
012 Syr Flover.


" UGAAAHH!! What am I gonna do??! "

The sun was already high up outside but a certain Goddess with twin pig's tail hairstyle still lies on top of her bed. She had just finished almost every household chores inside the house and was now sulking here.

Hestia covered herself with quilt in frustration, both hands on head scratching back and forth. She's being troubled by something all these time but can't really think of a solution to solve it no matter how hard she tried.

Should she really have to tell Bell about that skill in the end?

Hestia felt guilty.

Bell has been treating her very well since the two of them become a family. He works tirelessly inside the dungeon so he can provide for her without a single complains or asking for anything in return. Bell has been very kind to her and everything looks perfect the way it is now for Hestia.

And that's exactly the problem.

Bell has given her a lot but, how about her? What did she actually had given Bell aside from her Blessings and periodically updating his status?


She even lied, no, kept something from him because she's afraid of loosing Bell. Hestia knew that's very selfish of her but still did it in the end. By hiding the existence of that skill from him.

Realis Phrase - a rapid growth skill. Continued desire results in continued growth and stronger desire results instronger growth.

It was Hestia herself who had found promising excelia and written that skill into Bell with her own hands but also refused to tell him because of two reasons.

One was because Hestia had never heard of this skill before, it's an unknown factor that might bring good or bad things for Bell. Time has proven a lot of times that there are plenty of new adventurers in the past who had grown complacent after getting a rare or powerful skills. They become more bolder to the point of being overconfidence. These stories mostly ended up tragically too and Hestia absolutely didn't want that to happen to Bell.

Second was because she didn't want other God's and Goddesses to find out about this skill. Those guys came down to this world seeking for entertainment, dealing with them can be very troublesome. If they ever find out about this skill of Bell, those fools will surely flocks here like a swarm of locusts and will do everything they can to take Bell away from her.

It doesn't mean that Hestia do not have any trust to Bell. She trust him, a lot. But there always this 'What If' question that keeps running inside her head that makes her very worried. Bell had long become someone very important to Hestia --- someone she didn't want to lose.

" I'm sorry Bell. Just this one time, please forgive this selfish Goddess for keeping something away from you.. "


Women, can be really troublesome sometimes.

That is exactly what Bell found out today. And that is specifically the case for a mature and independent woman like Eina whom Bell had visited today. As cute and gentle as she may, Eina is very stubborn and won't compromise at all.

" Aah.. Talk about killing the mood.. " Bell let out a long lazy sigh as he made his way towards a small potion shop that still quite a distance from his current position. " Guess I should cancel my plan of diving inside the dungeon this afternoon.. "

Despite staying inside Eina's apartment for almost an hour, nothing happened. Bell wanted her to listen to him but Eina wants the opposite --fir Bell to listen to her instead. They are both at the other side of a coin so they failed to have an agreement in the end. To make the story short, Bell left that house empty handed, because non of them wanted to back down. They just stared at each other long enough for two random strangers to fell in love with each other according to some studies.

That should have been the case at least but... It's different for Bell and Eina. Very different.

Well, at least they haven't come to the points where they have to severe their relationship right there and then.

" Um.... excuse me.. "

Bell seemed to have heard someone spoke from behind him but ignored it because his mood isn't that great today and isn't sure if that person was even referring to him in the first place. So he continued walking forward.

But the call didn't stop to his surprised but instead continued and this time, with rushing footsteps following him.

" Sir, please Wait a moment! "

Bell heard it more clearly now and it sounds like that of a young woman - sweet and cheerful.

Bell abruptly turned around to see who it was.

It's a girl, a human and she's running towards his direction --to him exactly.

She's wearing a green blouse with a light grey knee-length skirt. On top of that is a salon apron. Her simple blue-gray hair is tied into a tight bun on the back of her head, but a ponytail sticks out from the center of it.

Her eyes, the same color as her hair. She look very innocent and rather cute.

Damn, another cute young woman approaching.

" S-Sorry for following you! " she immediately said after arriving in front of Bell while also trying to catch her breathing.

To be honest, after dealing with Eina, the last thing Bell wanted to meet for today was undoubtedly a cute woman but.. Lo and behold, he just met one --again! And probably the most troublesome one at that!

Syr Flover.

Bell recognised her immediately but of course didn't show it on his face.

" May I help you? " he asked in confusion.

" Ah.. this.... You dropped this. "

A bluish purple crystal sits in her outstretched palm. It's a magic stone. And she claimed that Bell dropped it?

" That's impossible. "

" Eeh? "

" I said that's impossible. That magic stone definitely isn't mine. I'm quite busy so I have to leave now if there's nothing else. "

Bell then turned around without waiting for her reply thinking ' As if I'll fall for that' inside his mind. He thought that would be it but was surprised when Syr followed him as she walks beside Bell.

" But I really saw you dropped this stone.. Why are you being so rude? "

" I'm not rude. "

" You are. I'm only trying to return this stone to you but you're treating me in a very cold way. Did I do anything wrong with you? "

The way Syr look right now was that of a wronged puppy. Hands down, this girl really knows how to take advantage of people using her charm.

Bell stopped walking and so did Syr.

" Listen here grey-haired cutie, I'm not rude. It just happened that your kind are the last one I wanted to deal with today, you heard that? "

" C-Cutie?? " Syr's face turned red when she heard what Bell said. Her face getting warmer. Bell can only facepalmed helplessly.


" Here. " Bell handed a crepe to Syr which she accepted saying " Thank you. " to him.

He felt a little hungry so she decided to buy some snacks and since he got company, he also bought one for Syr.

Syr introduced herself to Bell and l said that she was tasked to buy some fruits in the market while Bell has to buy some potions and other supplies near that place. Coincidence or not but the two of them are heading towards the same direction so Bell just let her tag along.

" That uniform.. you are from Hostess of Fertility pub isn't it? "

" You know that place? Yes. I'm working there. "

" Been there once.. but I've been very busy these past days so I need visit again. "

Syr replied with an 'Oh' before taking a small bite on the crepe Bell had given her. The bright smile on her face shows just how much she like the food, perhaps because it's sweet?

Either way, Bell and Syr continue walking side by side while conversing with each other. Syr is an energetic young lady, one that can keep the conversation going on without it getting boring. She's like a warm wind that embraces you making you feel very comfortable around her. Like you two had long known each other. It's a very mysterious feeling.

In the end, Bell was still forced by Syr to take the magic stones with him by saying that she will not let him leave if he didn't do so. Bell only laughed it off and accepted the stone. Only after that did Syr finally left saying that Bell should look for her if ever he will visit the pub again. The two of them then separated.

After 10 more minutes of walking, Bell finally arrived at the shop he wanted to visit.

It's located in a not so well area surrounded by small houses made out of clays and stones. Bell pushed the door opened and went inside.

" Welcome.. "

A not so energetic female voice greeted him.


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