
New Job! Lucky!

This is bad, isn't it? A disciplinary committee member?

"Who here fought between these walls! You guys should know that this is strictly forbidden! Come forward now and I just might be lenient with your sentence!"

*Trots forward*

"What? Why is there a donkey here? Who is the dumbass that decided to bring a normal animal to this place seriously? It will definitely get frightened as soon as it encounters any kind of predatory beast. Then it will run all over the place and will be annoying. Get that thing out of my face!"

I see she is about to get angry, but then again, he did just tell us to go away might as well do it Haha. We actually have a good excuse to escape now.

[Let's leave. It can't be helped!]

I pat her back and we start walking away. I make sure to have a higher walking pace than usual.

I hear him mumbling about how dumb people are these days. She wants to head back and beat him but I'd rather just avoid the trouble for now.

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