

Walking through the crowded alleys of the entire planet's Capital, Zariath, Jennifer and Jason attracted many gazes from the surrounding Elvyr and Sacred Elvyr.

However, as they were already accustomed to the gazes that lingered on them, they could calmly follow the path their instincts made them walk on.

Thus they strolled through the bustling streets for a few minutes, only to turn into a smaller street, where they continued to walk on for half an hour.

Afterward, they reached another bustling street.

Without even realizing it, they continued to do this for more than 12 hours, until they had visited several stores with rare ingredients, special ores, mysterious plants, but also shops with ordinary herbs that could be found all around Linarium.

When Jason heard this, he was quiet by the abundance of resources and wealth in of Linarium that gave him a rough estimation of the Elvyr race's wealth.

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