
Chapter 18: Coming Clean


As a punishment for breaking the rule of stepping into forbidden grounds, I had to help with the harvesting and help out at Connie’s B&B.

Cole didn’t tell me this - Megan did.

She was my new ‘escort’ - Owin had left the village for his political duties and Jude needed to increase training for the young warriors.

As for Cole, we were back to square one - he was missing in action again. I have not seen him for a week.

“Okay, give me that.”

A toned bronze arm slithered into my blurry view and removed the beet from my stagnant hand. I blinked the mist away, looked up and smiled at a bemused face.

“Cry or smile - choose one,” Megan shook her head and threw the beet into my basket, “don’t do both - you look scary.”

I returned to the record book and scribbled a note about the unusually small beet that just went into the basket.

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