
Chapter Nine

Ami gulped at the sight of Professor Snape but clenched her jaw as soon as she saw Serena standing next to him. "I should have let her get hit with that rogue bludger yesterday." Ami mumbled under her breath as she regretted saving her.

"What was that Miss Park." Snape said as he waited for the three to follow him.

"Nothing Professor Snape." Ami grumbled and she wiped herself down as she got up from the ground. The Hippogriff let out a chirp and Ami turned towards him trying to calm him down.

"It's okay boy." She said rubbing its side then whispered that she would come back another time.

Ami looked at Mina with a apologetic look. If she wouldn't have fallen asleep out here in the first place then they wouldn't have gotten caught. The three soon followed right behind Snape and Serena.

Ami held up a fist as if she were going to punch Serena. "I otta whack her upside the head" she said to herself and quickly brought her fist down when Snape turned around. Mina silently laughed at that before looking over at Yoongi who was on his phone, texting someone.

When the three of them entered the office, Professor Snape took a seat at his desk before looking at them as Serena stood next to him looking smug and proud at what she had just done. What a bitch. It was quiet for a few minutes before he finally spoke up.

"A hundred points will be taken off from both your houses and for the next week, you three will have detention and be serving it under me by cleaning and organizing my potions room while taking inventory as well." He said, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited to see their reactions. Serena didn't see that coming. Not only had she ratted the three of them out but had caused her own house to lose points.

"100 points? From Slytherin? But why, sir? Yoongi didn't do anything. Ami and Mina are the real problem here." Serena whined out to him, completely thrown off by his decision. Yoongi just rolled his eyes at this, the urge to gag strong at how pathetic she was being. Jealousy was such an ugly thing. Even though Hufflepuff just lost 100 points, Ami couldn't help but smirk as she watched Serena beg for Professor Snape to change his mind.

"Shall we make it 200 points Miss Delacour?" He snapped at her. That made her shut up real quick as she took a step back while shaking her head no. She really should have thought that through before she threw them under the bus. Now she had to pay the price as well. She'd have to be the one to explain to everyone as to why they lost points.

"There's no room for discussion and refusal to show will result in more points being taken away and your detention prolonged. I don't want to hear any excuses or anything else. You're all excused." He said as he dismissed everyone.

"Didn't think that one through, did you?" Ami said once the four of them were outside, arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the girl. Serena just tossed her hair back as she ignored her.

"Don't waste your breath on her Ami. She's not worth it and you know that. Let's just get out of here. The others are waiting for us." Yoongi said in a bored tone as he scrolled through his phone. Serena had never been more offended in her entire life.

"I'm glad Snape didn't know I slept through all my classes or I probably would have gotten in even more trouble." Ami let out a nervous chuckle as the three of them made their way to their hangout. "I'm sorry you guys got caught because of me."

"It wasn't your fault Ami, it was Serena's fault that we got caught so don't apologize." Mina said as she pulled Ami into a side hug and told her not to worry about it.

"Yeah don't worry about it. Serena is hellbent on making everyone's life miserable here. All because she can't get over me. Which is sad. Even the other guys are having a hard time shaking her off because she won't leave them alone." Yoongi sighed out as he shook his head.

"About time you three got here! Tell us what happened? How bad is it?" Hoseok said a little too excitedly as he opened the door to the Hufflepuff common room. They didn't realize they had arrived this fast. Mina and Ami were a little confused as to how Hoseok knew already but then they remembered Yoongi had been on his phone so that explained everything.

"Not too bad to be honest. We have detention for the next week and a 100 points were taken from Hufflepuff and Slytherin but we're still in the lead." Mina said with a smile before letting out a giggle.

"Serena was the one who ratted us out obviously but the look on her face when Professor Snape deducted points from her house was priceless. She wasn't expecting that and even begged him to not do it because Yoongi didn't do anything." Ami said as she shook her head.

"What? No way? That's hilarious! I mean it sucks because you two lost house points but that's what Serena gets. She cornered me the other day and demanded I take her to the Yule Ball next month." Jungkook said, making an ugly face as he stuck out his tongue. "Besides, I already have a date." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yah! What do you mean you have a date and you didn't tell me? You ungrateful brat! After all I did, raising you and this is how you treat me?" Jin chided in fake hurt, placing his hand over his heart as he dramatically looked away. Yeah, that was Jin for you. Everyone just laughed at that.

"Yule Ball, huh? That's already here? That was quick. Anyone else have a date to it?" Namjoon asked, looking up from his book as he looked at everyone else in the room. It was just the nine of them at the moment.


"Of course."


"I do."




"Um n-no."

"Don't even care for it."

Came the mixed replies.

Hoseok, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin and Jimin all said yes while Yoongi, Taehyung, Ami and Mina had said no. Taehyung being the one to say he doesn't even care about it. Which was a lie.

Ami and Mina looked at each other before looking over at Taehyung and Yoongi. Taehyung looked perplexed while Yoongi looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. It was understandable. This one dance put a lot of pressure on everyone.

It was a little awkward after that but it quickly disappeared after everyone started chatting again. Ami checked the tryout list and saw that she made it to the team in which everyone congratulated her. Eventually it was dinner time and everyone was currently seated at their table, eating and chatting away. Everything was going fine until it wasn't.

A Prefect had been on patrol, making sure everyone was in the dining room when he came across something he wasn't expecting. A first year, laying on the ground in the middle of the hall unconscious. The Prefect wasn't too worried at first until he turned the first year over and saw how serious the condition it was. Picking up the unconscious girl, he quickly carried her to the infirmary.

Laying the girl down on the bed, he explained the best he could to Madam Pomfrey and the look she gave him was unsettling. She quickly looked over the girl before shooing the Prefect out of the infirmary and telling him to inform Dumbledore.

Which led to right now, where all eyes were on the Prefect as he quickly made his way up to Dumbldore and the other professors. It grew silent as everyone watched what was going on. Dumbledore stood up quickly before approaching the podium.

"All houses are to return to their rooms immediately. Anyone caught wondering the halls will be punished. Prefects, please escort all your students back to their dorms." Dumbledore said before disappearing with Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. Everyone was talking now, trying to figure out what was going on.

"What do you think happened?" Mina whispered to Ami as they headed back to their dorms. Everyone was on edge and desperately trying to find an answer.

"Who knows, but I'm sure we'll find out very soon. Word travels fast in this place, you know that. If it's not sent in a mass text, we'll find out first thing in the morning." Ami said.

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