
Chapter 21, Rani's NGO "MY FLOWER TO YOUR HEART"

Chapter 21

Rani's NGO Establishment:


Rani's mind was that she must still help and support poor children and people through an establishment of an NGO called MY FLOWER TO YOUR HEART. It has been the long-cherished dream of Rani and her mother Kousalya. Rani thought that her services towards the poor will be a meaning to life. The activities, Rani wanted to commence are as follows:

1) Motherless Babies Orphanage Home.

2) Home for Aged.

3) School for Disabled Children.

4) School for Mentally Retarded Children.

5) Home for Helpless Windows.

6)Home for Helpless Widowers

7) Home for Displaced Women.

8)Adult Education for Tribal People.

9) Baby Care Center.

10) Yoga, Meditation Center.

11)Anti-Addict, Anti-Narcotic Drug Center.

12) Naturopathy Exercises Center.

13) Home for Blind Children.

14) Home for Deaf and Dumb Children.

15) Music Learning Home for Children.

RANI DEVI - Submission of NGO Project Report: