
Current flows pt.1 (NSFW)

I walked into the Hall of Mirrors and I looked outside through the many windows.

The outside was covered in a thick layer of snow, even now you could see snowflakes gently and slowly falling from the sky, while the servants shoveled the snow from the roads.

To think that 7 months have passed since I came to inhabit the body of Louis XVI, I clearly remember that I got here in Spring and now It's the last day of December, the new years eve.

A whole lot has happened in those 7 months, I learned from Duc de La Vauguyon about ethics, ruling, and court culture. Had my first Council meetings and learned about pre-revolutionary France more than I think I could. The Falkland Crisis happened, but it when the same with England winning and with Spain and France backing down. France had its own problems within and without French help, and Spain didn't fancy its chances against the English alone. The conflict between the Triumvirate with the King and the parlaments has reached its highest point. For René Nicolas de Maupeou the First minister of state the Parlaments were to quote "chief obstacle in the path of reform", with their defying orders of the King, to come up with a smear campaign on Joseph Marie Terray the Controller-General of Finances that grew quite in the popularity with the commonfolk stating that foods, especially grain, were purposely withheld from them, for the benefit of privileged interest groups a couple of riots have happened because of that in France. Of course, the Parlaments and other nobles of the court took that opportunity to further undermine the King's and Triumvirate's power and make it harder to do any reforms.

There were measures taken by diminishing the power of the Parlament of Paris by a letter from the King which permitted the parlement to continue its traditional practice of remonstrances, or formal protests against laws that it felt to be unwise or unconstitutional, but forced the parlement to yield to the will of the king if he chose not to pay heed to the remonstrances. But then other parlaments immediately got up in revolt, saying that the parlements were an institution as old as the monarchy itself, that from these early days the parlements had rights independent of the crown and effectively limited the power of the monarchy and so the king had bitterly revoked his decision and Parlament of Paris continued it's work shortly after. All the while Marie Terray continued his work by reducing the gap between income and expenditure, reducing the debt, and reducing anticipations, but as the Controller-General of Finances that without new taxations and further reforms he couldn't do much.

Then both sides went into a sort of propaganda war.

The parlaments said that they were defenders of tradition, or rather, what they imagined to be tradition, and arguing against a crown that supposedly engaged in dangerous innovation. To bolster their conclusions in the matter of verification some have argued that some current European monarchs ruled according to parlementary principles. They praised the government of Catherine the Great, and focused on her Instruction of 1767, especially on those parts which, in the parlaments opinion, established fundamental laws, intermediary powers, and the ability of tribunals to protest against any edict contrary to the new code of laws. The second argument emphasized the French domestic situation but also praised the outmoded joyeuse entree of the Austrian Netherlands and argued that Frederick the Great had no desire to be a despot and hence established a depository of laws. The parlaments stated that none of these rulers would have tolerated it if a politically active parlement in their realms was conveniently ignored. They were even some saying that it was the fault of the Jesuits, It was my great surprise that they didn't blame the Jews(A/N: For all the Jews, I'm sorry but history is cursed) and that the exile of magisters would be the financial ruin of France.

