
Chapter 46: [Interlude] A Truth [Part 4]

[Clock - ???]

[Calendar - 20/03/2003]

[Location - Fortress of the Glażar Family - Boundless Blue, Elemental Plane of Air]


POV Change

Atlas - Queen of Beasts

The Gambling Games.

It can be defined as a two in one style of game. There will be competions, and the ones watching will bet on the outcome of the game! Easy, right? Well, there are categories of betting, and if one person makes a bet, the other cannot make a similar bet! They have to make either an opposite bet or a bet that favors a different scenario. This type of game is very common amongst Cloud Giants, and they truly seem to enjoy it, no matter the outcome of the bets or the game itself. The types of games played at The Gambling Games. Knowing this, Atlas was fully prepared to play some sort of physical game against the family of clearly physically superior giants, but the very first game turned out to be a simple and easy [Bookworm Competion]. "Huh, what an adorable banner." Looking at the soft pink colored letters hanging from the soft white banner, Atlas couldn't help but praise the artistry of it. The little dot of the i was a little heart (♡) too, which was great.

"Oh, thank you~! I've been working on my art skills for some time now, and it has taken me some time to really learn how to make paints- It's a useful skill for an artist, apparently? I didn't know that at first, but when you live in a world of air and not many plants, you have to... improvise." It was clear to Atlas now that the lady of the house was desperate for someone who shared the same interests as her, and Atlas did! He could easily see the sheer effort she had taken to make the simple banner, which was harder to make from scratch due to the lack of proper resources- he wasn't sure how she made the banner or the paint, but she did, and that was great! "Oh well, let's start this small and friendly competiton? It is a simple one: The one who can read the fastest and memorize the most of the book provided, will win. However, there will be some different bettings happening- you can bet on which one reads the fastest, which one remembers the most of what they've read, the one who can say word for word of the material written and what they memorized of it, and any other bets you wish to make! As long as you are betting, then you are playing."

Atlas turned to look at Waylon- The big croc man gave him a thumbs up accompanied by his usual grin, which was kinda comforting in this moment. Atlas was even having fun! 'I can't really forget... We came here because I wanted to make more magic circles and more stars, and also to get materials for the spell to take Beastialis Kingdom off of the ground and into the clouds. I'm sure the Elemental Plane of Air must have something that can be useful for that.' But it doesn't hurt to play a little betting game, right? "Ready." With a smile, Atlas lifted his hand and casted [Telekinesis] on the enormous book provided by Lady Iżvir, who smiled at him as the book floated up. It was easily 10 times his size, and Atlas found that ridiculously awesome for no reason other than it was big!

"Ready-" From the sidelines, her son Żamgas held out his hand to signal: "-go!"

Pages flipped at speeds which Atlas' mind could barely keep up with. He had to deeply focus on the book at hand- it was a massive book, the words were also enormous to him but barely big enough for Lady Iżvir to read it, as this was one of her smaller books. As Atlas kept focus on both the spell to keep the pages flipping at great speeds, keep the book floating, and kept focus on reading, he was surprised by the sound of Iżvir's book closing immediately. He paid her no mind, and as his eyes registered and memorized every word in the book, his mind was dragging behind his sight as he focused more on memorization and not truly reading word for word of what was in front of him. One brief look at the page and it was off to the next! In about 60 seconds, he had completely memorized a 578 pages book (keep in mind, the pages were way bigger than any other normal human book), and with his eyes closed, he started to absorb the knowledge he memorized. "I'm done." He said a few moments later, opening his eyes: "So, how did I do?"

"Well, you were slower than me-" One thing about Cloud Giants is that they love competition, and they love to win: "-but I had already read that book, and memorized it!" With an "innocent" smile, Lady Iżvir looked down at Atlas who also returned the same "innocent" look she had given him with twice the intensity. When it comes to bookworms, there is no one more competitive! "So, let's quote the book? I'll go easy on you! The one that gets more quotes right, wins this round. How does that sound?"

Atlas simply smiled- With a simple thought, he prepared himself and smiled: "Page 345, third paragraph second column- What does it say?" This one was easy, Atlas was sure of it. He's starting calmly!

Iżvir simply grinned: "To whom it might be, I am but me, the one who wishes to be yours by the glory of moonlight." Finishing quoting word by word what was on the book, Iżvir threw it right back at him: "Page 24, seventh paragraph, fifth column- What does it say?"

Oh, the caucacity of this bitch! "Pages and memories of old, bright as the moon is dark, remember these words oh my beloved, for I shall be within the shadows of your doubts of my love." She threw a curve ball right at his face! And he tried go easy on her- This is a bookworm battle now! "Page 567, fifth paragraph, third, fourth, and sixth column- What does it say?"

Meanwhile, Gażas turned to look at Waylon: "...your wife is exactly like mine."

"...yep, we'll be here for a while." Waylon couldn't help but agree.


