
The Sorting Hat

The boat ride was amazing you were with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. The two boys were pointing at your peers and guessing who would be in which house. Hermione and you were totally geeking out about magic, and you had promised to teach her a thing or two on the history of magic even though she probably knew more cause she had read the book. As we were waiting to be sorted Draco comes over to us and introduces himself.

"It's true then what they're saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts, this is Crabbe and Goyle and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Ron lets out a chuckle, "You think my names funny do you? No need to ask yours, red hair and a hand me down robe you must be a Weasley. Such a weak family. Disappointment honestly" You see Ron look down sadly you step in front of him "That's enough Draco." he looks at you then Harry ignoring your comment and ranting on about his family.

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others Potter, you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, same with you Riddle. I can help you there" He holds out a hand what Harry says next made you laugh, "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks "'Well Y/n?" All eyes were on you. You step away from Draco "What would you rather be with people who fear you?" Harry is quick to defend you "Nobody fears nor should fear Y/N she isn't her father she is herself" "and she's bloody brilliant in fact one of the kindest people I've met." Ron adds "She helped me find my toad and she didn't look at me with pity but with hope. She deserves a life, A chance to live a little" Neville says you give him a big hug knowing he hates talking in front of people. A bit of murmuring and everyone slowly recognizes that maybe you aren't so bad and starts talking to you making loads of friends and realising you have loads of things in common with your peers. You remind yourself to thank the boys later.

As you were talking to your new friends Professor McGonagall comes striding in telling you how the hat will sort you. That's when you remembered your still you and that the hat is going to judge you off his actions... After his song, everyone was talking about what houses they would be in-

Gryffindor- For the Brave.

Slytherin- For the cunning.

Ravenclaw- For the wise.

Hufflepuff- For the Loyal.

With everyone scuffing at Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff you start to think they are misunderstood like you, underlooked too until they do something wrong of course. You will soon come to the realisation that not all Slytherins are evil, not all Gryffindors are brave, Not all Ravenclaws are smart and not all Hufflepuffs are weak. They all share one quality: they're all only human.

A few names had passed and you could feel your name coming up.

Parkinson, Pansy


You and she got along well when she wasn't fangirling Draco

Malfoy, Draco


No surprise the hat barely touched his head too.

Potter, Harry


Same with Hermione and Ron

Riddle, Y/N

"This one is a hard one there is your dad but he has nothing to do with your sorting, we have a wise one here and she'd do anything for her family and friends like taking the death curse." You must have been surprised that the hat knew that, he's right though you did take it once for Draco when you were three "Right secrets. Don't be too surprised I am in your head. Your quite a strong one arent you taking that curse over and over again and not going insane. Your all the houses and none of them at the same time your cunning and have a lot of pride but your bravery and knack to do the right thing overcomes it and with that I say"


For a second everyone was confused and surprised then the Gryffindor table exploded louder than they did with Harry. Ron, Hermione, and Harry went up and hugged you well Dumbledore rambled on about the rules.

What if you weren't in Gryffindor? What if you had got Slytherin? Would you be the same as some of the other year ones who are scared of going evil, Or would you welcome it like an old friend? Would your new friends have ignored you? Bully you even? What did it take to be a Slytherin? Everyone says you have to hate, discriminate and bully kids but what about the Slytherins that don't do that? Andromeda Tonks, Horace Slughorn and many others would be who I would look up to. They would say "You need to fight for what you want. You need to be cunning, ambitious and Resourceful because as soon as you land in Slytherin you will lose everyone." I'm so happy I wasn't put in Slytherin, they're so most misunderstood. Wasn't Merlin himself in Slytherin? God just imagine the faces I would've gotten if I was put in Slytherin, all of their trust broken without doing anything.

"It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not."

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear Harry's question "I said, how do you and Malfoy know each other?" You look around to see Draco looking at you "Him and I used to be close friends when I heard him play the piano. I decided to sing to the song and we hit off" You shrug as if that happens normally. "You sing?" All this nodding is going to be the way you lose your head. "I did when I was about 5 or 6. I don't really anymore, people got too judgmental so I quit." Harry's eyes light up "Let's go to your dorm and then you can sing for us!" You gulp following Harry. "Ok, but be warned I haven't sung since I was nine. Any requests?" Hermione looks up "We should do a duet to wannabe!" Your smile thanking her "Omg yes!" You see the boys look disappointed "Maybe another night I'll sing another song but tonight we're gonna have a fun song!" They clap as you finish and you kick them out so you and Hermione can get some sleep.

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