
Pop Goes the Weasel

I stood quietly, staring at the ground. My arms ached.

I didn't know how much time had passed, whether it was day or night.

Exhaustion clouded my mind, and yet the dull ache in my body kept me from falling asleep. Fear ebbed in the back of my mind. The fear of Joth returning for me.

Losing myself in thoughts of stolen childhood, I almost didn't hear the footsteps slowly coming down the cement stairs. I straighted up and pressed myself against the wall like an animal. Heart pounding, I saw his shoes first. These were mud stained, not like Joth's who kept his uniform immaculate. Then, I saw pants. They were old khaki cargo, like Joth's old uniform. His chest appeared, hard and muscular underneath an old white tank top. And then his face. I drank it in like someone parched would drink from a well in the desert. He was tan, very tan. It was almost like he spent his whole life outside in the sun. His eyes were green, his hair a roughly chopped brown. He scanned the dark basement, standing still on the final stair. His eyes settled on me, shivering from fear, and he sprang into action racing to me.

"Ma'am are you alright?" He asked, pulling at the shackles around my wrists. His breath smelled of coffee. As he pulled at them, blood ran down my arm, making him more frantic. I struggled to form words.

"You... have to go..." I coughed out. I hung my head, tired. I felt his warm fingers push under my chin and lift my head to look into my eyes.

"What's going on?" He demanded quietly. His beautiful eyes searched my face. Tears threatened to spring forth, I had never been shown such kindness.

"J-Joth..." I gasped out a warning known to all in the compound. "If he sees you here, you'll die." The man stepped away from me immediately.

"Leave..." I whispered. And he did. Like the good soldier he was trained to be, he turned around and marched back up the stairs. And I went limp in my shackles once more.

After what felt like an hour, I heard heavy footsteps on the stairs once more. But this time, I recognized their pattern and sound.

"Miss me, doll?" Joth called down. He came into view with a full evil smile on his face. Two men followed behind him. They wouldn't look at me. No one could while he was around. Let me rephrase that. No one was allowed to look at me while he was around.

"Bring her down." He ordered. The men complied, letting my aching arms down and unshackling me. My joints felt as if fire was engulfing them. Joth stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's time my little lady bug." He whispered, pulling at the once white t-shirt plastered to my skin. He got it up and over my head, knowing I was too tired to fight. Every yank of fabric, every movement sent searing pain through me. As he took it off, the scars on my stomach from the experiments they ran on me became fully visible. My pants came down next. I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as I could. He left my underclothes, yet he might as well have taken that too. My whole body trembled. Just like that, I was truly exposed. The other two men held my arms up and pulled my legs apart. Joth's rough fingers traced along the bare skin of my inner elbow.

"So soft. Too bad we have an audience today." He whispered. I heard another set of footsteps trailing down the stairs.

"Ah the new guy is here with the suds." Joth turned to face the man. "Well come on then! Start cleaning! We don't have all day." I glanced up and saw the kind man from earlier quickly walking towards us with a large metal bucket. He stopped in front of Joth, standing up straight like a soldier.

"What's your name son?" He asked the man.

"William, sir." Joth put his hand on William's shoulder.

"I'll just call you Bill. Where were you stationed Bill?"

"The northeast border, sir." Joth nodded.

"Give me a full report of the conditions in that area and your recent actions."

"Yes sir. The factions there are tearing each other apart and my team was sent for recon. Unfortunately, everyone was killed when we tried to escape. So, I killed the leader of the faction we were running from. Then my leader transferred me here to help with your border. But I suppose my orders have changed, sir. I'm awaiting orders from the Director." I watched William's face as he told his report. It was hardened and devoid of emotion.

"How did you kill him?" William bristled uncomfortably. Why is he asking so many strange questions?

"I snuck in his room on the second floor and slit his throat while he slept, sir." I could tell Joth was impressed. Oh, I see. He's trying to 'make friends' with this soldier. He clapped him on the shoulder.

"Well I'm glad to have you as her new keeper." No you're not. He pointed at me. "Sorry it's not the front lines, but trust me she's quite the handful. She's been under my care until now, but the Director needs me for... other things." William's eyes met mine for a moment and I looked down, my shame apparent on my face. "Let's get started, kid."

William set the bucket of water down in front of my open legs and reached in to pull a washcloth out. He gently started cleaning my arms, the washcloth gliding soapy water over my dirty skin. It was warm, relaxing me ever so slightly. He stood directly in front of me and clicked his tongue to get my attention. I looked up at him.

"Are you doing alright?" He whispered. It was so quiet that I barely caught what he was saying. I nodded ever so slightly, exhausted. He wiped at my chest. I looked back at the floor.

"I'm so sorry I have to do this to you." He kept cleaning, circling around my the outlines of my shirt and stomach. I could hear Joth grunting discontented in the background any time William came to any of my exposed skin. But William didn't hesitate. He cleaned every inch of me so there wouldn't be a chance for anyone to have to do it again later.

Finally, he was at my feet, gently scrubbing with now lukewarm water. Tears pricked at my eyes. I had never been handled this gentle before. As silly as it was, it made my heart flutter despite the situation we were currently in.

"Thank you." I breathed. I could see him smiling. Then he stood.

"She's finished, you can let her go. Bring me a towel." He instructed the men holding me. They let go of my limbs and I lurched forward into William's arms before catching myself. He steadied me, trying hard to show no emotion in front of Joth. It was too late, though. He had touched me. I stood back up on wobbly legs and covered my modesty. Joth took the bucket of water in front of us and dumped it on me, drenching me. The cold water was painful, drawing a hiss from between my chattering teeth. The men came back downstairs, one with a towel, the other followed by the Director. The clicking of her dreadful heels made me flinch.

"Well, well, well." She tutted. "At least now you don't look like a caged animal. Really Calypso, I can't fathom why you keep trying to escape. Haven't I been like a mother to you?" False emotion rang clear in her voice. I looked away. "Well at least now you know some humility. Give her the towel." She sighed in annoyance as the man handed it to me. I took it from him and draped it around myself. The air in the basement was as cold as that water. Shivers ran down my body, my teeth chattering harder.

"Leave us." The Director ordered. Everyone headed up the stairs, even Joth. But the Director's hand lashed out like lightning and grabbed the back of William's shirt. He immediately stopped walking and turned to look at her. She pulled him away from me for a moment, eyeing me up and down.

"Listen, boy. I know you were sent here to help us win the war, however, she is more important to this compound than the war. She knows everything about this compound and all of its secrets. If she were to escape and make it to enemy borders, we would be screwed." She paused for a moment, calculating her next words carefully. "I brought you here. Understand? I heard about you and sent a letter to your commander. You will watch her. You will not let Joth into her room at night. And, if she tries to escape, you will kill her." She stabbed her finger into his chest. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Take her to her room." He circled his warm hand around my upper bicep and pulled me to the stairs.

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