On the side of the Crown. Maupeou collected his own group of writers to defend the reforms, but he also relied on suppressing the opposing point of view. He had many arrested for selling pamphlets, although he never caught an author or a printer of opposition pamphlets. Maupeou writers used the same tactics as the other side, combining theoretical exposition with invective and satire. They made no attempt to answer all parlementary arguments; they did not try to refute the charges that the Jesuits had plotted the downfall of the parlaments nor the charge that the exiles of the magistrates would be the financial ruin of France, for they recognized that these were but silly arguments that would attract minimal support. It was much more important to show that royal authority was far stronger than the parlements would admit. Since the basic position of the parlements was based on their interpretation of French history and the French constitution, it was necessary for the supporters of the reforms to show that this interpretation was based on highly selective precedents, that other precedents could be cited not nearly as favorable to the law courts, precedents that favored strong royal power. One of the writers pointed out that the court of Merovingian and Carolingian times were convened under customs quite different from the Estates General or the parlements, that the liberties of Frenchmen which these old assemblies were supposed to protect had disappeared in feudal anarchy by the days of Hugh Capet, and that the current liberties of Frenchmen had developed under the monarchy. Another pamphleteer wrote that little was known about these early assemblies; that what could be said for certain was that they were military gatherings, not civil assemblies and that such gatherings had been known to occur under tyrants and despots. The same author noted perceptively that the parlaments could rightly be compared to those nobles who, because of a similarity of name, claimed an origin whose truth was lost in the centuries. In short, precedents drawn from pre-Capetian assemblies were unreliable and those bodies differed from either the parlements or the Estates General, and, in any case, there was no good proof that any of these ancient bodies effectively limited the power of the monarchs. Even I made an appearance in one of those pamphlets saying. One of the greatest difficulties in understanding the past was the change in the meaning of words. The terms vassus and census had one meaning in Carolingian times and different meanings in later feudal documents. Other words also had more general meanings than in later times. Cens was a very general tax term, and judex was applied to officials who did not actually judge. The only consistency that I saw in French tradition was that the monarch had, from the beginning, absolute power. In order to conquer France, the German tribes, allied and changed the nature of their government, this conquest forced them to make more permanent institutions and required also that the command of all the tribes be given to a general, to one person. This was the origin of the power of kings, and the early Frankish kings possessed full power which was not limited by assemblies. All was possible because of the authority of the Monarchy.

Mine and the King's interventions slightly tipped the scales in our favor but not by much as I found myself to be the target of propaganda, which amounted to me being called infertile, gay, and a brute as I broke traditions of the court daily, which with the last I agree, in the end, this attack on myself was small and insignificant in the grand order of things.

While on the talk about my "infertile marriage" I would say the situation was fantastic.

On my(Louis XVI) birthday on August 23rd. My gift from Marie was a couple of historical books and surprisingly a kiss on the lips.

Well, she was goated into it by Madame du Barry's teasing, but after that, I felt more empowered and grew more bold. I complimented her whenever I could, and kissed her hand, cheeks, and lips. Our relationship grew more and more after that, so much so that she even tried waking up with me and then going to bed with me. So in turn I made a point to go to more plays and balls at the court for her.

Thus all of this brings us to today December 31st, 1770.

It was quite another monotonous day for me.

Wake up, have breakfast, council meeting, read, have lunch, went sledding with Marie and my siblings, and now as the sun is getting now we will have lunch, then there will be a bit of free time which I will use to have some relaxing time with Marie and then there will be a huge ball and then fireworks to celebrate the end of the year.

After lunch I was alone with Marie we both enjoyed some tea and made some small talk.

"By the way, Marie is there any difference between the new year here and the new year in Austria."

I asked her, curious to see if they had any different customs or traditions for celebrating the new year.

"Well the food is a bit different with Austrian specialties being served, but after that not much, We would have a ball and fireworks too. I only know that Ottomans celebrate differently from us. Why do you ask?"

She has a point as the Ottoman Empire is Muslim they celebrate the Islamic new year on the 1st of Muharrem, a month during which many historical events having deep implications took place. (A/N: If I am wrong please correct me.)

"I just wanted to make sure, don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

I said and she gave me appreciative smile in return.

"Thank you, Louis. In those months I managed to adapt even if some of your courtly manners are weird to me."

I wholeheartedly agree with Marie on that one, some of the customs where were currently weird or overcomplicated everything.

"Hmm, maybe we should visit Austria the next year, maybe in Spring or Summer."

At that Marie became excited.

"Yes! I can immediately write to Mother, I will show you around Schönbrunn Palace and the rest of Vienna."

"Well If the Kings allow it, then ok."

"You already said that 100 times."

"Well, I'm not the King, I'm a Dauphin."

At that she slightly puffed out her cheeks, she was eager to meet her family once again and I have to be honest I want to meet Maria Theresa and Joseph II myself and see those two historical figures in the flesh.

"Your Highnesses, the ball will be starting soon."

A servant came in and we went to change.

I wore a red full-skirted knee-length coat, red knee breeches, a red vest, a white linen shirt with frills, and white linen underdrawers. And since it was winter I threw my pride away and wore white stockings combined with dark brow leather shoes.

Next to me was Marie as she wore a gown of red color with darker red ornaments woven into it, a red petticoat, and a white stomacher made in a triangular panel shape. The gown opens in the front and has large white pleats folded up at the back. Her look was finished with decorations which consisted of a bunch of ribbons and artificial flowers.