The second game was something "not boring" according to the three brutes (read: Waylon, Gażas, and Żamgas) that got bored that he and his good friend (read: archenemy) Iżvir were quoting the entire book back and forth! It was quite fun, actually, but they had to stop because their husbands were bored... Atlas took really well to the "wife" role he was put as, and even though it was a lie, he felt like it was the truth for a split moment. And then he reminded himself that no- It wasn't, and when they leave the Boundless Blue, they'll be back to their carnal and sexual relationship. Which is fine, don't get him wrong, but these soft moments of pretending to be married made him... kinda wish they were.

"So, a weight lifting competition? How is that any fair- oh fuck, never mind!" He was about to ask how would this be fair in any way, shape, or form, but when the men started to take off their shirts, he didn't care anymore: "I am, respectfully, looking. Iżvir, please forgive me as I look at your husband's massive muscles." Atlas apologized- they've been married for how long, so jealousy might be something? He wasn't sure, he'd be jealous if he was truly married to Waylon, but they were just pretending to be married anyway. "...Holy light of everlasting hope, that's a lot of scars. Where does that big one on his back come from?" Seriously, the guy was Hot with a capital H! Eight pack, big pecks, scars, and a very normal amount of body fat (for his size) that made him even hotter too. He also looked at Waylon's body- but he was shirtless most of the time anyway, so he has gotten used to it by now and he wasn't that taken aback by Waylon being shirtless. It was still hot as it was the first time he saw him, but he wasn't that surprised by it.

"Oh darling, you can look, but don't ever try to touch it." Both a warning and permission to oogle her husband? Well, that's very fair actually! She looked down at Waylon, poked Atlas in the back with her pinky finger, and grinned: "That hunk of yours must be the beast, huh? I know the type well. I had this ex that my now beloved husband killed- not related to the story -and your big lizard man acts the same cocky way as he did." She pulled out a small (for her size, it easily was double Atlas' body size) flower from the flower bed beside her and settled it before Atlas, who easily touched it and casted his spells to enchant it. Why? Because they were having fun here! "You need to be a good pillar for him, because one day he will end up biting more than he can chew, and that will get him either killed or humbled." If the serious look she gave him was any indicator, whatever happened to her ex was not good at all. "...but, damn, they're hot."

Atlas chuckled as they watched- They had made a bet. Atlas did bet that Waylon could about five times his own weight or more. To counter that bet, Iżvir did bet that he could only lift three times his own weight. Then she did bet that her husband could easily lift five times the maximum weight his husband could (Atlas shivered when he heard Iżvir call Waylom his husband), and to counter that bet Atlas bet that her husband could only lift about three times the maximum weight that his husband (Even referring to Waylon as his husband made him have tingles all over his body). They went back and forth in a few bets, before they focused on watching the competition.

It was hot to see those big muscled bulge out as weight was pressed against them... Waylon was able to physically lift Gażas! It was amazing to see the small lizard man simply go for Gażas left leg before he lifted the guy's shoe and pushed him up- with great effort, Waylon was able to lift a 5.5 ton giant! Iżvir was beyond impressed! Never had they seen someone so small lift something so heavy!

The day went on like that- silly competion after silly competiton. Silly bet after silly bet. And Atlas had forgotten that, at first, he wanted to steal from them... Greed does blind man, huh?


Floating amidst the endless skies, Atlas looked back at the giant castle cloud- it was fun to spend some time with a family of Cloud Giants. But now, he needs to focus! He pulled magic deeper into his soul. The winds started to forms this cocoon all around him and tighten their hold before clouds swirled in- It was much easier than he thought it would be! Pure magic energy entered his body, passed by his mind, and entered his soul. There, it settled, strengthening the existing rings and fueling the creation of another one.

His fifth ring. It was very easy to make one too! But now, instead of 10 stars, to be completely stable his rings needed 15 stars each, bringing his star total to 75! "5 rings and 75 stars, huh?" He felt stronger... He'd need maybe one or two more rings before he truly feels comfortable to lift the Beastialis Kingdom off of the ground and into the clouds, but he could possibly do it now if necessary. "I need to go tell Waylon the news-"


Stable Mind reached.

Stable Relationship reached.

Stable Soul reached.

Stable Situation reached.

As is the protocol, it has been detected that you are in a stable moment in your new life. You are ready to face the past. Don't be afraid to rely on your friends and loved ones, they're here for you.

Removing memory lock.

Removing emotional lock.

Removing psychological lock.

Removing spiritual lock.

Initiating (Remembrance)


"..." A heavy weight seemed to press down on his chest as he- remembered.

His entire past life was just- there. In his mind. He remembered the sensation of having a rope on his neck. Of fighing for his own survival even when he didn't want to live. Of making the decision that brought misery into his own life. And... he was remembering it all because of a fake relationship with Waylon? "...Am I that pathetic?"

"[Hey luv-]" The familiar voice of the one and only King Croc broke through his mental anguish as he spoke to him telepathically: "[-I got a gift from the nice giant lady! She said it is a late marriage gift? That's awesome, we should keep it for when that happens- anyway, I'm gonna go and see if I can get something else from the big guy.]"


"[...Well, I hope I get to wear a pretty dress then.]"

Yeah, that'd be nice.




Come read this fic where you can see all the colored text, (nsfw) images, and shenanigans.

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