
Doctor Jason

Jason was astonished that the young woman was still conscious even after the poison had spread so much through her body.

Under normal circumstances, the supersonic attack from the songbird that was amplified with its wind affinity should have finished her off,  but that was obviously not the case.

From the looks of it, she was also not the strongest amongst the group of four.

However, what Jason thought to be weirder was the way two Peak-Master ranks and two Low-Magus ranks had been easily defeated especially after he saw them act very carefully when the massacre began.

'Did they become too greedy or was my assumption that they were unaffected by the bloody nightmare flower's fragrance and Crimson-death Hell Spider's curse completely wrong?'

Jason had no idea but in the end, it was not important.

The young woman's gratitude was already enough for him to think that rescuing them was worth it.

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