Soon we made our way to the Royal Opera House which was perpetrated to host a stream of nobles the coming today.

The servant opened the door that led to the interior of the Royal Opera, I immediately was taken aback by the number of people gathered here, there were more people now than there were on my wedding day, still, we were led to the second floor where in the middle of the Royal Opera house stood a giant rectangular table with many foods and drinks prepared, then we took a seat at the table and I could already see my sibling here.

Next, after we came the King with his concubine Madame du Berry, both of them wore beige colors, contrasting with the red clothes of me and Marie.

He took a seat and then we all began to eat and engage in small talk, while some nobles came to greet the royal family.

Soon the King stood up from the table and went to the edge of the balcony and addressed the crowd.

"I welcome you all who gathered here today! After the feast, I invite you to accompany me to Lotona Fountain, where a New Year's firework show will be held."

The Royal Opera House applauded the King and soon enough the party continued on.

After a tad bit more of time, a servant came in and told us that everything was ready.

With the addressing of the King once again, the nobles and the rest of the royal family went outside to the Latona Fountain and it was quite a trek to go to the fountain from the Royal Opera House.

Soon enough we saw a large gathering of servants.

One of the servants stepped up to the group of nobles and neck bowed.

"His Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Graces. Thank you all for coming here. The show is soon to start, so please don't just look at the sky and in front of you, be sure to look at the Grand Canal and the Hall of Mirrors as we specially chose this place to create the best show for you."

While the main explained I looked around, I saw a lot of wooden boxes, strange metal constructions, one that looked like a ferry wheel, one that looked like a 6-piece candle, a trident, and some were even sculpted to resemble creatures from mythos like cupids.

Dozen of servants quickly scurried around igniting the fireworks one after another.


Soon enough all of the courtyards lit up in the various lights of fireworks.

There were fountains, regular rockets, and bombs.

And true to the servant's words the fireworks were reflected both in the waters of Grand Canal and in the Hall of Mirrors, making for quite a grandiose spectacle.

"Truly beautiful."

Marie said as she hold onto my arm and looked around.

I turned to her.

"They are nothing in front of you."

I gently caressed her cheek.

"L-Louis we are in public!"

Marie exclaimed quite embarrassed.

"Let them see after all you are my wife."

I said with a smile and Marie said nothing but did notice that her grip on my arm grew quite tighter.

The firework show lasted nearly thirty minutes and included hundreds of rockets and thousands of explosions, along with thousands of Roman candles, turning stars, and jets of fire.

We the nobles gave a round of applause to the servants as they bowed and soon enough we found ourselves back in the Royal Opera House, where more food, music, and dances awaited us, which I would have just sat out, but Marie dragged me to the dance floor.

With the festivities still going on late in the night I made the decision to retire to my chambers, as I was not the one for social gatherings even in my previous life.

What surprised me was Marie retiring as well.

"If you want you can return. You know by now that I don't really like good gatherings"

I said to her as almost always I was the first to retire from the balls while Marie would stay for an hour or two more, while there was a time when she too retired with me, but with a festive atmosphere in the Royal Opera House, even my siblings were still there, with that I thought that she would definitely spend some more time there.

"No, I already made up my mind."

She said resolutely.

"Well then I'm happy to have you join me."

We got in our room and with the help of servants we undressed and put on our sleepwear which for me was a white long shirt and for Marie it was a simple white dress.

Soon the servant left and we tucked into our bed.

"Louis, I'm ready."

Marie said out of the blue.

I just looked at her and with every passing second, I could see her turning red.

"Ready for what?"

I asked her clueless.

"Y-you know, c-copulation."

If I had water in my mouth right now it would definitely now be spilled everywhere

"What brought this all of a sudden? I mean..."

"I-I made up my mind."

So that's why she retired along with me...

"Are you sure?"


I took a deep breath.

I mean our relationship is good, while I think this is a bit fast, but then again we will have to have children, but I kinda don't wanna do it with a teenager, but once again...

Why am I hesitating?

Just do it.

Ok, I will do it.

"Ok, let's do it."

Marie was 50 shades of red and shyly nodded.

While the atmosphere was quite awkward for sex, we can always make the atmosphere right.

And so I got on top of Marie.

