

Just as Regan had said, God's Eye wasn't gonna work for them. 

"So she's made my program obsolete." Ramsey said. 

"And that, Ramsey, is why you're here." Mr. Nobody replied. 

"See, simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here, slick." Nothing said, walking past Roman. 

"Why you look at me when you say that?" Roman asked. 

"You suggested God's Eye." Regan answered. 

"Wait a second." Tej interrupted. "Wait, wait. Simple solutions might just cut it. You see, in order for God's Eye to give off all these false pings, means they have to be using a FLEA relay." 

"What these two." Mr. Nobody told Nothing. 

"Which means it has a decaying sync randomizer." Ramsey replied to Tej. 

"Which we can reverse..." Tej said. 

"And track it back to the originating source and find Dom's true location." Ramsey finished. 

Regan crossed her arms, blowing her hair out of her face. Mr. Nobody rubbed her shoulder lightly. 

"I'm telling you, they got skills." He told Nothing. 

"That was my idea." Roman said. "That's what I was saying. Remember in there?" 

"All right. Let's try this." Mr. Nobody clapped his hands. 

"It's too simple." Regan muttered. 

"It's working." Ramsey announced. 

"Time you wanna check your manual and start organizing a force response." Hobbs told Nothing. 

"Let's get a hold of our international assets...Soon as we have Toretto's location, I want to mobilize." Nothing said into the radio. 

Roman walked over, talking into his hand like a radio. "Let's get ahold of a better asshole. Uh, no one respects you, uh..." He imitated radio static. 

"Hey, stop being a dick." Regan pushed against his chest. "Go fuck with Tej." 

"Over." Roman said into his 'radio'. 

"Get away from me." Nothing told him. 

"All right, they're not in China." Tej announced. "Or Russia."

"Europe's clear." Ramsey announced. "But this one's not going away." 

"Just ignore him." Regan whispered to Nothing. "He'll stop if you pretend he doesn't exist." 

"And what about the rest?" He asked. 

She shook her head. "They're not so bad. Roman's mouth is just as big as his forehead, that's all."  

"This is interesting." Mr. Nobody said, pulling Regan's attention from Nothing. 

"Why?" Nothing asked. 

"Because that's here." Nobody answered. 

"What?" Regan asked. 

An explosion took out the wall over by Shaw. They all roughly hit the ground. There was beeping coming from a small device on the ground. One landed in front of Regan. She studied it as it shot pieces of itself off. Nothing grabbed her, pulling her away from the device as it blew up. They all groaned and coughed from the floor. 

"Did you all enjoy that?" A woman's voice asked. Cipher. "Next-generation concussion grenade. It scrambles your senses. Don't worry. it will wear off in an hour. Probably. Hello, Deckard. Nice to see you again."

Regan groaned, rolling closer to Nothing. 

"Look at this. Body's not even cold, Dom. Your family's already replacing you." Cipher said. "You chose the losing team. I guess your brother is smarter than you." 

There were gunshots, sending a high pitched ringing through Regan's ears. She groaned again. 

"Smart move embedding God's Eye into the mainframe." Cipher said. Regan rolled around again. "Irritating to make me have to come all the way down here to get it, but...Let's go." 

"Dom!" Letty called. "You gonna turn your back on family?" She asked. "Just like that?" 

Regan sat up as best as she could. "You promised." She reminded him. 

Cipher walked over, planting her lips on his. Letty and Rae both fell quiet. 

It finally wore off, allowing them to get up and process things better. Nothing had to go off, filling out reports, promising to come back. Regan nodded, making her way back to the room she'd left the rest of her family. 

"Brian would know what to do." Roman suggested. 

"Absolutely not." Regan answered. 

"No." Letty agreed. "We can't bring Brian and Mia into this. It's bad enough Regan's here. We agreed on that." 

"I know." Roman replied. 

"Then don't mention him again." Regan snapped. 

When Nothing came back, he came back with a laptop. He sat, gesturing for Regan to sit beside him. 

"Damn it. She wiped it all." Nothing told Hobbs. "Took God's Eye. That was the one thing we could use to find them. We lost everything." He finished, standing. Regan stayed seated. 

"What you got, princess?" Hobbs asked Shaw when his computer beeped. 

"Finding Toretto." He answered. "But I got a couple of minutes to spare, if you want me to send you to the hospital- again." 

"Yo, Rules." Hobbs called. 

"First off, that's not my name." Nothing replied. 

"Little Nobody." Roman tried. 

"Don't call me that." Nothing replied. 

"I've been calling him Nothing." Regan told them. 

"Oh, that's definitely sticking." Tej replied.

"Great." Hobbs said. "Do me a favor and tell Your Majesty over there that we're gonna find Toretto. We find Toretto together as a team. And when this is all over with I'm happy to slap that whisker biscuit off his face." 

"Wait a minute, guys. I think Deckard's actually onto something." Ramsey stopped them. 

"Whose side are you on?" Regan asked. 

"How do you think Dom and Cipher got into the country without us knowing?" Ramsey asked. 

"Their own transport." Regan answered. 

Ramsey pointed to Regan. "Ghost flights." 

"I thought untraceable aircraft was all internet conspiracy stuff." Tej replied. 

"It's not." Mr. Nobody told him. "Satellites and radar grids all across the globe shift like an ocean. And they've got channels that open and close. And theoretically, if you know the right people who know the right patterns..."

"You can fly right through blind spots completely undetected." Ramsey finished. 

"So, you know where Dom is headed?" Letty asked. 

The computer beeped. "Yeah." Shaw answered. "New York." 

"You see there, Luke?" Mr. Nobody asked. "You guys are gonna get along just great." 

"Yeah, by force." Regan muttered. 

"Fire up the chopper." Mr. Nobody ordered. "Well, guys, have a ball in the Big Apple." 

"My first time in New York and it's for a fucking job?" Rae complained. "Wack." 

"Why are we traveling like this again?" Roman asked. 

"Becuase Dom took God's Eye." Tej answered. "So we need to stay off the grid." 

"But like this?" Rome asked as they pulled in. The back of the truck opened, making the smell of fish even worse than it had been in the truck. "Look here, man. Before I throw up in my mouth, let me ask you- what are we doing here?" 

"That's a good question, Roman." Nothing answered. "Let me show you." He walked over to a wall that opened up for them, revealing more cars. "Welcome to our new base of operations." 

"No, seriously, what is this place?" Letty asked.

"This is heaven." Tej answered. 

"It's the agency garage. They call it the Toy Shop." Hobbs said. 

"It's very appropriately named." Regan replied.  

"This is where we have every vehicle seized from drug dealers on the East Coast. Now, Mr. Nobody said, 'if we're gonna have a chance at catching Dom, we're gonna have to be damn fast." Nothing said as they walked in. 

"He's damn right." Regan replied. 

"Figured this would help." Nothing finished. 

Ramsey walked over to the tank Tej was crushing on. "You didn't get this from drug dealers." 

"No. That, the United States Army lent me." Nothing replied. 

"See, the army's developing machines like this that soldiers can drive from a mile away so they can stay safe and alive." Tej explained. 

Regan saw the shine of a pretty red paint job. As Tej rambled on, she walked toward the 2016 red GTR. 

"I want this one." She announced. 

"Definitely an O'Conner." Roman mumbled over by the tank.

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