- at least I can get a day off from work. Besides, it would be awkward to see William after last night. ".

The more I moved, the pain gradually intensified.

I texted Emily who was probably already at work.

" Gurl. Sorry to burst your bubble, I'll have to postpone my storytime to you another day. Let William know that I'm not coming in today. Feelin kinda under the weather. Don't forget the name is Ryan yeah! ".

A few minutes later, I got a response from Emily. " Jeez, what a bummer! Don't worry, I got you covered! However, there may be a teeny tiny problem.. ".

" ??? ".

" I did tell William about your situation. Now he's on his way to your place! BE PREPARED GURL! OR GUY?! ".

WHY. WHAT. Not at my place! My place was in a huge mess, mixed with both my feminine and masculine products, he might get the wrong idea.

I tried walking around to pick up some stuff off the ground,

" OOF! Argh, the pain is seriously unbearable. The heck? Wasn't I in my female form when Ashton did this? How- ARGHH! Haish, looks like I gotta sit down first. ".

Man, I just said that it would be awkward to see William at work, and now he was heading over to my place. It didn't even pass by two minutes in which I thought I was gonna be free from the devil. Was ' William ' like a cursed or jinxed word? ARGH!

Follow the author! : @lill_julian

This chapter was longer than the rest! Enjoy it as much as you can and I'll see ya'll next week!

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