Firstly I got closer to her ear and whispered sweet words for her, while slowly tracing my hands along her curves, while purposefully avoiding erogenous areas for now.

Then I made a move.

I pushed her knees apart not too much just enough to make her feel vulnerable.

I then drifted my arms from her legs to her thighs, slowly, methodically my arms went under her dress and I pushed it up without missing any layer of her skin.

Marie tried to cover her face with her hands as she squirmed under my touches.

My thumbs rubbed circles in her inner thighs, I watched her reactions in delight as I moved upwards to her belly, then to her chest and then I undressed her and I turn quickly pulled off my shirt.

Marie was naked as the day she was born and so was I.

I observed her as she didn't know where to put her hands to cover herself.

She was beautiful and now I felt fortunate to have a woman like her to be my wife.

Without further ado, I dove right back, showering Marie's body with my light touches.

I gently massaged her thighs and then I brought my lips to her belly and gently kissed it.


Marie immediately grabbed my head while her legs dug into my sides.

At first, I thought I did something wrong, but then I saw Marie's confused and uncertain face.

Suddenly I remembered that my perception of sex was quite different from hers.

For her sex was probably just a duty, you go in, make a child, and that's it, nothing more than as she stated it was plain copulation. It was all done passively.

I rose to her face and caressed her cheek.

"Marie, trust me, I will not hurt you."

She looked into my eyes and after calming down a bit she nodded and I give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Just try to enjoy"

Then I continued my caressing of her inner thighs.

"Your so beautiful Marie."

I said as once again kissed her belly, while she tensed a bit she soon started to relax and slowly I kissed her belly once again, trying to familiarize her with the sensation.

I didn't rush instead I went slowly kissed her neck, and her arms, once again going back to her belly.

One of my arms went up upwards slightly cupping her breast, slowly pushing it up, and then going down.

I noticed that Marie's heart beat almost audibly at this point, wanting to get out of her chest, while her breaths grew deeper and quicker with every passing second under my tender care.

Then while my lips trailed around her curves and one hand was sinking in her smooth breast flesh another one of my hands slowly went down towards her honeypot.


Marie's toes curled up at my action as her hands gripped the bed sheets and I could feel that her body tense up once again.

At first, I thought that maybe this was too soon, but I could see her trying to calm herself down by taking in deep measured breaths and closing her eyes.

Marie was cute, she was the cutest girl, no woman he has seen.


Without waiting for her response my eager fingers found her clit and gave it a couple of experimental touches, then I started playing with it while my kisses went lower and lower.


A hot sigh and a quick moan escaped Marie's lips as she immediately tensed up and covered her mouth with her hands.

I once again looked into her eyes as she tried to avoid them.

I gently took her hands in my own.

"You're so cute Marie, leave everything to me, I will not hurt you, ok? Let me hear you the way that only I can hear."

I said softly.


I took her lips silencing her.

"Trust me."

I said and she looked into my eyes, she breathed softly while her heart was beating faster and faster, while never losing eye contact with me, seemingly searching for something in them.

Then she closed her eyes and nodded.

Once again my hand found her modest breast giving them a few squeezes, her mounts were perfect, they comfortably filled his hand, the nipples erect, her skin was so delicate, so smooth so beautiful...

I wanted a taste!

I brought my mouth to the right nipple and give it a quick lick, immediately observing Marie.

Seeing that everything was alright now I gave a left nipple a taste.

And soon enough after a bit more licking I took one of the nipples in my mouth.


Marie gave a quick moan and seeing that my techniques worked I sucked on her bud a tad bit quicker, with a tad bit more aggression.

Giving a last kiss to those two beautiful breasts and hearing a slightly disappointed whimper from Marie I smiled as next, I went to her neck, slowly kissing it while one of my hands made its way lower.

I could feel goosebumps forming on Marie's skin under my touch, I felt myself quite proud at this time.


Marie tilted her head to the side seemingly trying to escape me, but I gave chase and found her lips once again, not letting my control slip.

I kissed her deeper and deeper. Our kisses from quick pecks quickly grew into full makeout sessions as I and Marie started losing ourselves in the lust.

We both grew apart as I looked into her eyes while my other hand still played with her lower regions, her eyes were quite glossed but I could see lust growing in them. She was wet.

I found myself gazing and gazing at her, I could gaze at her for hours, she was like a beautiful painting that you could never grow bored of staring at it.

