
Raas vs Goblins

(Meanwhile on Raas side)

Seeing Sahra engage them I cast conceal while silently jumping off the tree. Landing on the ground with a big thud I looked around to see if someone noticed me, but due to the ruckus Sahra made, it went unnoticed.

'Pew, save~'

Letting out a sigh of relief I looked towards my targets, 'I have to finish this fast. I know she is a lot stronger than me but I still can´t let Sahra fight them all on her own. So, FULL SPEED AHEAD!' and slithering in a big arc towards the backline as fast as I could.

When I finally reached the backline they were almost ready to fire another round of salvo.


Bitting into the leg of the nearest goblin I swung him into the neatly arranged goblins before he could even let out a cry. Not wasting even a second and ignoring all the notifications I received I began to kill them one after the other... or so I thought.

After killing and flinging the goblin into his comrades, I tail smashed one of the three downed goblins into his ribcage. The sound of bones breaking could be heard as blood splattered all over my tail, painting my lite grey scales red. 'Yikes, I hope Sahra won´t get angry at me for being covered in goblin blood.' Shacking the blood off, I was just in time to see the rest jump backward and threw their hidden throwing knives at me. Not being fast enough to dodge the incoming projectiles I shielded myself with my tail as the knives managed to pierce through my scales and stuck got.

Even with my pain resistance, I could feel the sharp pain and hissed but managed to back off and remove the knives with my mouth while constantly holding eye contact with them.'Shit, it hurts even with my pain resistance. Well, that is what I get for neglecting my defense all the time and looking away.'

Five of them put their bows away and took a small oval-shaped seed out of their trouser before crushing it between their hands. With a small crack, the seed grew into a short dagger that was made out of wood and a leaf blade.

"Kihhh!" Letting a warcry out the bravest one of them charged at me quickly followed by four others.

While this was happening two of the goblins helped the knocked-out goblins back on their feet.

During the 10 hours save period and fighting the endless waves of black crows I now could control my mana output pretty well. Embedding my tail in mana I did a weaker version of poison whip and flung the fuming goblin away. Seeing me easily slap him away they hesitated and stopped their charge.


Landing a few meters away I could see the goblin laying lifelessly on the ground with his head at an unnatural angle.

Realizing how easily I killed the goblin they got horrified but realized they didn´t have another choice but to kill me and slowly approached me.

Seeing the perfect opportunity I couldn´t hold myself back anymore. Raising myself from the ground I slightly tilted my head backward in a haughty manner. 'Oh? You´re approaching me? Instead of-'

I couldn´t finish my line as the two that stayed behind and woke up the downed goblins shot at me with normal arrows.

*Swoosh* *swoosh*

Being suddenly shot at I narrowly avoided getting hit. One of the arrows managed to grace my left cheek where slowly blood seeped out. Licking the wound I could taste the metal taste of blood. A thick tickmark appeared on my head as a vane nearly popped.


Screaming at them a wave of pressure washed over them, they immediately froze up and two even dropped to the ground.

Looking at the two interrupting me I decided to kill them as painful as possible. So I dashed past the four frozen goblins that were approaching me and injected them with just enough venom to paralyze and slowly kill them.

""kihh..."" The two fell to the ground and only managed to let out a silent cry while gasping for air.

Their suffering made me calm down, turning around the goblins were already back on their feet with trembling. One of them didn´t was so scared that he ran away. I was wondering why no one was running away, but now I got my answer as I could see the ground beneath the goblin sprouting roots and encase him before being dragged down.

'Holy shit, did he just got killed by the dungeon?' This raised a whole lot of questions about the dungeon itself. The remaining goblins were in the blink of despair. They knew they couldn´t kill me and if they run away the dungeon would kill them.

Seeing the ugly despaired faces made an evil smile appear on my face while my tongue flickered.

They struggled desperately fighting me and with their low morale and fear they quickly died one by one.

Finishing my mission I whipped the blood off my face and ate their green monster cores when suddenly-


A faint explosion sound could be heard in the distance. Turning my head in the direction, I saw Sahra surrounded by goblins while fighting the walking tank. Getting lost in killing the goblins I totally forgot to help Sahra. 'Fuck, I have to hurry up!'

So slithering back towards Sahra I did the second part of my mission.

Getting close to the goblin circle I made myself as flat as I could while casting another conceal, but Sahra with her high senses spotted me and gave me an angry look, before going avoiding being cleaved in half. I winced back at the gaze and sneaked close to one of the goblins encircling the two fighting monsters. Opening my mouth I lightly sunk my fangs inside the leg of the goblins and pumped a low dose of venom into them. The dose was low enough for it to get noticed but high enough to be lethal. After turning into a menacing grey youngling serpent I noticed that my control over my venom glance improved dramatically. The goblin didn´t notice as he was attentively watching the two fight while cheering their leader on.

Repeating the process with all of them I could now watch them fight and pray for Sahra´s safety. While doing that I had a ton of luck for not being noticed and a lot of close calls where Sahra had to distract them for me.

The fight looked worse and worse by the second for Sahra as her stamina slowly ran out for all the dogging and slashing that only leaves small scratches on the leader's armor. She didn´t manage to penetrate his defense and had to dodge the whole time.




*Thump* *Thump*

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*



Slowly one by one the goblins around the two in the middle dropped like flies while gasping and whimpering for air. The leader was distracted by the sight as Sahra used the chance to slice his shoulder where it was lightly armored, but due to the chainmail he wore underneath and his thick skin it only left a shallow wound.


Getting cut he lifts his ax and slashed it down. Sahra jumped back and landed next to me. I could see the monster staring bewildered at his falling subordinates.









Shortly after the sound of getting notifications filled my head. Opening my notification I could see the numbers rising and see my level steadily climbing rise. 'Ah, a nice power up before the boss... just how I like it.'

Canceling my concealment I revealed myself while standing tall and puffing my chest out, a taunting smile on my face. Seeing a grey snake suddenly appear with a shit-eating grin the goblin leader trembled. No not because he was scared. How could he be? It was out of anger.

The leader immediately came to the conclusion that I was the reason why his men, I mean monsters died one after the other.

"GRAAAAAAAAA!!!" Getting blinded by rage he screamed out of anger while I thought 'A two vs one... This is going to be fun~'

Taking a deep breath I filled my lungs to the brink with air before letting out a war cry or the closest to it. "RAAAAAAAA!!!"

Sometimes you just have to breathe.

Man_of_culturecreators' thoughts
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