And then I felt myself wanting more...

I wanted her all.

So I dove right back in with more kisses, more touches, whispering sweet things into her.

I inserted a finger into her feeling her warm core and her muscles moving around my finger.

More I want more.

A second finger went in as Marie lost her voice.

I kissed her lips, her neck, and her breasts.

I left nothing untouched.


And soon enough her muscles contracted around my fingers her back arched slightly as she threw her head back.

I stopped immediately.

Did I just?

I then looked at my fingers which were wetter than ever before.

I looked at Marie as she tried to control her body.

"Are you alright, Marie?"

I asked her gently.

"I feel weird...and weak."

She said between her breaths.

I chuckled lightly.

Was I a bit too hasty? Did I do more than necessary?

"Can you continue?"

I said as I watched her slowly recover.

"Y-yes, just..wait."

I smiled and her words and then for a couple of minutes just gently embraced her, so as not to lose the mood.

"I think, it's ok now."

She said as I positioned myself between her legs as she lay on her back.

"Are you sure? We can wait if you want"

I asked her, not wanting her to have regrets or do it out of responsibility

"Yes, I'm ready."

She said and I could see she was nervous, well it was the first time after all so it was normal.

"Ok then."

I then began nearing her wet cave with my penis but suddenly her hands stopped me.

I looked at her.

"I wanted to say...I love you, Louis."

As she said those words my own heart sped up in rhythm, and all kinds of feelings were mixing in my belly as I just smiled, leaned down, and captured her lips in a wet sloppy kiss.

"I love you too."

With that I inserted myself into her, slowly splitting her and when I encountered her hymen I stopped just for a moment before pushing past it.


I didn't move, just started giving her quick gentle kisses along her breast and her neck, letting her adapt.

When I felt that she relaxed I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm going to move, ok?"

She nodded and I slowly started moving my hips back and then once again forward, observing her.

She was really tight, her inner walls tried to push me out and made it difficult to move, but I persisted not wanting to hurt Marie, I moved slowly and with patience as I wanted her fondly to remember her first time and not to be scared of sex or god forbid for he to think sex is just pain.

Her pained grunts were replaced by slight moans as I continued to bury myself in her.

I could feel her losing up around my glans I took that as an invitation to move a bit faster and deeper.

I brought myself closer to her face and she surprised me as she grabbed my head and smashed our lips together.

Our kiss grew more heated and heated as Marie moaned into my mouth, Marie tried her best to keep up with me and that made me feel even better to see her try, fail and try again.

We separated leaving a trail of saliva between us.

I grabbed her hips as I started moving deeper and faster.

Marie's breathing became ragged pants as she tightly clutched the bedsheets and moaned under my thrusts.

Soon enough I felt myself reaching my end.

At first, my immediate reaction was to pull out as I didn't have a condom on me and I was sure that birth control pills were still not invented yet.

But Marie suddenly wrapped her legs around my back.


She said between her moans and I was lost at what to do.

"Are you sure?"

I asked, but it felt like I asked it for myself did I want to do it, did I want to become a father? I mean I knew that there was a chance

"Do it."

Her legs grew tighter around me as her lust-filled eyes stared at me.

I tried holding it in, but with a last thrust, I released everything into her tight canal. My seed quickly filled her insides.

With a deep moan, we both basked in the afterglow as slowly I unhooked myself from her and lay beside her.

"You're amazing"

I muttered as she still tried to get her breath under control.

"T-that was different than my mother and my teachers told me."

"Oh, how so?"

I curiously asked her.

"They said that it would hurt a lot, but It only hurt a little..."

Well if you only do it for the sake of making an heir and that's it, then yes without any foreplay, without anything it would hurt.

"I happy to make you feel that way."

She nodded embarrassed at my words.

"I-I love you, Louis."

She said as she buried her head into my chest.

"And I love you too."

I said as I kissed the top of her head, brought the blanket over us, and drifted into a sweet sleep.

A/N: My first lemon scene has been done! I feel like I lost my virginity all over again! Be sure to let me know the NSFW scene felt.

Well then, the next character will be another time skip and then we will get some James Bond action.

I will be live in DC for 5-6 hours after I upload this chapter so if you have some questions or suggestions please join and tell me all about them!



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